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My Cassette Beasts Fanlisting Application has been Approved

On 22 June 2024, I submitted an application form to The Fanlistings Network, also known as, to build and run a Cassette Beasts fanlisting, and now has approved my application! Cassette Beasts is now on's approved list under the Games category and the Computer, Console, & Video Games subcategory (view the web archive version).

What is a fanlisting?

For those who do not know what a fanlisting is, has defined fanslitings as below:

A fanlisting is simply an online listing of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country. Fanlistings do not have to be large sites (although some are) - they are just a place where you can have your name listed along with other fans of the same subject. is the original (but not only) web directory for fanlistings, dedicated to uniting fans across the globe.

This is a major moment for me as both a webmaster and a Cassette Beasts fan. As a webmaster, I have been applying and joining fanlistings since I built my own website, as I have always found fanlistings a neat idea to gather and discover other people who share your interests across the world, as listing your country is a requirement when you apply to join a fanlisting. Recently, I have been considering building and running a fanlisting myself, with Cassette Beasts being my first choice since there is no fanlisting for Cassette Beasts yet. I began to dabble in PHP, so I can use a script like BellaBuffs to build a fanlisting. With my application approved by The Fanlistings Network, the Cassette Beasts fanlisting will be the first fanlisting I build and run.

Cassette Beasts has become my favourite video game ever since I started playing it in July 2023, to the extent that not only I have a Cassette Beasts shrine on my website, I had already begun to consider creating the shrine even before beating the main campaign. I have also been tirelessly recommending the game throughout various online spaces. Therefore, I am honoured to be given this opportunity to build and run a fanlisting for Cassette Beasts that is approved by The Fanlistings Network, to add to my ongoing effort to boost the game's visibility.

The Cassette Beasts fanlisting is not ready yet at this moment, especially since I was not certain if The Fanlistings Network would approve my application, but now with their approval, I am going to work on building the Cassette Beasts fanlisting. has a rule that fanlisting owners need to complete their fanlisting within four weeks, so stay tuned for upcoming updates for my Cassette Beasts fanlisting!

Now that I will be running my own fanlisting, I will be also creating a fanlisting collective to gather all fanlistings I own, join and have applied to in one place. Since Netlify, which currently hosts the main site of Leilukin's Hub, does not support PHP, I will be hosting my fanlisting collective, including my Cassette Beasts fanlisting, on InfinityFree.