*Source: [Cues to Emotion](http://www.joannawaugh.com/cues-to-emotion.html)* ## Embarrassed - Clear throat - Swallow - Gulp - Wet lips with tongue - Male: bobbling or jumping Adam’s apple - Flushed skin - Hot/tingling skin - Lack of eye contact - BreathinessHappy/Humor/Pleasure - Smile - Animated eyes/expression - Tears in eyes/crying/sobbing - Tightening of the throat/inability to speak - Quivering chin - Dilated pupils - Eaise/lift eyebrows to widen eyes - Facial flush - Laugh (can be silent) - Hugging upper abdomen/lower chest sigh ## Humble/Deferential/Non-aggressive/Submissive - Bowed head - Head tilted to one side - Lowered chin - Down-turned eyes - No direct eye contact - Tight-lipped - Silent - Slumped/hunched shoulders - Shrug shoulders - Turn body inward to make smaller - Open palms - Arms next to side - Pout - Low voice ## Friendly/Love/Infatuated - Close proximity to object of affection (address or aim at, lean toward, intrude into personal space) - Block intrusion by third person by laying arm across back of chair, crossing feet, standing in such a way as to block view of the rest of the room - Man - leaning back with pelvis thrust forward, legs apart, hands hook in pockets with fingers pointing down to genitals = I'm available; I'm sexually dangerous - Women cross arms around men they don’t like and use open arm position around men they do like. Crossed arms for a woman can also signal that she's closed in and wants to be let out. - Head tilted to one side - Head/hair toss - Shoulder shrug - Stand up straighter, more alert - Pull in stomach - Skin blush or pale - Change in body smell - Draw attention to lips (i.e. wet with tongue, pout) - Touch own body - Stroke or push hair away from face - Adjust clothing - Hand on hip to expose wrist and/or palm - Increased heart rate - Hug/snuggle/nuzzle - Nose rub - Playful bite - Tongue touches lip - Kiss - Bat eyelids - Flirting glance - Narrowed eyes - Deliberate eye contact/holding gaze - Eyes roam over other person's face, linger on throat, breasts/chest, body in deliberate signal of interest - Dilated pupils - Caress with fingertips or lips - Tickle - Hold hands - Stroke other person's palm with thumb - Lingering touch - Extend or reach out with arms/hands - Man - place open hand at the small of woman's back while walking = you're mine/I'm in command - Female: sway hips when walking\male: saunter - Thigh contact - Facial flush - Gaze down coyly - Sigh - Smile - Breathiness - Husky voice - Throaty voice - Giggle - Flattering comments ## Lying/Deceptive - Gazing down/lack of eye contact - Sweaty palms/head/neck/armpits - Raising upward on/lifting toes - Scratching/rubbing/pinching/holding parts of body - Dilated pupils - Rapid eye blink - Pretending excitement to convince - Lips pressed together - Darting tongue - Clear throat - False smile - Reticence/withdrawal from contact - Shoulder shrug - Touching forehead/jaw with hand - Facial flushing, especially around eyes - Deliberate control of body energy = fewer movements, stiffness of demeanor - Wheedling tone of voice ## Sad/Depressed/Grief/Pain - Tears standing in eyes/crying/sobbing - Narrowed eyes - Closed eyes - Tightening of the throat - Inability to speak - Repeated swallowing - Quivering chin - Pout - Compressed/down-turned mouth or lips - Chew lip - Flared nostrils - Wrinkled nose/ brow - Forward bowing of body, turning in on oneself - Arms folded across lower chest/upper abdomen - Lethargy - Clenched fist - Stiffness of body - Hand over heart - Slumped posture/drooping shoulders - Gazing downward - Sigh - Wavering voice - Toneless voice ## Surprise - Brows arched upward - Open mouth - Parted lips - Grimace - Wide eyes - Fixated stare - Rapid eye blink - Startle reflex - Sudden intake of breath - Drawing back of body - Head jerked/thrown back - Exclamation *Note about crying:* women cry 5X more than men and their tears are more copious. Crying spell lasts only 1-2 minutes. Tears seem to relieve stress so, after a crying jag, there is relief. *Note about Eye Movement:* Glance to the right = looking into the future and searching for words. Glance to the left = searching the past to make sure words are correct. ## Defensive/Aggressive/Angry/Enraged - Tense jaw/mouth - Compressed mouth/lips - Biting bottom lip - Sneer - Guttural throat sounds - Loud speech/yell/scream - Jutted chin - Clenched jaw - Frown - Wrinkled nose - Flared nostrils - Widened eyes - Protruding eyeballs - Dilated pupils - Hands on hips/away from body - Body displayed broadside - Squared shoulders - Shrug shoulders - Body held erect/stand tall - Head jerks - Tick in cheek/eye/corner of mouth - Head brought forward - Clenched fists - Drumming/tapping fingers - Palms down, beating gesture/flailing hands/arms - Red face/neck/ears - Hitting something with fists - Stiff walking ## Anxious/Impatient/Nervous/Tense/Fearful - Clear throat - Swallow - Gulp - Jaw drop/open mouth - Dry mouth - Wet lips with tongue/touch lips with finger - Catch in throat - Raspy voice unable to speak - Male – bobbing/jumping Adam’s apple - Perspire (palms/face/neck/armpits) = cold sweat - Pale skin - Lean/angle away from what’s making person anxious - Make oneself smaller to reduce exposure to danger - Tense lips, neck, shoulder muscles - Arms folded across lower chest/upper abdomen - Neutral facial expression = do not approach - No eye contact - Rapid eye blink - Protruding eyeballs - Wide eyes - Tick in cheek/eye/corner of mouth - Dilated pupils - Flared nostrils - Frown - Crying - Increased breathing rate/rapid heartbeat - Tremble, especially lips - Chattering of teeth - Hair bristling - Clenched fists - Drumming/tapping fingers - Palms down, beating gesture/flailing hands/arms - Scratching/rubbing/pinching/holding parts of body ## Arrogant/Disdainful - Rearing back - Mocking bow of head or upper torso - Lift chin - Look down nose - Jut chin - Lift one eyebrow - Tilt head back - Narrowed eyes - Compressed lips/mouth - Lip raised/curled in sneer - Hands on hips - Look down one’s nose - Flared nostrils - Loud voice - Yawn ## Confident/Brave - Square shoulders - Full body display - Stand erect/tall - Hands on hips - Swagger when walking ## Confused/Puzzled/Uncertain - Frown - Slack jaw - Pout - Pursed lips - Wet lips with tongue/touch lips with finger - Tongue clenched between lips - Suck thumb - Mouth turned downward - Clenched jaw - Clear throat - Lowered eyelids - Elbow raised with hand behind head - Scratch head - Tug on ear - Tap cheek with finger - Rub back of neck with one hand - Wrinkled nose - Scratching/rubbing/pinching/holding parts of body - Hug waist with arms - Shrug shoulders - Raspy/thready voice ## Curious - Head cocked to one side - Wrinkled nose/brow - Pursed lips - Raised brow - Wide eyes - Finger touch to cheek/jaw ## Defeated - Slumped/hunched shoulders - Vacant expression - Toneless voice ## Disagree/Disgusted/Abhorrent/Revulsion - Distance from object - Turn or face away/shift body away - Turning one’s back - Lean back - Fold arms across upper chest/lower abdomen - Cut off hand gesture - Sneer - Roll eyes - Narrowed eyes - No eye contact - Frown - Wrinkled nose - Flared nostrils - Backward head jerks - Head shake - Protrusion of tongue - Guttural throat sounds - Pursed lips - Thin lips - Tongue pressed between lips - Clenched jaw ## Disbelief/Skeptical/Suspicious - Arch eyebrow - Narrowed eyes - Compressed lips/Down-turned mouth - Head shake - Clenched jaw - Shoulder shrug