{% if eleventyNavigation %} {% endif %} {% if isArticle %}

{{ articleTitle }}

Posted on {{ date | niceDate }} by {{ sitemeta.siteAuthor.name }} {% if updated %} • Last updated on {{ updated | niceDate }}

{% endif %} {% if categories %}

Categories: {% for cat in categories %} {{ cat }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}

{% endif %}

{{ content | emojiReadTime }}

{% else %}

{{ pageTitle or title }}

{% if desc %}

{{ desc }}

{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if toc %} {% include "global/toc.njk" %} {% endif %} {% if isArticle %}
{{ content | safe }}
{% else %}
{{ content | safe }}
{% endif %} {% if tags and tags.includes("articles") or tags and tags.includes("posts") or page.url === "/articles/" or tags and tags.includes("blog pages") %} {% include "main/content-nav.njk" %} {% endif %} {% block shrineInfo %}{% endblock %}