diff --git a/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/faq-same-gender-romance-mods.html b/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/faq-same-gender-romance-mods.html index 1034dfb6..70ad6d30 100644 --- a/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/faq-same-gender-romance-mods.html +++ b/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/faq-same-gender-romance-mods.html @@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ Why do you make everyone gay?

I am a lesbian who would like to see more representation of LGBTQ+ people and relationships in media, including Star Wars, and I am not the only one who feels this way. I made these same-gender romance mods for fellow LGBTQ+ players who want more gay content in KotOR as well. I find KotOR 2's complete lack of same-gender romance options especially disaappointing, since the first KotOR at least has Juhani as a canon lesbian romance option, so I made these mods to fill the void. In fact, after releasing my same-gender romance mods, many other LGBTQ+ players have expressed gratitute for the existence of these mods, and consider these mods a huge improvement to their KotOR experience


Cisgender and heterosexual people already get countless representations in media, including Star Wars. If the idea that everyone in your favorite piece of media could be gay makes you uncomfortable, perhaps you meed to examine why you feel that way. Keep in mind that LGBTQ+ people already have to see countless pieces of mainstream media filled with cisgender and heterosexual characters without a single LGBTQ+ character even existing. +

I am a lesbian who would like to see more representation of LGBTQ+ people and relationships in media, including Star Wars, and I am not the only one who feels this way. I made these same-gender romance mods for fellow LGBTQ+ players who want more gay content in KotOR as well. I find KotOR 2's complete lack of same-gender romance options especially disaappointing, since the first KotOR at least has Juhani as a canon lesbian romance option, so I made these mods to fill the void. In fact, after releasing my same-gender romance mods, many other LGBTQ+ players have expressed gratitute for the existence of these mods, and consider these mods a huge improvement to their KotOR experience


Cisgender heterosexual people already get countless representations in media, including Star Wars, bcause cishet people are considered the default and the norm. If the idea that everyone in your favorite piece of media could be gay makes you uncomfortable, perhaps you meed to examine why you feel that way. Keep in mind that LGBTQ+ people already have to see countless pieces of mainstream media filled with cisgender heterosexual characters without a single LGBTQ+ character even existing.

Frankly, opposing the concept of same-gender romance mods for video games for any reason is homophobic. As a gay person, this is a stance I will not change my mind on. Any comment or message that tries to argue with me otherwise will be ignored or deleted without response.

diff --git a/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/keep-juhani-a-lesbian.html b/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/keep-juhani-a-lesbian.html index f9425df5..8d8fd88f 100644 --- a/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/keep-juhani-a-lesbian.html +++ b/shrines/starwarskotor/articles/keep-juhani-a-lesbian.html @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@

Lesbians specifically are often discriminated and prejudiced against due to both homophobia and misogyny. In fact, there is a word for describing the various forms of prejudice and negativity towards lesbians specifically: lesbophobia. We lesbians are often demonised as "not giving men a chance" for being women with an exclusive attraction to women and a lack of attraction to men. Yes, I do believe making confirmed lesbian characters like Juhani straight or bisexual is a form of lesbophobia. Juhani is a fictional character, but lesbians exist in the real world, and how you treat a fictional charcter with an identity that is marginalised in real life often reflects your attitude towards people with said marginalised identity in the real world.


Making Juhani a romance option for male characters cannot be compared to making heteroseual romance options like Bastila Shan and Carth Onasi gay or bisexual, because cisgender heterosexual people already get countless representations in media, including Star Wars and KotOR. Keep in mind that LGBTQ+ people already have to see countless pieces of mainstream media filled with cisgender and heterosexual characters without a single LGBTQ+ character even existing. Making heterosexual romance options like Bastila and Carth available for same-gender romance options is out of desire for more LGBTQ+ representation, while making Juhani a romance option for male characters, including making Juhani bisexual, is erasing her lesbian identity and disrespecting lesbian representation.


Making Juhani a romance option for male characters cannot be compared to making heterosexual romance options like Bastila Shan and Carth Onasi gay or bisexual, because cisgender heterosexual people already get countless representations in media, including Star Wars and KotOR, because cishet people are considered the default and the norm. Keep in mind that LGBTQ+ people already have to see countless pieces of mainstream media filled with cisgender heterosexual characters without a single LGBTQ+ character even existing. Making heterosexual romance options like Bastila and Carth available for same-gender romance options is out of desire for more LGBTQ+ representation, while making Juhani a romance option for male characters, including making Juhani bisexual, is erasing her lesbian identity and disrespecting lesbian representation.

All my same-gender romance mods are about adding more same-gender romance options, and not inherently about removing every gender restriction in romances without any thought or consideration. Ultimately, My reasons and motives for opposing changing Juhani's lesbian orientation, and at the same time supporting making heterosexual romance options like Bastila and Carth bisexual, are all about wanting more LGBTQ+ representation and respecting canon LGBTQ+ representation. Protecting Juhani's status as a canon lesbian character is not inherently about adhering to canon, but about respecting representation of marginalised groups like LGBTQ+ people.