diff --git a/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/faq-same-gender-romance-mods.html b/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/faq-same-gender-romance-mods.html index 70ad6d30..a07120c0 100644 --- a/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/faq-same-gender-romance-mods.html +++ b/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/faq-same-gender-romance-mods.html @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for My Same-Gender Romance Mods for Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic Series


First published on September 25, 2021
Last updated on June 28, 2023


First published on September 25, 2021
Last updated on July 1, 2023

(Note: This article was originally published on Nexus Mods. I decided to host the article on my own website instead for better management and formatting)

@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
- I am having problems with this mod / I cannot get this mod to work / this mod does not work for me. + I am having problems with your mod / I cannot get your mod to work / Your mod does not work for me.

Please make sure you have downloaded and installed the latest version of my mods, and read the Read Me files of my mods to make sure you have followed ALL the information and instructions in my Read Me files before asking questions for technical support.

@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
- When installing your mod for KotOR 2, I got "Destination file "Modules\[____].mod" does not exist at the specified location! Skipping section... [Error]" and other similar errors, even though I had installed the installer (.exe) version of The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod. + When installing your KotOR 2 mod, I got "Destination file "Modules\[____].mod" does not exist at the specified location! Skipping section... [Error]" and other similar errors, even though I had installed the installer (.exe) version of The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod.

First, go to the folder where your KotOR 2 game is installed, and go to the Modules folder, then check if the .mod files mentioned in the error messages are in your Modules folder.

@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
  • 650DAN.mod
  • 907MAL.mod
  • 908MAL.mod
  • - 909MAL.mod +
  • 909MAL.mod
  • 950COR.mod
  • -

    If you cannot find those .MOD files in your Modules folder, your issue might be caused by your computer registering two different installation locations for KotOR 2. I suggest you check out this guide on how to make sure your computer recognize the version of KotOR 2 game where you want to install KotOR 2 mods on. While the guide focuses on Steam version of KotOR 2, you could edit the registry to make your computer properly recognise the installation location of your KotOR 2 game.


    If you cannot find those .mod files in your Modules folder, your issue might be caused by your computer registering two different installation locations for KotOR 2. I suggest you check out this guide on how to make sure your computer recognize the version of KotOR 2 game where you want to install KotOR 2 mods on. While the guide focuses on Steam version of KotOR 2, you could edit the registry to make your computer properly recognise the installation location of your KotOR 2 game.

    Here are the default installation locations of KotOR 2 depending on the game version:

    • Steam (32-bit Windows): C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II
    • @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
    • Retail CD (64-bit Windows): • C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\
    • Steam (32-bit Windows): C:\GOG Games\Star Wars - KotOR2

    If you do not know if you have Windows 64-bit or 32-bit, read this article to find out.


    If you do not know if you have Windows 64-bit or 32-bit, refer this article to find out.

    @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@

    NO. I do not use Steam Workshop, and frankly, I hate the Steam Workshop for how terrible it is for modding KotOR 2 and how much mod compatibility issues it causes. I suggest you read this post on why using Steam Workshop is NOT recommend for modding KotOR 2. Therefore, I DO NOT want any of my mods to be added to the Steam Workshop.





    @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@

    Sorry, I cannot help directly with modding the KotOR games on any console or mobile devices, because I only own the PC version of the KotOR games. I make no promises that I will port my KotOR mods for those platforms specifically either.

    Some of my mods require TSLPatcher to install to make the mod work properly, especially if you also want to use other mods in addition to my mods and for KotOR 2, The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod. Simply copying and pasting files from my mod to your game's directory does NOT guarantee my mod will work as intended, and you may encounter bugs that could possibly game-breaking.

    For Android and iOS users, I suggest referring to the KotOR subreddit's wiki, specifically their general instructions in their mobile mod builds. See this page for KotOR 1 and this page for KotOR 2.


    For Switch users, in order to mod the KotOR game on Switch, first you need to hack or modded your Switch, then use the KotOR Switch Modding Framework and KotOR II Switch Modding Framework to install mods. According to JacqylFrost, the creator of these frameworks, both TSLRCM and my Handmaiden same-geneder romance mod work with the KotOR 2 version. I suggest you ask JacqylFrost directly if you need help with modding the KotOR games on Switch.


    For Switch users, in order to mod the KotOR game on Switch, first you need to hack your Switch or install a modchip in your Switch, then use the KotOR Switch Modding Framework and KotOR II Switch Modding Framework to install mods. According to JacqylFrost, the creator of these frameworks, both TSLRCM and my Handmaiden same-geneder romance mod work with the KotOR 2 version of the framework. I suggest you ask JacqylFrost directly if you need help with modding the KotOR games on Switch.

    For Steam Deck users, you may refer to JacqylFrost's Steam Deck modding guide on the KotOR subreddit.

    @@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ Will you add kissing scenes to your romance mods?

    No. The purpose of my same-gender romance mods is not necessary to add new content, but to allow players to experience the pre-existing romance content in the KotOR series without the heterosexual gender restrictions. Kissing scenes are beyond the scope of my mods, and I do not necessary have the skills required (such as modelling, animations, etc.) to create them either, especially given how limited the animations in these old games are.


    For Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance mod for KotOR 1, if you want your male PC to kiss Carth, you may install cjt0202's Carth Romance Fix mod, then install the compatibility patch provided in my mod.


    No. The goal of my same-gender romance mods is not necessary to add new content, but to allow players to experience the pre-existing romance content in the KotOR series without the heterosexual gender restrictions. Kissing scenes are beyond the scope of my mods, and I do not necessary have the skills required (such as modelling, animations, etc.) to create them either, especially given how limited the animations in these old games are.


    For Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance mod for KotOR 1, if you want your male PC to kiss Carth, you may install cjt0202's Carth Romance Fix mod, then install the compatibility patch provided in my mod.

    @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ Why do you make everyone gay?

    I am a lesbian who would like to see more representation of LGBTQ+ people and relationships in media, including Star Wars, and I am not the only one who feels this way. I made these same-gender romance mods for fellow LGBTQ+ players who want more gay content in KotOR as well. I find KotOR 2's complete lack of same-gender romance options especially disaappointing, since the first KotOR at least has Juhani as a canon lesbian romance option, so I made these mods to fill the void. In fact, after releasing my same-gender romance mods, many other LGBTQ+ players have expressed gratitute for the existence of these mods, and consider these mods a huge improvement to their KotOR experience


    I am a lesbian who would like to see more representation of LGBTQ+ people and relationships in media, including Star Wars, and I am not the only one who feels this way. I made these same-gender romance mods for fellow LGBTQ+ players who want more gay content in KotOR as well. I find KotOR 2's complete lack of same-gender romance options especially disaappointing, since the first KotOR at least has Juhani as a canon lesbian romance option, so I made these mods to fill the void. In fact, after releasing my same-gender romance mods, many other LGBTQ+ players have expressed gratitute for the existence of these mods, and consider these mods a huge improvement to their KotOR experience.

    Cisgender heterosexual people already get countless representations in media, including Star Wars, bcause cishet people are considered the default and the norm. If the idea that everyone in your favorite piece of media could be gay makes you uncomfortable, perhaps you meed to examine why you feel that way. Keep in mind that LGBTQ+ people already have to see countless pieces of mainstream media filled with cisgender heterosexual characters without a single LGBTQ+ character even existing.

    Frankly, opposing the concept of same-gender romance mods for video games for any reason is homophobic. As a gay person, this is a stance I will not change my mind on. Any comment or message that tries to argue with me otherwise will be ignored or deleted without response.

    @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@

    No. I will never make Juhani a romance option for male characters under any circumstances. I also do not support any mods that make Juhani a romance option for male characters.


    It is my firm belief that Juhani should remain a lesbian and her romance should remain exclusive to female characters because she is an officially confirmed lesbian character. Here is an article about my stance on protecting Juhani's status as a lesbian, and why.


    It is my firm belief that Juhani should remain a lesbian and her romance should remain exclusive to female characters because she is an officially confirmed lesbian character. Here is an article about my stance on protecting Juhani's status as a lesbian, and why.

    @@ -272,32 +272,32 @@

    If Handmaiden does not join your female Exile's party when you are using my Handmaiden romance mod, the possible causes for this happening include:

    - - I am using PartySwap along with your same-gender romance mod for Handmaiden and Disciple. Disciple replaces Handmaiden in the party selection screen when he joins. - -

    PartySwap's mod page already stated that the mod “adds a usable item (adrenal) that will allow you to replace any member of the current party with Handmaiden (wherever appropriate)”. When Disciple joins you, the game will show a notification informing you that you have received an item named PartySwap. That is what you need to use to add or remove Handmaiden in your party. Due to the game's limitations, it is impossible to add both Handmaiden and Disciple in the party selection screen without replacing one of the other party members. Handmaiden is still one of your party members, and you can still talk to her in your ship.

    For your Handmaiden/Disciple romance mod, can you make it so you always recruit Handmaiden or Disciple only regardless of the Exile's gender?

    No, and I see no point in making such mod when DarthTyren's PartySwap mod already exists to allow you to recruit both Handmaiden and Disciple in a single playthrough regardless of the Exile's gender. Additionally, my mod's primary goal is enabling same-gender romance options, so neither Male Exile/Handmaiden nor Female Exile/Disciple romance is a priority of my mod.


    No, and I see no point in making such mod when DarthTyren's PartySwap mod already exists to allow you to recruit both Handmaiden and Disciple in a single playthrough regardless of the Exile's gender. Additionally, my mod's primary goal is enabling same-gender romfnce options, so neither male Exile/Handmaiden nor female Exile/Disciple romance is a priority of my mod.

    Therefore, if you want Handmaiden or Disciple in your party regardless of your Exile's gender, my recommendation is to install PartySwap. If you also want same-gender romance with Handmaiden or Disciple, install the PartySwap compatible installation option of my mod after PartySwap. Even if you prefer Handmaiden to Disciple, or vice versa, I will still recommend you to use PartySwap instead so you can get the most out of the party members in a single playthrough.

    + + I am using PartySwap along with your same-gender romance mod for Handmaiden and Disciple. Disciple replaces Handmaiden in the party selection screen when he joins. + +

    PartySwap's mod page already stated that the mod “adds a usable item (adrenal) that will allow you to replace any member of the current party with Handmaiden (wherever appropriate)”. When Disciple joins you, the game will show a notification informing you that you have received an item named PartySwap. That is what you need to use to add or remove Handmaiden in your party. Due to the game engine's limitations, it is impossible to add both Handmaiden and Disciple in the party selection screen without replacing one of the other party members. Handmaiden is still one of your party members, and you can still talk to her in your ship.

    I am using your Handmaiden romance mod, but I cannot spar with the Handmaiden when she joins my party!