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What Leilukin is doing now.

This page was last updated on .

This is my /now page. You can find more pages like this at

You can also check out my profile for my latest short status updates.

Officially Becomes a Professional Web Developer

Starting from 16 August 2024, I am officially a professional web developer now! I owe much to this very website for inspiring me to pursue web development as a profession.

You can read more about my journey from a hobbyist to professional web developer in my blog post, "From Hobbyist to Professional Web Developer".

Migrating Leilukin's Hub and Its Subsites to Hostinger

Starting with 25 July 2024, Leilukin's Hub and all its subsites, including its tumbleblog and fanlisting collective, have been migrated to Hostinger.

You can read my blog post, "Leilukin's Hub Has Migrated to Hostinger", to learn more.

Participating in Personal Web Spaces

I have been making a more active effort in participating in personal web spaces and connecting with other webmasters, through various methods including leaving messages on others' guestbooks, sending other webmasters emails, linking to each other's websites, following each other's Neocities profiles, etc.

Furthermore, I joined 32-Bit Cafe on both its Discourse forum and Discord on 15 June 2024, and earned the New Member of the Month for June 2024 on the Discourse forum. On 8 June 2024, I wrote and submitted my article, "How I (Tried to) Implement Accessible Footnotes", to 32-Bit Cafe's Community Code Jam #5: Back to School.