Link to My Website
You can link to my website using my site button. I strongly recommend you to upload my site button to your own website instead of hotlinking the button.

Links by Category
Use the following tabs to view my link collection by category.
#Table of Contents
Personal Sites I Enjoy
#Websites with Buttons
Websites without Buttons
- eladnarra's site
- emma's place
- ~hedy's home
- Sara Joy
- saturn town
- Stitch’s Media Mix
- Walk with me for a moment
Web Directories
#Directories with Site Buttons
Directories without Site Buttons
- 👻 Proud member of 👻
#Table of Contents
Web Cliques
#- aromatic // lavender
- rainbow 🌈 black and purple
- My favourite food is: Mushrooms
- My favourite hot bevarage is Coffee
caffeineNATION ☕︎ mocha latte
Cassette Beasts
Meredith Chen
- My One True Pairing is: Sam Wong and Michelle Cheung (A Summer’s End — Hong Kong 1986)
- Juhani is the guardian of this website
unexpected song
Steven Stone
I Choose You! :: Breloom
my jam!!
"Same Old Story"
Pixel cliques I joined can be found on my Adoptables page.
#Check out Beehive, my fanlisting collective to see all the fanlistings I own, have joined or have applied to join.
This site is part of the Meta Ring:
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#Table of Contents
Webmastery Tutorials
#- Creating Your Own Website by 32-Bit Cafe
- Interacting with Other Websites by 32-Bit Cafe
- How to build your own RSS Feed by Cameron Jones
Webmastery Guides
#Webmastery Resources
#- Resources List for the Personal Web by 32-Bit Cafe — I have also contributed to this list
- Can I use... — Check browser compatibility for web features
- SVGOMG — SVG optimiser
- URL-encoder for SVG
Ideas for Your Website
#- Ideas for Your Personal Website by 2-Bit Cafe
- Slash Pages
Web Accessibility
#- The Access Manifesto by Joe Clark — Worth noting that this was originally written in 2002
- You Should Care About Accessibility by Owl
- A Field Guide to Web Accessibility by Valery
- Resources for Beginners to Learn About Web Accessibility and Web Design curated by foxpunk
- 5 ways to make your neocities site more accessible by Sleepy dev
- Three Common Accessibility Problems and How to Fix Them by Solaria
- What I've Learned About Web Accessibility as a Dyslexic, Sighted, Mouse User by Solaria
- Screen reader testing: how to test your website's accessibility by Siteimprove
#Resources for learning to use the static site generator Eleventy, which is also used for building Leilukin's Hub.
- The 11ty Bundle — Collection of Eleventy resources
- My Neocities workflow: using Eleventy and the CLI to speed up development by Whiona — Written for Neocities users
- Migrating to Eleventy by Renkon — A beginner-friendly guide to get started with Eleventy
- How I teach Eleventy from scratch by Juha-Matti Santala
- Getting set up in Eleventy by Mike Neumegen
- Learn Eleventy by uncenter
(This Webmastery list was last updated on )
Back to tabsArticles
#Table of Contents
#- Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price ( link)
- you’ve been traumatized into hating reading (and it makes you easier to oppress). by Ismatu Gwendolyn
- The man who tricked Nazi Germany: lessons from the past on how to beat disinformation by Peter Pomerantsev
#- I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out. by Jennifer Coates ( link)
- On “Male Socialization” and the “Trans Masc Versus Trans Fem” Discourse™ by Julia Serano
Media Criticism
#- On Letting People Enjoy Things by Esther Rosenfield ( link)
- In Defence of Critique: Let People Enjoy Not Enjoying Things by charlie squire
Mental Health
#- There Is No Moral Imperative to Be Miserable by James Greig
#- “BIPOC”, the Shared Oppression Myth, and the Black Natives It Erases by Kihnindewa ( link)
#- How To Recognize A Moral Abuser by
What Is To Be Done? by CJ The X
Out of all the web manifestos I have read on the indie web, this might be the one that resonates with me the most.
You should have a website by Nora Reed
Nora Reed's website manifesto has been my go-to recommendated reading for why you should make your own website rather than relying on social media for your web presence.
The one app to read them all already exists, and it’s called RSS by Jatan Mehta
I have been subscribing to RSS feeds since the 2000s to follow website and blog updates, and I encourage more internet users to do the same.
Nostalgia is Bullshit by Rin
I do not align with communities and movements that revolve around nostalgia, because I do not believe the past is inherently better, and Web 1.0 design nostalgia is no exception.
Cohost So White: A Comprehensive Record of the Matter of Race on by Alyaza Birze
I have never had a Cohost account, but as an internet user who have witnessed and experienced racism, including microaggressions, on various online spaces. Alyaza's article is a good breakdown and study on how online platforms run by white people, even progressive ones, can still fail to address racial issues on their platform.
(This Articles list was last updated on )
Back to tabsResources
#Table of Contents
#Bypass Paywalls
#- Paywall Reader
- Bypass Paywall Clean browser extension
Download Tools
#- cobalt — Download videos and audio from various platforms
#Video Game Mods
#These are lists of video game mods I use for my own playthroughs.
- Leilukin's Mass Effect Legendary Edition Mod Build
- Leilukin's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Mod
- Leilukin's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Mod Build
- Leilukin's Stardew Valley Mod Build
#- Squoosh — Privacy-friendly image compressor
#Software and Website Alternatives
#- AlternativeTo — Crowdsourced software recommendations
- Indie Wiki Buddy — Browser extension to discover indie wiki alternatives to wikis, and redirect wikis to a Breezewiki front end
(This Resources list was last updated on )
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