2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
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My Mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic | Leilukin's Hub
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2024-04-29 11:16:44 +08:00
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2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
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2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
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2024-04-29 13:14:21 +08:00
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2024-04-29 15:10:16 +08:00
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2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
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2024-04-29 13:14:21 +08:00
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2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
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2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://www.unaids.org/en/zero-discrimination-day" > Zero Discrimination Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
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2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
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2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
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2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
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2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
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else if (month === 4 & & day === 6)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://internationalasexualityday.org/en" > International Asexuality Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-ace",
else if (month === 4 & & day === 26)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://www.lesbianvisibilityweek.com" > Lesbian Visibility Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-lesbian",
2024-04-29 15:10:16 +08:00
else if (month === 4 & & weekOfMonth === 4)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `This week is < a href = "https://www.lesbianvisibilityweek.com" > Lesbian Visibility Week< / a > `,
2024-04-29 15:10:16 +08:00
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2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
else if (month === 5 & & day === 17)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://may17.org" > International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-progress",
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return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://www.believeoutloud.com/voices/article/agender-pride-day/" > Agender Pride Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-agender",
else if (month === 5 & & day === 25)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://genderedintelligence.co.uk/panvisibilityday" > Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-pan",
else if (month === 6)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Happy < a href = "https://www.loc.gov/lgbt-pride-month/about/" > Pride Month< / a > !`,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-progress-intersex",
else if (month === 7 & & day === 14)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://www.manygendersonevoice.org/non-binary-peoples-day.html" > Non-Binary People's Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 16:47:49 +08:00
class: "flag-non-binary",
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
else if (month === 7 & & day === 28)
return {
blurb: `Today is Leilukin's Birthday`
2024-04-29 15:03:38 +08:00
else if (month === 8 & & day === 25)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://aromanticspectrumday.net/" > Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 15:03:38 +08:00
class: "flag-aro",
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
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2024-04-29 13:14:21 +08:00
blurb: `Today is the ${siteAnniversary}-year anniversary of the launch of Leilukin' s Hub`
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
else if (month === 9 & & day === 23)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://bivisibilityday.com/about" > Bi Visibility Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-bi",
else if (month === 10 & & day === 8)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://www.lgbtiqhealth.org.au/international_lesbian_day2" > International Lesbian Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-lesbian",
else if (month === 10 & & day === 11)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://www.hrc.org/resources/national-coming-out-day" > National Coming Out Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-rainbow",
else if (month === 10 & & day === 17)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is the start of < a href = "https://www.grlgbtqhealthcareconsortium.org/significantdates/genderfluid-visibility-week" > Genderfluid Visibility Week< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-genderfluid",
else if (month === 10 & & day === 24)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is the start of < a href = "https://www.grlgbtqhealthcareconsortium.org/significantdates/ace-week" > Ace Week< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-ace",
else if (month === 10 & & day === 26)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is < a href = "https://interactadvocates.org/intersex-awareness-day" > Intersex Awareness Day< / a > `,
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
class: "flag-intersex",
2024-04-29 15:03:38 +08:00
else if (month === 11 & & day === 13)
return {
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
blurb: `Today is the start of < a href = "https://glaad.org/transweek/" > Transgender Awareness Week< / a > `,
2024-04-29 15:03:38 +08:00
class: "flag-trans",
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
2024-04-29 13:07:49 +08:00
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2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
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< h1 > My Mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic< / h1 >
< p > List of video game mods I have made for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.< / p >
< / header >
< div class = "content__wrapper" >
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< details class = "toc__wrapper sidebar--sticky" >
< summary class = "toc__heading" >
On This Page
< / summary >
< nav class = "toc" >
< ol >
< li > < a href = "#player-and-party-members" > Player & Party Members< / a >
< ol >
< li > < a href = "#juhani-dialogue-restoration" > Juhani Dialogue Restoration< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#carth-onasi-and-male-pc-romance" > Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#bastila-and-carth-romance-removal" > Bastila and Carth Romance Removal< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#leilukins-juhanis-outfit-reskin-pack" > Leilukin's Juhani's Outfit Reskin Pack< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#jolee-in-unique-outfit-introduction" > Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#kotor-1-improved-party-outfits" > KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#darth-revan-texture-for-star-forge-robes" > Darth Revan Texture for Star Forge Robes< / a >
< / li >
< / ol >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#non-playable-characters" > Non-Playable Characters< / a >
< ol >
< li > < a href = "#kotor-1-twilek-male-npc-diversity" > KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#kotor-1-twilek-female-npc-diversity" > KotOR 1 Twi'lek Female NPC Diversity< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#belayas-unique-look" > Belaya's Unique Look< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#human-xor-restoration" > Human Xor Restoration< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#human-xor-unique-look" > Human Xor Unique Look< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#kotor-1-no-gendered-dialogue-from-male-npcs" > KotOR 1 No Gendered Dialogue from Male NPCs< / a >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#pc-dialogue-with-daviks-slaves-change" > PC Dialogue with Davik's Slaves Change< / a >
< / li >
< / ol >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#gameplay" > Gameplay< / a >
< ol >
< li > < a href = "#trask-ulgo-without-tutorials" > Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials< / a >
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< / ol >
< / li >
< li > < a href = "#music" > Music< / a >
< ol >
< li > < a href = "#mysterious-box-music-for-unknown-world" > Mysterious Box Music for Unknown World< / a >
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< / details >
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< div class = "content " >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h2" >
< h2 id = "player-and-party-members" > Player & Party Members< / h2 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#player-and-party-members" aria-labelledby = "player-and-party-members" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "juhani-dialogue-restoration" > Juhani Dialogue Restoration< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#juhani-dialogue-restoration" aria-labelledby = "juhani-dialogue-restoration" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Juhani-Dialogue-Restoration.png" alt = "Banner of Juhani Dialogue Restoration mod" >
< p > Restores Juhani's conversations with the player that are unused or easy to miss in vanilla KotOR.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2173-juhani-dialogue-restoration/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1501" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "carth-onasi-and-male-pc-romance" > Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#carth-onasi-and-male-pc-romance" aria-labelledby = "carth-onasi-and-male-pc-romance" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Carth-Onasi-and-Male-PC-Romance.png" alt = "Banner of Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance mod" >
< p > Makes Carth Onasi's romance subplot available for male player characters. < a href = "/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/faq-same-gender-romance-mods" > Read the FAQ article< / a > before asking questions about my same-gender romance mods for the KotOR series!< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2140-carth-onasi-and-male-pc-romance/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1493" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "bastila-and-carth-romance-removal" > Bastila and Carth Romance Removal< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#bastila-and-carth-romance-removal" aria-labelledby = "bastila-and-carth-romance-removal" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Bastila-and-Carth-Romance-Removal.png" alt = "Banner of Bastila and Carth Romance Removal mod" >
< p > Removes Bastila and Carth's romance by removing all romance-related dialogue from their conversations.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2209-bastila-and-carth-romance-removal/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1519" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "leilukins-juhanis-outfit-reskin-pack" > Leilukin's Juhani's Outfit Reskin Pack< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#leilukins-juhanis-outfit-reskin-pack" aria-labelledby = "leilukins-juhanis-outfit-reskin-pack" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Leilukins-Juhanis-Outfit-Reskin-Pack.png" alt = "Banner of Leilukin's Juhani's Outfit Reskin Pack mod" >
< p > Reskins Juhani's outfit by changing the outfit's color scheme, with multiple versions of reskin provided.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2275-leilukins-juhanis-outfit-reskin-pack/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1543" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "jolee-in-unique-outfit-introduction" > Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#jolee-in-unique-outfit-introduction" aria-labelledby = "jolee-in-unique-outfit-introduction" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Jolee-in-Unique-Outfit-Introduction.png" alt = "Banner of Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction mod" >
< p > Makes Jolee Bindo wear his signature robe when you meet him on Kashyyyk, before he joins your party.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1298-jolee-in-unique-outfit-introduction/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1221" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "kotor-1-improved-party-outfits" > KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#kotor-1-improved-party-outfits" aria-labelledby = "kotor-1-improved-party-outfits" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/KotOR-1-Improved-Party-Outfits.png" alt = "Banner of KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits mod" >
< p > Adds new items to improve the properties of the default outfits of the human and humanoid party members of TSL, namely Bastila, Canderous, Carth, Jolee, Juhani and Mission.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2134-kotor-1-improved-party-outfits/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1491" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "darth-revan-texture-for-star-forge-robes" > Darth Revan Texture for Star Forge Robes< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#darth-revan-texture-for-star-forge-robes" aria-labelledby = "darth-revan-texture-for-star-forge-robes" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Darth-Revan-Texture-for-Star-Forge-Robes.png" alt = "Banner of Darth Revan Texture for Star Forge Robes mod" >
< p > Makes the Star Forge Robes to have the same texture and inventory icon as Darth Revan's Robes.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1076-darth-revan-texture-for-star-forge-robes/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1143" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h2" >
< h2 id = "non-playable-characters" > Non-Playable Characters< / h2 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#non-playable-characters" aria-labelledby = "non-playable-characters" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "kotor-1-twilek-male-npc-diversity" > KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#kotor-1-twilek-male-npc-diversity" aria-labelledby = "kotor-1-twilek-male-npc-diversity" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/K1-Twilek-Male-NPC-Diversity.png" alt = "Banner of KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity mod" >
< p > Diversifies the appearances of Twi'lek male NPCs in KotOR 1 by giving the named Twi'lek male NPCs different looks instead of the generic NPC looks.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2228-kotor-1-twilek-male-npc-diversity/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1530" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "kotor-1-twilek-female-npc-diversity" > KotOR 1 Twi'lek Female NPC Diversity< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#kotor-1-twilek-female-npc-diversity" aria-labelledby = "kotor-1-twilek-female-npc-diversity" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/K1-Twilek-Female-NPC-Diversity.png" alt = "Banner of KotOR 1 Twi'lek Female NPC Diversity mod" >
< p > Diversifies the appearances of Twi'lek female NPCs by giving the named Twi'lek female NPCs different looks instead of the generic NPC looks.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2179-kotor-1-twilek-female-npc-diversity/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1504" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "belayas-unique-look" > Belaya's Unique Look< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#belayas-unique-look" aria-labelledby = "belayas-unique-look" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Belaya-Unique-Look.png" alt = "Banner of Belaya's Unique Look mod" >
< p > Gives the NPC Belaya a unique look instead of a generic NPC look.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2146-belayas-unique-look/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1494" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "human-xor-restoration" > Human Xor Restoration< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#human-xor-restoration" aria-labelledby = "human-xor-restoration" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Human-Xor-Restoration.png" alt = "Banner of Human Xor Restoration mod" >
< p > Restores the original appearance of the NPC Xor in the Xbox version of KotOR, by changing his species from a Twi'lek to a human.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1091-human-xor-restoration/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1155" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "human-xor-unique-look" > Human Xor Unique Look< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#human-xor-unique-look" aria-labelledby = "human-xor-unique-look" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Human-Xor-Unique-Look.png" alt = "Banner of Human Xor Unique Look mod" >
< p > Changes the NPC Xor's appearance by making him a human with a unique look to make him different from other human NPCs.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2147-human-xor-unique-look/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1495" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "kotor-1-no-gendered-dialogue-from-male-npcs" > KotOR 1 No Gendered Dialogue from Male NPCs< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#kotor-1-no-gendered-dialogue-from-male-npcs" aria-labelledby = "kotor-1-no-gendered-dialogue-from-male-npcs" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/K1-No-Gendered-Dialogue-Male-NPCs.png" alt = "Banner of KotOR 1 No Gendered Dialogue from Male NPCs mod" >
< p > MOD_DESC< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2176-kotor-1-no-gendered-dialogue-from-male-npcs/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1502" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "pc-dialogue-with-daviks-slaves-change" > PC Dialogue with Davik's Slaves Change< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#pc-dialogue-with-daviks-slaves-change" aria-labelledby = "pc-dialogue-with-daviks-slaves-change" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/PC-Dialogue-with-Daviks-Slaves-Change.png" alt = "Banner of PC Dialogue with Davik's Slaves Change mod" >
< p > Removes the option for the player character to flirt with Davik Kang's slaves, or give the player Dark Side options for requesting a massage from the slaves. Threatening the slaves also gives the player Dark Side points.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2214-pc-dialogue-with-daviks-slaves-change/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1523" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h2" >
< h2 id = "gameplay" > Gameplay< / h2 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#gameplay" aria-labelledby = "gameplay" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "trask-ulgo-without-tutorials" > Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#trask-ulgo-without-tutorials" aria-labelledby = "trask-ulgo-without-tutorials" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Trask-Ulgo-Without-Tutorials.png" alt = "Banner of Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials mod" >
< p > Removes the tutorial elements from the game, while keeps Trask Ulgo as a party member in the first area of the Endar Spire.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2184-trask-ulgo-without-tutorials/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1508" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h2" >
< h2 id = "music" > Music< / h2 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#music" aria-labelledby = "music" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< div class = "heading-wrapper h3" >
< h3 id = "mysterious-box-music-for-unknown-world" > Mysterious Box Music for Unknown World< / h3 >
< a class = "heading-anchor" href = "#mysterious-box-music-for-unknown-world" aria-labelledby = "mysterious-box-music-for-unknown-world" > < span hidden > #< / span > < / a > < / div >
< p > < div class = "mod-entry" >
< img src = "/assets/projects/kotor1mods/Mysterious-Box-Music-for-Unknown-World.png" alt = "Banner of Mysterious Box Music for Unknown World mod" >
< p > This mod will make the Mysterious Box's ambient music played in some areas of the Unknown World.< / p >
< h4 > Download the mod:< / h4 >
2024-05-10 20:31:53 +08:00
< div class = "mod-entry__downloads" > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1322-mysterious-box-music-for-unknown-world/" > Deadly Stream< / a > < a class = "link-btn" href = "https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1226" > Nexus Mods< / a > < / div >
2024-04-20 18:10:34 +08:00
< / div > < / p >
< / div >
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