Welcome to Leilukin's Hub Blog!
Blog hosted on Leilukin's pwesonal website.
Other Blogs
Leilukin's Hub also has a tumbleblog at tumbleblog.leilukin.com, where I make shorter or more casual posts, as well as sharing stuff that I found interesting or inspirational. Feel free to check it out!
Blog Posts
IndieWeb Carnival November 2024: Impact
My participation in IndieWeb Carnival November 2024, by reflecting on our capabilities of making an impact on other people and the world.
Re: Social Media Hasn't Killed the Personal Blog Just Yet
My reflection on the question of if social media killed personal blogs, inspired by Jim Mitchell's blog post.
From Hobbyist to Professional Web Developer
How building my personal website led to me getting a web developer job.
Leilukin's Hub Has Migrated to Hostinger
Leilukin's Hub has moved hosts again — this time to Hostinger.
Cassette Beasts Fanlisting and My Fanlisting Collective Launched
Announcing the launch of my fanlisting collective, Cassette Beasts fanlisting and the release of my BellaBuffs fork.