--- title: About desc: About this website and its webmaster. isContentDivided: true eleventyNavigation: key: About order: 2 --- {% container "article", "content__section" %} ## The Website {{ sitemeta.siteName }} is a literal queer-coded website (as in, this website is coded by a queer person) that serves as a personal hub for my interests and self-expression, as well as my own corner on the internet outside social media platforms. On this site, you can find various stuff I have created or curated. This website is mostly safe for work, but since I am an adult, I made my website with an adult audience in mind. I add content warnings for not safe for work and adult content. Feel free to drop a message and say hi on [my guestbook](/guestbook)! {{ sitemeta.siteDomain }} is hosted on [Hostinger](https://www.hostinger.my/). Initially, {{ sitemeta.siteName }} was hosted on [Neocities](https://neocities.org/). Now visiting leilukin.neocities.org will redirect you to leilukin.com. That said, I still post about updates to Leilukin's Hub on my Neocities profile, so if you also have a Neocities account, you can still follow me through [my Neocities profile](https://neocities.org/site/leilukin). More information about this site can be found on the following pages: - [Accessibility statement](/accessibility) for accessibility information - [Colophon page](/colophon) for technical information ### Link to This Site {% include "main/my-button.njk" %} {% endcontainer %} {% container "article", "content__section" %} ## The Webmaster {% imgFigure "/assets/leilukin/leilukin-bee.avif", "Leilukin bee avatar", "avatar" %} [Image description: Digital illustration of a bee wearing red glasses with oval-shaped body and wings on a light green background. Leilukin's signature is at the bottom right of the bee. Description ends] {% endimgFigure %} {%- css %} .avatar img { border-radius: 50%; width: 15rem; margin: 0.5em auto; } {% endcss %} You can call me {{ sitemeta.siteAuthor.name }}. I am a Malaysian Chinese, queer, non-binary lesbian born in the early 90s. My pronouns are they/them and she/her in English, [他]{lang="zh"} and [她]{lang="zh"} in Chinese. I speak Mandarin, English, Cantonese and Malay, though I am most fluent in Mandarin and English. I am also autistic, so I use this website as a platform to catalogue my interests. Leilukin is not my real name, but it is an internet pseudonym that I have used since I was a teenager, so the name has become my online identity, and I prefer to go by Leilukin in informal online spaces. You can contact me via email: {{sitemeta.siteAuthor.email}}. Using [plain text email](https://useplaintext.email/) is encouraged. [Check out my Now page](/now) to learn what I am doing right now. Social media platforms you can find me on: * [Tumblr](https://lesbiannova.tumblr.com/) * [Mastodon](https://dragonscave.space/@Leilukin) * [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/Leilukin) * [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Leilukin) * [Bluesky](https://bsky.app/profile/leilukin.com){.external-link} However, I am most active on Tumblr, so if you want to interact with me on a social media platform, Tumblr would be the best option. I also have media catalogues online on the following platforms: * [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/leilukin/) * [The StoryGraph](https://app.thestorygraph.com/profile/leilukin) {% include "main/support-me.njk" %} {% endcontainer %}