Add 20 May 2024 changelog

This commit is contained in:
Helen Chong 2024-05-20 12:33:17 +08:00
parent 4bc3554fcf
commit 6678aaea94
34 changed files with 53 additions and 1961 deletions

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@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
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font-display: swap; /* Check for other options. */
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font-display: swap; /* Check for other options. */
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font-display: swap; /* Check for other options. */
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font-display: swap; /* Check for other options. */
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font-display: swap; /* Check for other options. */
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font-display: swap; /* Check for other options. */
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font-style: italic;
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View File

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
// Import Firebase
import { initializeApp } from ''
import { getDatabase, ref, push, onValue, update } from ''
// Set up Firebase database
const appSettings = {
databaseURL: ''
const app = initializeApp(appSettings);
const database = getDatabase(app);
const guestbookInDB = ref(database, "guestbook");
// Get DOM elements
const formEl = document.querySelector('.gb__form');
const nameInputEl = document.querySelector('#name-input');
const emailInputEl = document.querySelector('#email-input');
const websiteInputEl = document.querySelector('#website-input');
const msgInputEl = document.querySelector('#message-input');
const messageListEl = document.querySelector('.gb__message--list');
// Initiate guestbook message object
let messageObj = {
name: '',
email: '',
website: '',
message: '',
timestamp: '',
// Form submission event
formEl.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
const formatDate = () => {
const formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-GB", {
dateStyle: "full",
timeStyle: "full",
const now = new Date();
const formattedDate = formatter.format(now);
return formattedDate;
const addMessage = () => {
messageObj = {
name: nameInputEl.value,
email: emailInputEl.value,
website: websiteInputEl.value,
timestamp: formatDate(),
message: msgInputEl.value
push(guestbookInDB, messageObj);
// Clear input fields
const clearInputEl = () => {
nameInputEl.value = '';
emailInputEl.value = '';
websiteInputEl.value = '';
msgInputEl.value = '';
// Load data from the Firebase database
onValue(guestbookInDB, (snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.exists()) {
let messagesArr = Object.entries(snapshot.val()).reverse();
messagesArr.forEach((item) => {
} else {
messageListEl.textContent = 'No messages here... yet. Be the first!';
// Prevent rendering any message more than once
const clearMessageListEl = () => {
messageListEl.innerHTML = '';
// Render each message
const renderMessage = (item) => {
const itemID = item[0];
const itemValue = item[1];
const newThreadDiv = document.createElement('div');
newThreadDiv.classList.add('gb__thread'); = `thread-${itemID}`;
const newMessageDiv = document.createElement('div');
newMessageDiv.classList.add('gb__message'); = `msg-${itemID}`;
const newMessageName = document.createElement('p');
newMessageName.textContent = `${} said:`;
if ( !== null && !== '') {
newMessageName.innerHTML = `
<a href="${}">${}</a> said:
const newMessageMsg = document.createElement('p');
newMessageMsg.textContent = itemValue.message;
const newMessageTime = document.createElement('time');
newMessageTime.textContent = itemValue.timestamp;
const messageReplyBtn = document.createElement('button');
messageReplyBtn.textContent = 'Reply';
newMessageDiv.append(newMessageName, newMessageMsg, newMessageTime, messageReplyBtn);

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@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
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Content Category: &quot;a summers end&quot; | Leilukin's Hub
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return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">International Asexuality Day</a>`,
class: "flag-ace",
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return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Lesbian Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-lesbian",
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return {
blurb: `This week is <a href="" target="_blank">Lesbian Visibility Week</a>`,
class: "flag-lesbian",
else if (month === 5 && day === 17)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia</a>`,
class: "flag-progress",
else if (month === 5 && day === 19)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Agender Pride Day</a>`,
class: "flag-agender",
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return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-pan",
else if (month === 6)
return {
blurb: `Happy <a href="" target="_blank">Pride Month</a>!`,
class: "flag-progress-intersex",
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return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Non-Binary People's Day</a>`,
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blurb: `Today is Leilukin's Birthday`
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blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day</a>`,
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blurb: `Today is the ${siteAnniversary}-year anniversary of the launch of Leilukin&#39;s Hub`
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return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Bi Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-bi",
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return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">International Lesbian Day</a>`,
class: "flag-lesbian",
else if (month === 10 && day === 11)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">National Coming Out Day</a>`,
class: "flag-rainbow",
else if (month === 10 && day === 17)
return {
blurb: `Today is the start of <a href="" target="_blank">Genderfluid Visibility Week</a>`,
class: "flag-genderfluid",
else if (month === 10 && day === 24)
return {
blurb: `Today is the start of <a href="" target="_blank">Ace Week</a>`,
class: "flag-ace",
else if (month === 10 && day === 26)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Intersex Awareness Day</a>`,
class: "flag-intersex",
else if (month === 11 && day === 13)
return {
blurb: `Today is the start of <a href="" target="_blank">Transgender Awareness Week</a>`,
class: "flag-trans",
return null;
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<h1>Content Category: &quot;a summers end&quot;</h1>
<p>All contents under the &quot;a summers end&quot; category on Leilukin&#39;s Hub.</p>
<div class="content__wrapper">
<div class="content ">
<h2>1 Contents Filed Under "a summers end"</h2>
<ul class="content-list">
<p class="content-list__title">
<a href="/blog/posts/2023-10-30-support-for-my-steam-review-of-a-summers-end/">
Support for My Steam Review of A Summer&#39;s End — Hong Kong 1986 | Blog
<time>30 October 2023</time>
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padding-left: 1em;
.content-list__title {
font-size: clamp(1.55rem, 1rem + 3vw, 1.2rem);
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margin-bottom: 0.2em;
<p>See <a href="/categories/">all content categories</a>.</p>
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<p>Made with ♥ by Leilukin since <time>11 September 2022</time></p>
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Content Category: &quot;anti harry potter&quot; | Leilukin's Hub
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function getTodayEvent() {
const date = new Date();
const month = date.getMonth() + 1;
const day = date.getDate();
const year = date.getFullYear();
const weekOfMonth = Math.ceil(day / 7);
const leilukinsHubLaunchDate = new Date("2022-09-11").getFullYear();
const siteAnniversary = year - leilukinsHubLaunchDate;
if (month === 3 && day === 1)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Zero Discrimination Day</a>`,
class: "flag-progress-intersex",
else if (month === 3 && day === 8)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">International Women's Day}</a>`,
class: "symbol-venus",
else if (month === 3 && day === 31)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Trans Day of Visibility</a>`,
class: "flag-trans",
else if (month === 4 && day === 6)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">International Asexuality Day</a>`,
class: "flag-ace",
else if (month === 4 && day === 26)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Lesbian Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-lesbian",
else if (month === 4 && weekOfMonth === 4)
return {
blurb: `This week is <a href="" target="_blank">Lesbian Visibility Week</a>`,
class: "flag-lesbian",
else if (month === 5 && day === 17)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia</a>`,
class: "flag-progress",
else if (month === 5 && day === 19)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Agender Pride Day</a>`,
class: "flag-agender",
else if (month === 5 && day === 25)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-pan",
else if (month === 6)
return {
blurb: `Happy <a href="" target="_blank">Pride Month</a>!`,
class: "flag-progress-intersex",
else if (month === 7 && day === 14)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Non-Binary People's Day</a>`,
class: "flag-non-binary",
else if (month === 7 && day === 28)
return {
blurb: `Today is Leilukin's Birthday`
else if (month === 8 && day === 25)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-aro",
else if (month === 9 && day === 11)
return {
blurb: `Today is the ${siteAnniversary}-year anniversary of the launch of Leilukin&#39;s Hub`
else if (month === 9 && day === 23)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Bi Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-bi",
else if (month === 10 && day === 8)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">International Lesbian Day</a>`,
class: "flag-lesbian",
else if (month === 10 && day === 11)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">National Coming Out Day</a>`,
class: "flag-rainbow",
else if (month === 10 && day === 17)
return {
blurb: `Today is the start of <a href="" target="_blank">Genderfluid Visibility Week</a>`,
class: "flag-genderfluid",
else if (month === 10 && day === 24)
return {
blurb: `Today is the start of <a href="" target="_blank">Ace Week</a>`,
class: "flag-ace",
else if (month === 10 && day === 26)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="" target="_blank">Intersex Awareness Day</a>`,
class: "flag-intersex",
else if (month === 11 && day === 13)
return {
blurb: `Today is the start of <a href="" target="_blank">Transgender Awareness Week</a>`,
class: "flag-trans",
return null;
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<header class="main__header">
<h1>Content Category: &quot;anti harry potter&quot;</h1>
<p>All contents under the &quot;anti harry potter&quot; category on Leilukin&#39;s Hub.</p>
<div class="content__wrapper">
<div class="content ">
<h2>1 Contents Filed Under "anti harry potter"</h2>
<ul class="content-list">
<p class="content-list__title">
<a href="/articles/anti-harry-potter-jk-rowling-masterlist/">
Anti-Harry Potter and Anti-J. K. Rowling Masterlist | Articles
<time>19 March 2023</time>
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padding-left: 1em;
.content-list__title {
font-size: clamp(1.55rem, 1rem + 3vw, 1.2rem);
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margin-bottom: 0.2em;
<p>See <a href="/categories/">all content categories</a>.</p>
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list-style: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0 0 0.7em 0;
display: flex;
gap: 0.5em;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
.breadcrumbs li::after {
content: '➔';
padding-left: 0.3em;
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<p>Made with ♥ by Leilukin since <time>11 September 2022</time></p>
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@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
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Content Category: &quot;james somerton&quot; | Leilukin's Hub
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if (todayEvent.class) {
function getTodayEvent() {
const date = new Date();
const month = date.getMonth() + 1;
const day = date.getDate();
const year = date.getFullYear();
const weekOfMonth = Math.ceil(day / 7);
const leilukinsHubLaunchDate = new Date("2022-09-11").getFullYear();
const siteAnniversary = year - leilukinsHubLaunchDate;
if (month === 3 && day === 1)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">Zero Discrimination Day</a>`,
class: "flag-progress-intersex",
else if (month === 3 && day === 8)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">International Women's Day}</a>`,
class: "symbol-venus",
else if (month === 3 && day === 31)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">Trans Day of Visibility</a>`,
class: "flag-trans",
else if (month === 4 && day === 6)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">International Asexuality Day</a>`,
class: "flag-ace",
else if (month === 4 && day === 26)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">Lesbian Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-lesbian",
else if (month === 4 && weekOfMonth === 4)
return {
blurb: `This week is <a href="">Lesbian Visibility Week</a>`,
class: "flag-lesbian",
else if (month === 5 && day === 17)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia</a>`,
class: "flag-progress",
else if (month === 5 && day === 19)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">Agender Pride Day</a>`,
class: "flag-agender",
else if (month === 5 && day === 25)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-pan",
else if (month === 6)
return {
blurb: `Happy <a href="">Pride Month</a>!`,
class: "flag-progress-intersex",
else if (month === 7 && day === 14)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">Non-Binary People's Day</a>`,
class: "flag-non-binary",
else if (month === 7 && day === 28)
return {
blurb: `Today is Leilukin's Birthday`
else if (month === 8 && day === 25)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">Aromantic Spectrum Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-aro",
else if (month === 9 && day === 11)
return {
blurb: `Today is the ${siteAnniversary}-year anniversary of the launch of Leilukin&#39;s Hub`
else if (month === 9 && day === 23)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">Bi Visibility Day</a>`,
class: "flag-bi",
else if (month === 10 && day === 8)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">International Lesbian Day</a>`,
class: "flag-lesbian",
else if (month === 10 && day === 11)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">National Coming Out Day</a>`,
class: "flag-rainbow",
else if (month === 10 && day === 17)
return {
blurb: `Today is the start of <a href="">Genderfluid Visibility Week</a>`,
class: "flag-genderfluid",
else if (month === 10 && day === 24)
return {
blurb: `Today is the start of <a href="">Ace Week</a>`,
class: "flag-ace",
else if (month === 10 && day === 26)
return {
blurb: `Today is <a href="">Intersex Awareness Day</a>`,
class: "flag-intersex",
else if (month === 11 && day === 13)
return {
blurb: `Today is the start of <a href="">Transgender Awareness Week</a>`,
class: "flag-trans",
return null;
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<header class="main__header">
<h1>Content Category: &quot;james somerton&quot;</h1>
<p>All contents under the &quot;james somerton&quot; category on Leilukin&#39;s Hub.</p>
<div class="content__wrapper">
<div class="content ">
<h2>1 Contents Filed Under "james somerton"</h2>
<ul class="item-list">
<p class="item-list__title">
<a href="/blog/posts/2024-05-14-james-somerton-my-vide-game-footage/">
James Somerton Used My Video Game Footage Without Credit or Permission | Blog
<time>14 May 2024</time>
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gap: 1em;
padding-left: 1em;
.item-list__title {
font-size: clamp(1.55rem, 1rem + 3vw, 1.2rem);
line-height: 1.3;
margin-bottom: 0.2em;
<p>See <a href="/categories/">all content categories</a>.</p>
.breadcrumbs {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0 0 0.7em 0;
display: flex;
gap: 0.5em;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
.breadcrumbs li::after {
content: '➔';
padding-left: 0.3em;
<footer class="footer">
<p>Made with ♥ by Leilukin since <time>11 September 2022</time></p>
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View File

@ -410,6 +410,14 @@
<div class="heading-wrapper h2">
<h2 id="2024-05-20">20 May 2024</h2>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#2024-05-20" aria-labelledby="2024-05-20"><span hidden="">#</span></a>
<li>Replace the entire site's default font from Noto Sans to Lexend.</li>
<div class="heading-wrapper h2">
<h2 id="2024-05-19">19 May 2024</h2>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#2024-05-19" aria-labelledby="2024-05-19"><span hidden="">#</span></a>

View File

@ -410,6 +410,11 @@
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style">20 May 2024</h3>
<li>Replace the entire site's default font from Noto Sans to Lexend.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">19 May 2024</h3>
<li>Replace the <a href="">HTML Comment Box</a> widget on the <a href="/guestbook">guestbook page</a> with a guestbook that is powered by <a href="">Firebase Realtime Database</a>.</li>
@ -509,11 +514,6 @@
<h3 class="date-style">13 October 2023</h3>
<li>New blog post: <a href="/blog/posts/2023-10-13-My-Cassette-Beasts-Pombomb-Plushie-Arrived">My Cassette Beasts Pombomb Plushie Arrived!</a></li>
<h3 class="date-style">4 October 2023</h3>
<li>Cassette Beasts <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/">shrine</a>: Updated the Development History section of the <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/trivia">Trivia</a> page with info about the release of Update 1.5 and &quot;Pier of the Unknown&quot; DLC.</li>

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<li>Add footnotes section to <a href="/shrines/asummersend/trivia/"><cite>A Summers End — Hong Kong 1986</cite> shrine Trivia page</a> and <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/facts/"><cite>Cassette Beasts</cite> shrine Facts page</a></li>

View File

@ -410,6 +410,11 @@
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style">4 October 2023</h3>
<li>Cassette Beasts <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/">shrine</a>: Updated the Development History section of the <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/trivia">Trivia</a> page with info about the release of Update 1.5 and &quot;Pier of the Unknown&quot; DLC.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">3 October 2023</h3>
<li>Changed this website's font to Noto Sans.</li>
@ -526,12 +531,6 @@
<li>Reformatted source and reference citations, such as the <a href="/shrines/asummersend/trivia">Trivia</a> page on the A Summers End — Hong Kong 1986 shrine.</li>
<li>Updated the <a href="/about/">About</a> page to add the site button and the link to the site's <a href="">Neocities profile</a>.</li>
<li>Cassette Beasts <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/">shrine</a>: Added a <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/trivia">Trivia</a></li>
<h3 class="date-style">8 August 2023</h3>
<li>Cassette Beasts <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/">shrine</a>: Added a <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/featured">Featured</a> page.</li>
<li>Added new resource: <a href="/resources/web-building-resources.html">Web Building Resources</a>.</li>

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@ -410,6 +410,12 @@
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style">8 August 2023</h3>
<li>Cassette Beasts <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/">shrine</a>: Added a <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/featured">Featured</a> page.</li>
<li>Added new resource: <a href="/resources/web-building-resources.html">Web Building Resources</a>.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">3 August 2023</h3>
<li>Launched new <a href="/shrines/">shrine</a>: <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts/">Cassette Beasts</a>.</li>
@ -531,11 +537,6 @@
<li>Added a new masterlist on my <a href="/resources/">Resources</a> page: <a href="/resources/anti-harry-potter-jk-rowling-masterlist">Anti-Harry Potter and Anti-J. K. Rowling Masterlist</a></li>
<li>Changed the color of subheadings.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">2 March 2023</h3>
<li>Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic <a href="/shrines/starwarskotor/">shrine</a>: Updated the <a href="/shrines/starwarskotor/guides/">Guides page</a> to add a section for lists of cheats for the KotOR games.</li>

View File

@ -410,6 +410,11 @@
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style">2 March 2023</h3>
<li>Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic <a href="/shrines/starwarskotor/">shrine</a>: Updated the <a href="/shrines/starwarskotor/guides/">Guides page</a> to add a section for lists of cheats for the KotOR games.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">18 February 2023</h3>
<li>Added <a href="/sitemap">Site Map</a>.</li>
@ -525,11 +530,6 @@
<h3 class="date-style">16 November 2022</h3>
<li>Added my latest mod, Lonna Vash Mod for TSLRCM, to <a href="/projects/kotor2mods">my mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords</a> page.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">12 November 2022</h3>
<li>Added my latest mod, Dahnis Unique Look, to <a href="/projects/kotor2mods">my mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords</a> page.</li>

View File

@ -410,6 +410,11 @@
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style">12 November 2022</h3>
<li>Added my latest mod, Dahnis Unique Look, to <a href="/projects/kotor2mods">my mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords</a> page.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">9 November 2022</h3>
<li>Added my latest mod, TSL Workbench Lightsaber Creation, to <a href="/mycreations/kotor2mods">my mods for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords</a> page.</li>

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@ -4,13 +4,24 @@
<subtitle>Leilukin&#39;s personal website.</subtitle>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href=""/>
<title>Changelog: 20 May 2024</title>
<link href=""/>
<content type="html">&lt;ul&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Replace the entire site&#39;s default font from Noto Sans to Lexend.&lt;/li&gt;
<title>Changelog: 19 May 2024</title>
<link href=""/>

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@ -437,9 +437,9 @@
<div class="text-box">
<h3 class="date-style">19 May 2024:</h3>
<h3 class="date-style">20 May 2024:</h3>
<li>Replace the <a href="">HTML Comment Box</a> widget on the <a href="/guestbook">guestbook page</a> with a guestbook that is powered by <a href="">Firebase Realtime Database</a>.</li>
<li>Replace the entire site's default font from Noto Sans to Lexend.</li>
<p><a href="/changelogs">View all site changelogs</a></p>

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
date: 2024-05-20
* Replace the entire site's default font from Noto Sans to Lexend.