--- layout: main/content tags: pages metadata: title: Home isContentDivided: true hasTooltips: true eleventyNavigation: key: Home order: 1 eleventyComputed: pageTitle: Welcome to {{ sitemeta.siteName | safe }}! metadata: desc: Home page of {{ sitemeta.siteName | safe }}. ---

Hello! You can call me {{ sitemeta.siteAuthor.name }}. Welcome to my website! This site is my own personal hub and corner on the internet.

You can browse all my contents published on this site through the Archive page, or the Content Categories page. You can use the site map to navigate this website.

Feel free to drop a message and say hi on my guestbook! You can also contact me by sending me an email.

Read the About page to learn more about this site and its webmaster.

Enjoy your stay!

Link to My Website

{% include "main/my-button.njk" %}

What is New?

Major News: 31 May 2024

{{ sitemeta.siteName }} now has a custom domain name: leilukin.com! In addition, this site is now hosted on Netlify.

You can read my blog post about the new domain name and hosting change for more information.

{% include "main/statuscafe.njk" %}
{% for log in collections["changelogs"] | reverse | itemLimit(1) %}

Changelog: {{ log.data.date | formatDate }}

{{ log.templateContent | safe }} {%- endfor %}

View all site changelogs

You can subscribe to the {{ sitemeta.siteName }} RSS feed to get notified of the updates on this website, including new articles, blog posts and website changelogs.

Spotlight: Palestine

Stand with Palestine

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

Palestine Masterlist

(Credit to rosemary for the Stand with Palestine button)

{% include "main/virtualpets.njk" %}

Always Proud

{%- macro prideButton(file, alt, tooltip=alt, width=88, height=31) -%}
  • {{ alt }}
  • {%- endmacro -%}

    Credit to Dime for these pride buttons!



    {{ sitemeta.siteName }} is part of the following webrings:

    Pending webring membership:

    Support Me

    {% include "main/support-me.njk" %}