Website Changelog

Archive: Latest | 2022 | Website Layouts

June 11, 2023: May 9, 2023: May 5, 2023:
  • Modify the web application manifest of this site to make this site look more like a mobile app when added to a mobile device's home screen.
April 22, 2023:
  • Switch the content of the left and right sidebars. Navigation links are now on the left sidebar, while the table of contents on the right sidebar.
  • Proper indentation of the HTML codes.
March 27, 2023: March 22, 2023:
  • Added the dates of publication of articles.
March 20, 2023:
  • Tweaked the format of the dates of publication and update of articles.
March 19, 2023: March 8, 2023: March 2, 2023: February 18, 2023: February 17, 2023: February 16, 2023: February 10, 2023: February 7, 2023: January 31, 2023: January 30, 2023: January 28, 2023:
  • Added a Links page.
  • Move the link to changelog to the sidebar.
  • Due to these new changes to the navigation links on the sidebar, I wrote a JavaScript file to dynamically generate the contents on the right sidebar and the footer across multiple pages on this site.
  • Adjust the line spacing and the spacing between the listed items on the changelog page.
  • Made adjustments to the relative paths in the HTML files, to ensure this site's favicons will show up on the title bar by default.
  • Fixed the issue of the page style not applied to the Not Found page.
  • Updated the About page.
  • Update the Page Not Found page.
January 26, 2023: January 25, 2023: