I have been spending the past two or so weeks in trying to search for replacement for this site's guestbook since 123Guestbook, the guestbook service I previously used, was announced to be [shutting down on 1 July 2024](https://web.archive.org/web/20240504201300/https://www.123guestbook.com/news.php?id=closure). At last, I settled for [Grounded Wren's guestbook code](https://groundedwren.neocities.org/pages/demo_controls/guestbookDemo) to use for my website's guestbook.
As part of my ongoing collaboration with [KOtOR Community Portal's mod builds](https://kotor.neocities.org/modding/), recently I have updated [KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity](/projects/kotor1mods/#kotor-1-twilek-male-npc-diversity) and [PartySwap](/projects/kotor2mods/#partyswap) to ensure my mods are bug-free and compatible with other mods in the mod builds, and to prepare for the next iteration of the mod builds.