const hero = document.querySelector(".hero"); const heroTopBarEl = document.querySelector(".hero__top-bar"); const headerImgEl = document.querySelector(".hero__img"); const todayEvent = getTodayEvent(); if (todayEvent) { heroTopBarEl.classList.remove('hidden'); heroTopBarEl.innerHTML = todayEvent; } function getTodayEvent() { const date = new Date(); const month = date.getMonth() + 1; const day = date.getDate(); const year = date.getFullYear(); const cbReleaseDate = new Date("2023-04-26").getFullYear(); const pierReleaseDate = new Date("2023-10-04").getFullYear(); const cbAnniversary = year - cbReleaseDate; const pierAnniversary = year - pierReleaseDate; if (month === 4 && day === 26) return ` Today is the ${cbAnniversary}-year anniversary of the release of <cite>Cassette Beasts</cite>! `; else if (month === 10 && day === 4) return ` Today is the ${pierAnniversary}-year anniversary of the release of <cite>Pier of the Unknown</cite>, the first DLC expansion of <cite>Cassette Beasts</cite>! `; else return null; }