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<h3>Blog 7/16/24 9:01 PM</h3>
Been trying to figure out a new workflow for the site and blog stuff. Still not sure what im going to do. Right now im pushing it to a git repo just to have it there to work on and for the blog I want to use something like Hugo but that might involve redesignming the whoel site and I dont really want to do that. We shall See...
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<h3>Blog 7/15/24 4:05 PM</h3>
Yo! Just added the trinkets page to this site. Its based off the toybox.js created by dante and I found it from I have a link to the github for the code at the bottom of the trinkets page. My plan it to put fun gifs and adoptables I find there and have them link back to the source I found them from. I can't wait to see it all filled up.
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<h3>Blog 7/14/24 1:43 PM</h3>
Trying a different site counter. It's still a cute counter but now its unique visitors. Well now that I'm typing this out nothinf is stopping me from doing both so I think im gonna do that.
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<h3>Blog 7/14/24 5:15 AM</h3>
Still working on the site some more and I made the blog an iframe on the homepage which I realise I've seen before I just never put 2 and 2 together. Finally having a personal site is weird, it is so much more effort than social media which makes me have time to tink about how I sould represent myself and I feel like the its alot more lowkey than social media so Im not really out here expecting people to read this. I feel like calling it a multiplayer journal might be a fun name. Somepoint my music this evening/morning has transitionsed to break core & ambient sutff. This is one of the songs that started getting me hooked.
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<h3>Blog 7/14/24 4:16 AM</h3>
Been working on the site most of the last 24hrs. I'm very much
enjoying the tinkering with HTML and CSS. There is something to be
said about being stoned, tired, and alone at 4 in the morning
browsing indie sites and just going with the flow. Multiply that
feeling by 10 when you factor in music like Need 2 by Pinegrove.</br>
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