package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "strings" "unicode/utf8" "" "" ) func (app *application) home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { app.render(w, r, http.StatusOK, "home.tmpl.html", templateData{}) } func (app *application) getUserRegister(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { app.render(w, r, http.StatusOK, "usercreate.view.tmpl.html", templateData{}) } func (app *application) postUserRegister(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) } username := r.Form.Get("username") email := r.Form.Get("email") rawid, err := app.users.Insert(username, email) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } id, err := encodeIdB64(rawid) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("/users/%s", id), http.StatusSeeOther) } func (app *application) getUsersList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { users, err := app.users.GetAll() if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } app.render(w, r, http.StatusOK, "userlist.view.tmpl.html", templateData{ Users: users, }) } func (app *application) getUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { rawid := r.PathValue("id") id, err := decodeIdB64(rawid) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } user, err := app.users.Get(id) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, models.ErrNoRecord) { http.NotFound(w, r) } else { app.serverError(w, r, err) } return } app.render(w, r, http.StatusOK, "user.view.tmpl.html", templateData{ User: user, }) } func (app *application) getGuestbookCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r* http.Request) { app.render(w, r, http.StatusOK, "guestbookcreate.view.tmpl.html", templateData{}) } func (app *application) postGuestbookCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r* http.Request) { err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } siteUrl := r.Form.Get("siteurl") app.logger.Debug("creating guestbook for site", "siteurl", siteUrl) userId := getUserId() rawid, err := app.guestbooks.Insert(siteUrl, userId) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } id, err := encodeIdB64(rawid) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } app.sessionManager.Put(r.Context(), "flash", "Guestbook successfully created!") http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("/guestbooks/%s", id), http.StatusSeeOther) } func (app *application) getGuestbookList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { userId := getUserId() guestbooks, err := app.guestbooks.GetAll(userId) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } app.render(w, r, http.StatusOK, "guestbooklist.view.tmpl.html", templateData{ Guestbooks: guestbooks, }) } func (app *application) getGuestbook(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { rawId := r.PathValue("id") id, err := decodeIdB64(rawId) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } guestbook, err := app.guestbooks.Get(id) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, models.ErrNoRecord) { http.NotFound(w, r) } else { app.serverError(w, r, err) } return } comments, err := app.guestbookComments.GetAll(id) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } data := app.newTemplateData(r) data.Guestbook = guestbook data.Comments = comments app.render(w, r, http.StatusOK, "guestbook.view.tmpl.html", data) } func (app *application) getGuestbookComments(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { rawId := r.PathValue("id") id, err := decodeIdB64(rawId) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } guestbook, err := app.guestbooks.Get(id) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, models.ErrNoRecord) { http.NotFound(w, r) } else { app.serverError(w, r, err) } return } comments, err := app.guestbookComments.GetAll(id) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } app.render(w, r, http.StatusOK, "commentlist.view.tmpl.html", templateData{ Guestbook: guestbook, Comments: comments, }) } func (app *application) getGuestbookCommentCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { rawId := r.PathValue("id") id, err := decodeIdB64(rawId) if err != nil { http.NotFound(w, r) } app.render(w, r, http.StatusOK, "commentcreate.view.tmpl.html", templateData{ Guestbook: models.Guestbook{ ID: id, }, }) } func (app *application) postGuestbookCommentCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { rawGbId := r.PathValue("id") gbId, err := decodeIdB64(rawGbId) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } err = r.ParseForm() if err != nil { app.clientError(w, http.StatusBadRequest) return } authorName := r.PostForm.Get("authorname") authorEmail := r.PostForm.Get("authoremail") authorSite := r.PostForm.Get("authorsite") content := r.PostForm.Get("content") fieldErrors := make(map[string]string) if strings.TrimSpace(authorName) == "" { fieldErrors["title"] = "This field cannot be blank" } else if utf8.RuneCountInString(authorName) > 256 { fieldErrors["title"] = "This field cannot be more than 256 characters long" } if strings.TrimSpace(content) == "" { fieldErrors["content"] = "This field cannot be blank" } if len(fieldErrors) > 0 { fmt.Fprint(w, fieldErrors) return } commentId, err := app.guestbookComments.Insert(gbId, uuid.UUID{}, authorName, authorEmail, authorSite, content, "", true) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } _, err = encodeIdB64(commentId) if err != nil { app.serverError(w, r, err) return } http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("/guestbooks/%s", rawGbId), http.StatusSeeOther) }