<metaname="description"content="My submission for MISI:Bawang's booklet about LGBTQ+ Malaysians was accepted and published. Here is MISI:Bawang's interview with me regarding my work and my queer identity.">
<metaproperty="og:description"content="My submission for MISI:Bawang's booklet about LGBTQ+ Malaysians was accepted and published. Here is MISI:Bawang's interview with me regarding my work and my queer identity.">
<metaname="twitter:description"content="My submission for MISI:Bawang's booklet about LGBTQ+ Malaysians was accepted and published. Here is MISI:Bawang's interview with me regarding my work and my queer identity.">
<pclass="article__info--desc">My submission for MISI:Bawang's booklet about LGBTQ+ Malaysians was accepted and published. Here is MISI:Bawang's interview with me regarding my work and my queer identity.</p>
625 words.
Posted on <timedatetime="Sun Sep 11 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">11 September 2022</time> by Leilukin
<pclass="center-text"><i>(This article is also available on <ahref="https://leilukinart.tumblr.com/post/676165415142031360/misibawang-a-malaysian-digital-booklet-project">my art blog on Tumblr</a>)</i></p>
<p><ahref="https://bawangqueerbooklet.msolidariti.org/">Floating in a Sky Full of Pride</a>, the LGBTQ+ booklet of <ahref="https://misibawang.msolidariti.org/">MISI:Bawang</a>, a Malaysian digital booklet project, has been released on Valentine’s Day 2022. Since my submitted art piece, Life of a Bee with Pride, has been selected to be included in the booklet, I had received the honour of being interviewed by MISI:Bawang to share my personal experience with my LGBTQ+ identity, favourite queer art/media, and a ✨ special message to the Malaysian LGBTQ+ community. 🏳🌈</p>
<p><imgsrc="/assets/images/articles/lgbtq-booklet-interview-misi-bawang/Bawang-Booklet-Interview-Leilukin-1.avif"alt="First slide of MISI:Bawang's interview with me for their LGBTQ+ booklet"></p>
<p><imgsrc="/assets/images/articles/lgbtq-booklet-interview-misi-bawang/Bawang-Booklet-Interview-Leilukin-2.avif"alt="Second slide of MISI:Bawang's interview with me for their LGBTQ+ booklet"></p>
<p><imgsrc="/assets/images/articles/lgbtq-booklet-interview-misi-bawang/Bawang-Booklet-Interview-Leilukin-3.avif"alt="Third slide of MISI:Bawang's interview with me for their LGBTQ+ booklet"></p>
<p>MISI:Bawang has shared their interview with me and other Malaysian LGBTQ+ artists and authors who submitted their work to the booklet on Twitter and Instagram. Here are the <ahref="https://twitter.com/misi_bawang/status/1470247663471763464">Twitter thread</a> and <ahref="https://www.instagram.com/p/CXSlIbsJXsM/">Instagram post</a> that include my interview.</p>
<p>Text version of my interview below:</p>
<divclass="heading-wrapper h2">
<h2id="what-was-your-experience-discovering-your-lgbtq-identity"><strong>“What was your experience discovering your LGBTQ+ identity?”</strong></h2>
<p>The first clear signs of my attraction to women I was aware of started from my secondary school days. However, due to lack of knowledge and awareness of same-gender attraction and identities, I brushed it off as a teenage phase.</p>
<p>However, that changed as I started becoming active on Tumblr since I was 19. At first, I joined Tumblr to connect with people who share my interest in Star Wars and BioWare games. This led me to get to know LGBTQ+ from different parts of the world, which is especially helped by the fact that BioWare games are known for LGBTQ+ representation, therefore LGBTQ+ people are visible in BioWare player communities. This started my journey of questioning my sexuality and gender.</p>
<p>As I continue to stay on Tumblr, my engagement with LGBTQ+ people on Tumblr had gone beyond shared interest in entertainment media. Through Tumblr, I discovered many LGBTQ+ resources that helped me figure out my identity. As a result, at the age of 22, I eventually realised that I am a non-binary lesbian.</p>
<divclass="heading-wrapper h2">
<h2id="are-there-any-lgbtq-related-art-books-films-etc-that-gives-you-comfort-inspiration-and-strength-if-so-tell-us-about-them"><strong>“Are there any LGBTQ+ related art (books, films, etc) that gives you comfort, inspiration, and strength? If so, tell us about them!”</strong></h2>
<p>A Summer’s End - Hong Kong 1986 is the LGBTQ+ art that gives me comfort, inspiration and strength the most. It is an indie visual novel developed by the Asian Canadian studio Oracle and Bone. The story is about a lesbian romance that takes place in Hong Kong in the year of 1986.</p>
<p>A Summer’s End is the LGBTQ+ art I relate to most because it strongly resonates with my identity as a Cantonese-speaking Chinese lesbian who has grown up with Hong Kong media. I relate to both the protagonists, Michelle and Sam, as their characters represent different parts of my life as a Chinese lesbian. I also relate to the story’s theme of hoping for the future of our homeland despite the political uncertainties.</p>
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<h2id="do-you-have-a-message-to-lgbtq-community-living-in-malaysia"><strong>“Do you have a message to LGBTQ+ community living in Malaysia?”</strong></h2>
<p>First and foremost, you are not alone. LGBTQ+ Malaysians have a community that continues to survive despite the hardship we have to face due to society’s bigotry and misunderstanding of LGBTQ+ people and identities.</p>
<p>I hope the LGBTQ+ community in Malaysia will continue to grow and thrive, and more LGBTQ+ Malaysians who are still questioning and feeling lonely could be reached out. Let us work towards a future where we could live freely.</p>