To get notified of the updates on this website, you can subscribe to its RSS feed, which contains new articles, blog posts and website changelogs.
Latest Changelogs
- New blog post: "Attended 42 the School's 5-Day Coding Bootcamp".
- Create page for my Mass Effect Legendary Edition mod list.
- Create pages for my mod lists for the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series for my Star Wars: KotOR shrine:
- Add buttons to copy code snippets to pages with code blocks. Credit to ttntm's article "Adding a Copy Button to Code Blocks" for the JavaScript code to implement the buttons.
- Launched my new fanlisting for computer programming.
- New article: "A Love Letter to Myself".
- New blog post: "My First Smartwatch".
- New blog post: "My 2025 Lunar New Year".
- New blog post: "Attending 42 the Computer Science School"
- New blog post: "Blog Questions Challenge".
- Create page for my Stardew Valley mod list.
- New blog post: "My Christmas Season in 2024".
- Fixed broken links in my blog posts to my other blog posts in the website's RSS feed.
- New blog post: "Remembering the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami"
- New blog post: "Leilukin's 2024: A Year In Review"
- New blog post: "Leaving My First Developer Job"
- Add new article: "Living with Retinitis Pigmentosa"
- Update my code snippet for responsive Disability Pride flag CSS background by using the CSS
function instead of an inline SVG
- Obfuscate my email address with CSS and HTTP redirects. (Credit to Spencer Mortensen's article, "Email obfuscation: What works in 2024?")
- Add table of contents to each tab section of the Links page.
- Add link to my Pixel Cat's End profile to my Adoptables page. Free free to check out my not-cats!
- Improve footnotes by enlarging the target area of reference links and footntoe backlinks.
- Update article "How I (Tried to) Implement Accessible Footnotes" with information about improving footnote links' target area.
- New blog post: IndieWeb Carnival November 2024: Impact