title: Adoptables
desc: A collection of stuff I have adopted from other websites.
isContentDivided: true
hasTooltips: true
updated: 2024-08-15T00:11:21+0800
order: 8
{%- macro myPixelArt(file, alt, tooltip=alt) -%}
(This page was last updated on {{ updated | formatDate }})
{% include "main/virtualpets.njk" %}
Personal Website Adoptables
These are adopted from other personal websites.
{{ adoptable("https://xandra.cc/", "alexandra-diddles.png", "Diddles the raccoon by Alexandra") }}
{{ adoptable("https://lostletters.neocities.org/", "lostletters-moomin.png", "Moomin pixel art by Lost Letters") }}
{{ adoptable("https://pixels.elfwink.net/", "lou-frog.gif", "Green frog by Lou") }}
{{ adoptable("https://pixels.elfwink.net/", "lou-greenkaoani.gif", "Green kao-ani by Lou") }}
{{ adoptable("https://pixels.elfwink.net/", "lou-maneki-neko.png", "Maneki neko (beckoning cat) by Lou") }}
{{ adoptable("https://pixels.elfwink.net/", "lou-tamagotchi.gif", "Tamagotchi pixel art by Lou") }}
{{ adoptable("https://pixel.wings.nu/", "wings-dolphinclassic.gif", "Dolphin classic by Rin") }}
{{ adoptable("https://pixel.wings.nu/", "wings-rainbowmoon.png", "Rainbow moon by Rin") }}
Kitty Friends Pixel Club
An old pixel club about cats, revived by Divergent Rays.
My Kitty Friends
{{ myPixelArt("kittyfriends/leilukin-blackkitty.png", "Leilukin's black kitty friend") }}
{{ myPixelArt("kittyfriends/leilukin-purplekitty.png", "Leilukin's purple kitty friend") }}
Created on 21 July 2024. If you want to adopt any of my kitty friends, please link back to my website and do not hotlink the images.
Adopted Kitty Friends
{{ adoptable("https://artwork.neocities.org/cliques", "kittyfriends/artwork-bat.gif", "artwork's bat kitty") }}
{{ adoptable("https://artwork.neocities.org/cliques", "kittyfriends/artwork-pumpkin.gif", "artwork's pumpkin kitty") }}
{{ adoptable("https://artwork.neocities.org/cliques", "kittyfriends/artwork-vampire.gif", "artwork's vampire kitty") }}
{{ adoptable("https://artwork.neocities.org/cliques", "kittyfriends/artwork-witch.gif", "artwork's witch kitty") }}
{{ adoptable("https://sanguineroyal.com/com/pixelcliques/", "kittyfriends/krish.png", "Krish's kitty friend") }}
{{ adoptable("https://owlsroost.xyz/", "kittyfriends/owl-small-owlcat.gif", "Owl's small owlcat", "It's an owl! It's a cat! It's an owlcat! Made by Owl") }}
{{ adoptable("https://hillhouse.neocities.org/pixels", "kittyfriends/rosemary-ghostcat.gif", "rosemary's ghost cat") }}
{{ adoptable("https://sakuradreams.neocities.org/", "kittyfriends/sakuradreams-Simba.gif", "Sakura Dream's Simba") }}
{{ adoptable("https://solaria.neocities.org/", "kittyfriends/solaria-creampuffs.png", "Solaria's mama cat Creampuff and her 3 little puffs") }}
{{ adoptable("https://solaria.neocities.org/", "kittyfriends/solaria-garfield.gif", "Solaria's Garfield art") }}
Salad Magazine
Salad Magazine is a web-based zine for creative works run by Kalechips.
Ink Snail and Sparkle Snail
These snails were made by Semper as part of the Sparkle Snails entry for Issue 3.
32-Bit Cafe Code Jam: Destination Vacation
Stuff I collected from 32-Bit Cafe's Community Code Jam #4: Destination Vacation in June 2024, including a passport with stamps from the code jam entries, and extra goodies from some of the participants.
{{ adoptable("https://xandra.cc/codejam/vacation/", "32bitcafe-vacation/alexandra-stamp.png", "Alexandra's stamp") }}
{{ adoptable("https://ribo.zone/sunday/fish/", "32bitcafe-vacation/ribose-riverfish.png", "Ribose's fishing button") }}