{{ sitemeta.siteName }} is a literal queer-coded website (as in, this website is coded by a queer person) that serves as a personal hub for my interests and self-expression, as well as my own corner on the internet outside social media platforms.
This site is currently hosted on Netlify and Neocities. If you also have a Neocities account, you can follow this site through its [Neocities profile](https://neocities.org/site/leilukin).

While this website is primarily meant to be my own space of self-expression, I also strive to make my website accessible to provide the best possible user experience. You can read my [accessibility statement](/accessibility) for more information.
This website is built with the static site generator [Eleventy](https://www.11ty.dev/). Nunjucks and Markdown are the templating languages used for creating pages of this site.
This website is deployed to Neocities from a GitHub repository through the GitHub action [deploy-to-neocities](https://deploy-to-neocities.neocities.org/).
You can call me {{ sitemeta.siteAuthor.name }}. I am a Malaysian Chinese, queer, non-binary lesbian born in the early 90s. My pronouns are they/she/他/她.