
Here is a collection of trivia about Cassette Beasts.

You can find trivia about the game from:

Here is a list of interviews that staff who worked on Cassette Beasts participated in and discussed Cassette Beasts.

Bytten Studio has written a blog post on their design philosophy of Cassette Beasts.

Development History

Late 2019
Development of Cassette Beasts began.[Source]
11 May 2020
Reveal trailer released.
19 October 2021
Bytten Studio's partnership with publisher Raw Fury was officially announced, with an announcement trailer.
29 March 2023
Main voice cast announced.
26 April 2023
Cassette Beasts released on PC and Xbox Game Pass.
27 April 2023
Hotfix 1.1.2 live.
10 May 2023
Hotfix 1.1.3 live.
25 May 2023
Cassette Beasts released on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
28 June 2023
Update 1.2 “Catacombs” live. Online multiplayer mode and "Pier of the Unknown" DLC expansion announced.
12 September 2023
"Pier of of the Unknown" DLC confirmed to be released on 4 October 2023 with a new trailer.
3 October 2023
Update 1.5 live.
4 October 2023
"Pier of of the Unknown" DLC released, with a new trailer.
11 December 2023
Multiplayer future showcase released, with announcement of its planned release in Q1 2024 and updates about its features.

Influences and Inspirations

The YouTube channel Lockstin & Gnoggin has a video that explains the names and designs of the monsters and Archangels: EVERY Cassette Beast EXPLAINED! 🖭. The video was retweeted by Bytten Studio.

The idea of copying monster forms to transform into came from Tom Coxon's dream. Jay Baylis, inspired by Kamen Rider, later suggested doing the copying and transforming with physical cassette tapes.[Source]

Another oddball source of inspiration for Tom the story “The Beatles Never Broke Up”, about a man who in 2009 hit his head and woke up in another world where the Beatles still exist, where people still use analogue technology, and where parallel universe travel is commonplace.[Source]

The presentation of Archangels is inspired a little by the Witches in Puella Magi Madoka Magica.[Source]

The way the relationship system ties into fusions is heavily influenced by Steven Universe, which both Tom and Jay are fans of.[Source]

The AP system in Cassette Beasts is taken from board and card games.[Source]

Jay cited comic author Grant Morrison as an influence on the broader themes of the game (as well as the strange English surrealism of the setting), as Morrison's stories often explore the nature of fiction, multiple realities, and their influence on one another.[Source]

Archangels Morgante and Aleph were inspired by Morgan le Fay and King Arthur from Arturian legends, but with an unusual twist that Aleph is portrayed as a conqueror instead of a "rightful king" to reflect Britain's history of conquest.[Source]

The ideas for the other Archangels came after Morgante and Aleph. Their themes were kind of arbitrarily chosen to match the design Jay had given them.[Source]

Bytten Studio made a point to not put in a huge amount of Japanese mythological monsters in comparison to mythology from other nations, especially since well-known mons franchises such as Shin Megami Tensei, Pokémon and Digimon are Japanese franchises; they do not want to seem derivative. [Source]

Developer Notes

Partner Character Dialogue Styles

Jay Baylis, the writer of the game, has shared a style guide he wrote during development for writing dialogue for the partner characters in the modding channel of the official Bytten Studio Discord server. This can serves as a reference for anyone who is adding new dialogue for these characters in mods.


Casual friendly dialogue with very few Americanisms.

Common words and phrases:

  • Thanks a million
  • Sorry
  • Brilliant


Often staggers her words, like, uh, this. Uses british slang where appropriate. Most likely to (mildly) swear/curse.

Common words and phrases:

  • Uh
  • Urgh
  • Mate
  • Bloody


American - uses a lot of exclamations! Like this! More like a shonen hero. Less likely to keep up with "lore".

Common words and phrases:

  • Man
  • Pumped
  • Badass
  • Buddy
  • Momentous


Opposite of Eugene. Often ends with full stops. Less energetic, more friendly. More likely to discuss the in-universe lore than others.

Common words and phrases:

  • Rad
  • No worries
  • appreciate
  • unorthodox
  • folks


Lightly used Shakespearian english. Very formal. Often uses quotes adapted (made less complex) from actual Shakespeare.

Common words and phrases:

  • Dear [character name]
  • Alas
  • Spirit (instead of archangels)

The Developers

Jay Baylis' favourite monster catching game is Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire.[Source]

Tom Coxon's favourite monster catching game is Siralim Ultimate.[Source]