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My Mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords | Leilukin's Hub
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2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< h1 > My Mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords< / h1 >
2024-10-06 11:24:20 +00:00
< p > List of video game mods I have made for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.< / p >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
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Table of Contents
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< nav class = "toc" aria-labelledby = "toc-heading" > < ol > < li > < a href = "#important-note-for-steam-users" > Important Note for Steam Users< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#same-gender-romances" > Same-Gender Romances< / a > < ol > < li > < a href = "#atton-rand-and-male-exile-romance" > Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#handmaiden-and-female-exile-disciple-and-male-exile-romance" > Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#visas-marr-and-female-exile-romance" > Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#alternate-revan-romances-redux" > Alternate Revan Romances REDUX< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#darth-sion-and-male-exile-mod" > Darth Sion and Male Exile Mod< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#dahnis-flirt-option-for-female-pc" > Dahnis Flirt Option for Female PC< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#partyswap" > PartySwap< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#leilukins-kreia-reskin" > Leilukin’ s Kreia Reskin< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#no-jealousy-lock-in-handmaiden-dialogue" > No Jealousy Lock in Handmaiden Dialogue< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#visas-visible-jedi-robes" > Visas Visible Jedi Robes< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#love-between-brianna-and-the-exile-the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-version" > Love Between Brianna and the Exile - The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod Version< / a > < / li > < / ol > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#npcs" > NPCs< / a > < ol > < li > < a href = "#lonna-vash-mod-for-tslrcm" > Lonna Vash Mod for TSLRCM< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#tsl-twilek-male-npc-diversity" > TSL Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#dahnis-unique-look" > Dahnis Unique Look< / a > < / li > < / ol > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#items" > Items< / a > < ol > < li > < a href = "#tsl-improved-party-outfits" > TSL Improved Party Outfits< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#juhani-item-pack-for-tsl" > Juhani Item Pack for TSL< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#prologue-item-recovery" > Prologue Item Recovery< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#tsl-workbench-lightsaber-creation" > TSL Workbench Lightsaber Creation< / a > < / li > < / ol > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#miscellaneous" > Miscellaneous< / a > < ol > < li > < a href = "#exiles-trial-overlay-removal" > Exile's Trial Overlay Removal< / a > < / li > < / ol > < / li >
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< li > < a href = "#remote-tells-influence-patch-for-the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod" > Remote Tells Influence Patch for The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod< / a > < / li > < / ol > < / li > < / ol > < / nav >
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< div class = "content" >
< p > < strong > Please make sure you have read and followed my instructions before asking for help or reporting any issue with my mods!< / strong > < / p >
< p > If your issue is not addressed on my mod's page, ask for support or report issues with my mods on the mod's page on Deadly Stream, Nexus Mods or < a href = "contact@leilukin.com" > send me an email< / a > .< / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h2" >
< h2 id = "important-note-for-steam-users" > Important Note for Steam Users< / h2 >
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< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#important-note-for-steam-users" aria-labelledby = "important-note-for-steam-users" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< p > If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, I < strong > DO NOT recommend using the Steam Workshop to mod KotOR 2 at all< / strong > , especially if you want to use any of my mods. I recommend reading this post on < a href = "https://deadlystream.com/topic/7321-why-not-to-use-the-steam-workshop/" > why NOT to use the Steam Workshop< / a > .< / p >
< p > The sheer amount of mod compatibility issues the Steam Workshop can cause to KotOR 2 mods is precisely why < strong > I will < em > never< / em > upload any of my KotOR 2 mods to Steam Workshop< / strong > .< / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h2" >
< h2 id = "same-gender-romances" > Same-Gender Romances< / h2 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
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2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< p class = "center-text" > < strong style = "font-size: var(--fs-h3); color: var(--clr-body-txt);" > Before you ask any questions about my same-gender romance mods for the < cite > KotOR< / cite > series, < a href = "/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/faq-same-gender-romance-mods" > read the FAQ article< / a > first!< / strong > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "atton-rand-and-male-exile-romance" > Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#atton-rand-and-male-exile-romance" aria-labelledby = "atton-rand-and-male-exile-romance" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Atton-Rand-and-Male-Exile-Romance.avif" alt = "Banner of Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Makes Atton flirts with and expresses romantic interests for male Exiles.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/972-atton-rand-and-male-exile-romance/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/926" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
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2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "handmaiden-and-female-exile-disciple-and-male-exile-romance" > Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#handmaiden-and-female-exile-disciple-and-male-exile-romance" aria-labelledby = "handmaiden-and-female-exile-disciple-and-male-exile-romance" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Handmaiden-Disciple-Same-Gender-Romances.avif" alt = "Banner of Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Makes the Handmaiden a romance option for female Exiles and the Disciple a romance option for male Exiles.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/977-handmaiden-and-female-exile-disciple-and-male-exile-romance/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/927" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "visas-marr-and-female-exile-romance" > Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#visas-marr-and-female-exile-romance" aria-labelledby = "visas-marr-and-female-exile-romance" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Visas-Marr-and-Female-Exile-Romance.avif" alt = "Banner of Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Makes the Visas Marr romance scene available for female Exiles.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/968-visas-marr-and-female-exile-romance/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/925" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "alternate-revan-romances-redux" > Alternate Revan Romances REDUX< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#alternate-revan-romances-redux" aria-labelledby = "alternate-revan-romances-redux" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Alternate-Revan-Romances.avif" alt = "Banner of Alternate Revan Romances REDUX mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Gives players options to set Revan' s love ineterest(s), or lack thereof. Updated version of felixfelicitas' Alternate Revan Romances mod.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1004-alternate-revan-romances-redux/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/933" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "darth-sion-and-male-exile-mod" > Darth Sion and Male Exile Mod< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#darth-sion-and-male-exile-mod" aria-labelledby = "darth-sion-and-male-exile-mod" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Darth-Sion-and-Male-Exile-Mod.avif" alt = "Banner of Darth Sion and Male Exile Mod mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Makes Darth Sion develop the same affections to a male Exile like he did to a female Exile in vanilla KotOR 2.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/996-darth-sion-and-male-exile-mod/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/928" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "dahnis-flirt-option-for-female-pc" > Dahnis Flirt Option for Female PC< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#dahnis-flirt-option-for-female-pc" aria-labelledby = "dahnis-flirt-option-for-female-pc" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Dahnis-Flirt-Option-for-Female-PC.avif" alt = "Banner of Dahnis Flirt Option for Female PC mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Makes the NPC Dahnis flirt with the player character regardless of gender, including a female PC. A female PC also gets the option to flirt back.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1400-dahnis-flirt-option-for-female-pc/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1036" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< h2 > Party Members< / h2 >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "partyswap" > PartySwap< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#partyswap" aria-labelledby = "partyswap" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/PartySwap.avif" alt = "Banner of PartySwap mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Allows you to recruit both Handmaiden and Disciple in the same playthrough regardless of the player character' s gender. Mod originally created by DarthTyren. I have [taken over the management and development of this mod](/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/partyswap-management-takeover) since July 2023 due to DarthTyren' s departure from the KotOR modding scene.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/544-partyswap/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "leilukins-kreia-reskin" > Leilukin’ s Kreia Reskin< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#leilukins-kreia-reskin" aria-labelledby = "leilukins-kreia-reskin" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Leilukins-Kreia-Reskin.avif" alt = "Banner of Leilukin’ s Kreia Reskin mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > My version of a retexture of Kreia.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1003-leilukins-kreia-reskin/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/932" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "no-jealousy-lock-in-handmaiden-dialogue" > No Jealousy Lock in Handmaiden Dialogue< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#no-jealousy-lock-in-handmaiden-dialogue" aria-labelledby = "no-jealousy-lock-in-handmaiden-dialogue" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/No-Jealousy-Lock-Handmaiden.avif" alt = "Banner of No Jealousy Lock in Handmaiden Dialogue mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Allows you to continue to talk to Handmaiden even if you have much higher influence with Visas than with Handmaiden.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2205-no-jealousy-lock-in-handmaiden-dialogue/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1181" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "visas-visible-jedi-robes" > Visas Visible Jedi Robes< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#visas-visible-jedi-robes" aria-labelledby = "visas-visible-jedi-robes" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Visas-Visible-Jedi-Robes.avif" alt = "Banner of Visas Visible Jedi Robes mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Makes Jedi robes visible on Visas Marr' s body when you equip her with one.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2218-visas-visible-jedi-robes/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1185" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "love-between-brianna-and-the-exile-the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-version" > Love Between Brianna and the Exile - The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod Version< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#love-between-brianna-and-the-exile-the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-version" aria-labelledby = "love-between-brianna-and-the-exile-the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-version" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Love-Between-Brianna-and-the-Exile-TSLRCM.avif" alt = "Banner of Love Between Brianna and the Exile - The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod Version mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Updated version of DarthShgaad' s [Love Between Brianna and the Exile](https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/love-between-brianna-and-the-exile) mod, made to be more compatible with The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM).< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/ilntlihyaabthzg/Love%20Between%20Brianna%20And%20The%20Exile%20-%20TSLRCM%20version.zip?dl=0" > Dropbox< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h2" >
< h2 id = "npcs" > NPCs< / h2 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#npcs" aria-labelledby = "npcs" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "lonna-vash-mod-for-tslrcm" > Lonna Vash Mod for TSLRCM< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#lonna-vash-mod-for-tslrcm" aria-labelledby = "lonna-vash-mod-for-tslrcm" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Lonna-Vash-Mod-for-TSLRCM.avif" alt = "Banner of Lonna Vash Mod for TSLRCM mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Restores Jedi Master Lonna Vash' s cut conversation by allowing the player to meet and talk to her in the secret tomb on Korriban. Updated version of Sikon' s Lonna Vash Mod, made to be fully compatible with The Sith Lord Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM).< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2201-lonna-vash-mod-for-tslrcm/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1180" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "tsl-twilek-male-npc-diversity" > TSL Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#tsl-twilek-male-npc-diversity" aria-labelledby = "tsl-twilek-male-npc-diversity" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/TSL-Twilek-Male-NPC-Diversity.avif" alt = "Banner of TSL Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Diversifies the appearances of Twi' lek male NPCs in KotOR 2: TSL by giving the named Twi' lek male NPCs different looks.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2242-tsl-twilek-male-npc-diversity/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1188" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "dahnis-unique-look" > Dahnis Unique Look< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#dahnis-unique-look" aria-labelledby = "dahnis-unique-look" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Dahnis-Unique-Look.avif" alt = "Banner of Dahnis Unique Look mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Gives the NPC Dahnis a unique appearance to make her look different from other Twi' lek women NPCs.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2198-dahnis-unique-look/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1178" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h2" >
< h2 id = "items" > Items< / h2 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#items" aria-labelledby = "items" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "tsl-improved-party-outfits" > TSL Improved Party Outfits< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#tsl-improved-party-outfits" aria-labelledby = "tsl-improved-party-outfits" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/TSL-Improved-Party-Outfits.avif" alt = "Banner of TSL Improved Party Outfits mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Adds new items to improve the properties of the default outfits of the human and humanoid party members of KotOR II, namely Atton, Bao-Dur, the Disciple, the Handmaiden, Kreia, Mandalore, Mira and Visas.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1012-tsl-improved-party-outfits/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/934" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "juhani-item-pack-for-tsl" > Juhani Item Pack for TSL< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#juhani-item-pack-for-tsl" aria-labelledby = "juhani-item-pack-for-tsl" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Juhani-Item-Pack-for-TSL.avif" alt = "Banner of Juhani Item Pack for TSL mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Adds a new Jedi robe, a new headband and a new armband to In KotOR II: TSL, named after Juhani, with item descriptions that indicate these items once belonged to Juhani.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2244-juhani-item-pack-for-tsl/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1190" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "prologue-item-recovery" > Prologue Item Recovery< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#prologue-item-recovery" aria-labelledby = "prologue-item-recovery" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Prologue-Item-Recovery.avif" alt = "Banner of Prologue Item Recovery mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Allows you to recover the items you obtain from the prologue, regardless if you choose to skip the prologue or not.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2211-prologue-item-recovery/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1183" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "tsl-workbench-lightsaber-creation" > TSL Workbench Lightsaber Creation< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#tsl-workbench-lightsaber-creation" aria-labelledby = "tsl-workbench-lightsaber-creation" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/TSL-Workbnch-Lightsaber-Creation.avif" alt = "Banner of TSL Workbench Lightsaber Creation mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Allows you to create lightsabers at a workbench, including double-bladed, one-handed or short lightsabers, with any color focusing crystals available in the game, after completing the quest to craft your first lightsaber.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2197-tsl-workbench-lightsaber-creation/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1177" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h2" >
< h2 id = "miscellaneous" > Miscellaneous< / h2 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#miscellaneous" aria-labelledby = "miscellaneous" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "exiles-trial-overlay-removal" > Exile's Trial Overlay Removal< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#exiles-trial-overlay-removal" aria-labelledby = "exiles-trial-overlay-removal" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Exiles-Trial-Overlay-Removal.avif" alt = "Banner of Exile's Trial Overlay Removal mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > Removes the blue overlay of the scene of the Exile' s trial on Coruscant in The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM).< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2217-exiles-trial-overlay-removal/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1184" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
< / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h2" >
< h2 id = "patches" > Patches< / h2 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#patches" aria-labelledby = "patches" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "partyswap-and-extended-enclave-compatibility-patch" > PartySwap and Extended Enclave Compatibility Patch< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#partyswap-and-extended-enclave-compatibility-patch" aria-labelledby = "partyswap-and-extended-enclave-compatibility-patch" > < span hidden = "" > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/PartySwap-ExtEnclave-Comp-Patch.avif" alt = "Banner of PartySwap and Extended Enclave Compatibility Patch mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > A standalone patch to make DarthTyren' s [PartySwap](https://deadlystream.com/files/file/544-partyswap/) mod compatible with danil-ch and Darth Hayze' s [Extended Enclave](https://deadlystream.com/files/file/428-extended-enclave-tslrcm-add-on/) mod.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1304-partyswap-and-extended-enclave-compatibility-patch/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < / div >
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2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
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< h3 id = "remote-tells-influence-patch-for-the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod" > Remote Tells Influence Patch for The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod< / h3 >
2024-10-01 05:14:34 +00:00
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2024-09-15 02:27:54 +00:00
< div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor2mods/Remote-Tells-Influence-Patch.avif" alt = "Banner of Remote Tells Influence Patch for The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod mod" loading = "lazy" >
< p > A patch to make tk102' s [Remote Tells Influence](https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/remote-tells-influence) mod more compatible with The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM).< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/af3h6y793f3zjxq/Remote%20Tells%20Influence%20Patch%20for%20TSLRCM.zip?dl=0" > Dropbox< / a > < / div >
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2024-07-25 06:10:24 +00:00
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