Things Leilukin has created.
My Other Websites
#- Leilukin's Hub Tumbleblog — My tumbleblog powered by Chyrp Lite
- Beehive — My fanlisting collective
My Code Projects
#- BellaBuffs with PHPMailer Integration — My fork of BellaBuffs, with PHPMailer powering the email sending features.
My Code Snippets
#- Responsive Disability Pride flag CSS Background — CSS code snippet of Disability Pride flag background that can adapt to different widths and screen sizes.
My Drawings
#My drawings can be found on my art blog on Tumblr:
My Video Game Mods
#I have created mods (short for "modifications") for the following video games:
My Playlists
#You can check out the playlists I have made on my dedicated page.
My Characters
#I have created my own characters for various media and universes. You can check out my characters here.