Welcome to Leilukin's Hub Blog!
Blog hosted on Leilukin's pwesonal website.
Other Blogs
Leilukin's Hub also has a tumbleblog at tumbleblog.leilukin.com, where I make shorter or more casual posts, as well as sharing stuff that I found interesting or inspirational. Feel free to check it out!
Blog Posts
My Cassette Beasts Fanlisting Application has been Approved
The Fanlistings Network has approved my application to run and build a Cassette Beasts fanlisting.
Leilukin's Hub Tumbleblog Launched
Leilukin's Hub now has a tumbleblog built with Chyrp Lite and hosted on InfinityFree.
Improving Site Performance of Leilukin's Hub
Steps I hae taken to improve my website's performance.
Custom Domain Name and Hosting Change for Leilukin's Hub
Leilukin's Hub now has a custom domain name and a new host.
The Search for a Guestbook Solution for Leilukin's Hub
I spent a great deal of time in searching for a guestbook for Leilukin's hub.