Update and correct information about my Cassette Beasts contribution

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Helen Chong 2025-03-17 07:33:36 +08:00
parent 858459d0c6
commit 62c1f1ded2

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@ -97,17 +97,15 @@ I enjoy every moment of {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %}, a sentiment I can genuinel
![Pre-release artwork of Kayleigh, Meredith and Eugene from Cassette Beasts]({{ imageAssetBaseUrl }}cassettebeasts-website_screenshot_07.avif)
Since I got into {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %}, I have been making a great deal of effort in promoting the game online, by talking about and recommending the game on my online spaces, including this shrine on my website, as well as social media platforms such as Tumblr and Twitter.
Since I got into {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %}, I have been making a great deal of effort in promoting the game online, by talking about and recommending the game on online spaces, including this shrine on my website.
I am involved in the {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} community by joining and participating in the [official Bytten Studio Discord server](https://discord.gg/byttenstudio).
My passion for {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} drives me to contribute to the effort of documenting information about the game. I have recorded footages, made compilation videos and shared them on my YouTube channel for archival and reference purposes. I am also a contributor to the [official {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} wiki](https://wiki.cassettebeasts.com/wiki/Main_Page). You can check out [my {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} video playlists on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQr78DF60PrBsgh8rQnzBWg/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=5) and [my user page on the {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} wiki](https://wiki.cassettebeasts.com/wiki/User:Leilukin).
In addition, my passion for {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} drives me to contribute to the effort of documenting information about the game. I have recorded footages, made compilation videos and shared them on my YouTube channel for archival and reference purposes. I am also a contributor to the [official {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} wiki](https://wiki.cassettebeasts.com/wiki/Main_Page). You can check out [my {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} video playlists on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQr78DF60PrBsgh8rQnzBWg/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=5) and [my user page on the {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} wiki](https://wiki.cassettebeasts.com/wiki/User:Leilukin).
Since I already had basic skills and knowledge of Python, I contributed my code to [cbpickaxe](https://github.com/ExcaliburZero/cbpickaxe), a Python library and set of scripts for data mining {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %}, specifically to [add support for finding dialogue strings of IDs that require pronoun identifiers](https://github.com/ExcaliburZero/cbpickaxe/pull/3). My code was approved and merged into cbpickaxe starting from [version 0.1.2](https://github.com/ExcaliburZero/cbpickaxe/releases/tag/v0.1.2).
I contributed code to [cbpickaxe](https://github.com/ExcaliburZero/cbpickaxe), a Python library and set of scripts for data mining {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %}, specifically to [add support for finding dialogue strings of IDs that require pronoun identifiers](https://github.com/ExcaliburZero/cbpickaxe/pull/3). My code was approved and merged into cbpickaxe starting from [version 0.1.2](https://github.com/ExcaliburZero/cbpickaxe/releases/tag/v0.1.2).
I created and am running [Land of Confusion](https://fan.leilukin.com/cassettebeasts), the fanlisting for {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} which is part of [The Fanlistings Network](https://thefanlistings.org/). If you are a fan of {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %}, you are more than welcome to join my fanlisting!
On Tumblr, I run the [Cassette Beasts Source](https://cassettebeastssource.tumblr.com/) blog, an unofficial {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} fan site blog that I founded on 25 February 2024. I created a fan site blog on Tumblr due to the fact that Bytten Studio does not have an official Tumblr account, and I want a Tumblr blog dedicated to sharing and archiving {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} news and fan works.
On Tumblr, I run the [Cassette Beasts Source](https://cassettebeastssource.tumblr.com/), an unofficial {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} fan site blog that I created on 25 February 2024. I decided to create a fan site blog on Tumblr due to the fact that Bytten Studio does not have an official Tumblr account, and I wanted a Tumblr blog dedicated to sharing and archiving {% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} news and fan works.
I have also contributed to [{% cite "Cassette Beasts" %} TVTropes pages](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/CassetteBeasts) (I have had a TVTropes account since 18 February 2012), by editing the pages to add information about the game. I was the one who created the [Trivia page](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Trivia/CassetteBeasts) for the game on TVTropes.
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