Cassette Beasts has become my favourite monster collecting game and one of my all-time favourite games since the first time I played it. In fact, I have created a [Cassette Beasts shrine](/shrines/cassettebeasts/) on my own website here. Among the monsters from Cassette Beasts, [Pombomb](https://wiki.cassettebeasts.com/wiki/Pombomb) is one of my favourites.
I love Cassette Beasts and Pombomb so much that I am willing to spend money on not only the [official Pombomb plushie](https://www.symbiotestudios.com/online-store/Cassette-Beasts-Pombomb-p582974319) itself, but also the shipping fee to import it to my region. It took a month for this cutie to arrive at my home, but it is worth the wait!
The plushie is very well-made; it is firm decently sized.
Even better, when I shared my Pombomb plushie, Bytten Studio, the developer of Cassette Beasts [retweeted](https://twitter.com/ByttenStudio/status/1712191037957927126) me!
<blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet"><plang="en"dir="ltr">Look at the lil guy! Perfect! Perfection!! <ahref="https://t.co/zgMDvOQjt3">https://t.co/zgMDvOQjt3</a></p>— CASSETTE BEASTS 📼 OUT NOW ON PC & CONSOLES (@ByttenStudio) <ahref="https://twitter.com/ByttenStudio/status/1712191037957927126?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 11, 2023</a></blockquote><scriptasyncsrc="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"charset="utf-8"></script>