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BellaBuffs with PHPMailer Integration

My fork of BellaBuffs, with PHPMailer powering the email sending features.

This is a fork of the fanlisting PHP script BullaBuffs, with the email sending library PHPMailer integrated.

BellaBuffs includes the optional features to email new members after submitting the join form, email the fanlisting admin when a new member joins or email new members when their applications were approved. The original BellaBuffs script achieved this by using PHP's built-in mail() feature.

This fork replaces the PHP mail() functions from BellaBuffs with PHPMailer, allowing a fanlisting to send out emails with SMTP, provided the fanlisting owner chooses to enable them, even if the hosting server does not support the PHP mail() function.

I created this BellaBuffs fork when I was building the Cassette Beasts fanlisting with BellaBuffs and hosting the fanlisting on InfinityFree. I learned that InfinityFree's free hosting plan does not support PHP mail() function, so incorporating PHPMailer was the solution to allow the Cassette Beasts fanlisting to send emails.

More information about my BellaBuffs fork and instructions for how to use it can be found on its GitHub repository and its Gitea repository mirror.


  • Integrate PHPMailer for the email sending features, should the fanlisting owner enables these features
  • Email sending features are enabled by default, but can be disabled in prefs.php
  • HTML5 form validation, including E-mail and URL input types and the required attribute
  • Update list of countries
  • Add a buttons folder (with a placeholder file to enable the folder to be pushed via Git), so users do not need to manually create the folder to store uploaded buttons
  • Allows fnalisting members to change their favourites with the update form if favourites field is enabled