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Happy Lesbian Visibility Day and 1-Year Anniversary of Cassette Beasts

26 April 2024 was a day of celebration for me, as it was both Lesbian Visibility Day and the first anniversary of the release of Cassette Beasts, my all-time favourite video game.

As a lesbian, Lesbian Visibility Day and Lesbian Visibility Week are an important annual event, as there can never be enough lesbians nor love for lesbians. It had been about 8 years ago when I finally realised I was a lesbian, and I am still happy and proud to be a lesbian.

Meanwhile, Cassette Beasts has become my all-time favourite video game ever since I started playing it in July 2023, to the extent I had created a shrine for the game on my own website. There are no words adequate to describe the depth of my love for Cassette Beasts.

As a lesbian fan of Cassette Beasts, I am also absolutely delighted by the fact that the initial release date of Cassette Beasts coincided with Lesbian Visibility Day on April 26. For bonus points, Cassette Beasts features not only LGBTQ+ representation in both the main and supporting cast, but also an actual canon old married lesbian couple in the supporting characters Ianthe and Wilma.

To celebrate both Lesbian Visibility Day and the 1-year anniversary of Cassette Beasts' release, I made lesbian pride icons featuring the Cassette Beasts logo as well as Ianthe and Wilma both individually and together, and shared them on social media accounts, including Tumblr, Twitter, Mastodon and Bluesky. I had also shared them in the official Bytten Studio Discord server.

My Cassette Beasts lesbian pride icons have been well-received, by not only other fans of the game, but also the developer Bytten Studio themselves. On Twitter, Bytten Studio not only retweeted, but also replied to my icons.

Bytten Studio's Twitter account retweeted Leilukin's lesbian pride Cassette Beasts icons

Twitter exchange between Bytten Studio and Leilukin about the lesbian pride Cassette Beasts icons

On Mastodon, Bytten Studio also boosted my icons.

The official Cassette Beasts account on Mastodon boosted Leilukin's lesbian pride Cassette Beasts icons

Furthermore, I had set up my website's header to display the lesbian pride flag and a blurb about Lesbian Visibility Day, and my Cassette Beasts shrine to display a blurb about the game's release anniversary, both on April 26 annually.

Leilukin's Hub header displaying lesbian pride flag and a top blurb about Lesbian Visibility Day

Cassette Beasts shrine displaying a top blurb about the 1-year anniversary of Cassette Beasts' release

In conclusion, this had been an exciting day for me as a lesbian gaymer.

On a somewhat related note, I love the fact that this week is not only Lesbian Visibility Week, but also has two of my all-time favourite games, Cassette Beasts and A Summer's End — Hong Kong 1986 (which I had also created a shrine for), both of which happen to feature lesbian representation, celebrating their release anniversaries.

Happy Lesbian Visibility Day and Happy Birthday to Cassette Beasts!