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<h1>Sandral-Matale Feud Ending Guide</h1>
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<p class="article__info--desc">Walkthrogh of the different ways to resolve the Sandral-Matale Feud quest in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.</p>
1,025 words.
Posted on <time datetime="Sat Sep 22 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">22 September 2018</time> by Leilukin
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Table of Contents
<nav class="toc" aria-labelledby="toc-heading"><ol><li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#sandral-matale-feud-resolution-walkthrough">Sandral-Matale Feud Resolution Walkthrough</a><ol><li><a href="#1-convincing-ahlan-and-nurik-to-sort-out-their-differences-and-allow-their-children-to-stay-together-as-a-couple">1. Convincing Ahlan and Nurik to sort out their differences and allow their children to stay together as a couple.</a></li>
<li><a href="#2-shen-and-rahasia-run-off-together-while-the-feud-between-their-fathers-remains">2. Shen and Rahasia run off together, while the feud between their fathers remains.</a></li>
<li><a href="#3-breaking-up-shen-and-rahasia">3. Breaking up Shen and Rahasia.</a></li>
<li><a href="#4-making-the-sandrals-and-the-matales-kill-each-other-result-in-the-death-of-the-fathers-and-the-children">4. Making the Sandrals and the Matales kill each other, result in the death of the fathers and the children.</a></li></ol></li></ol></nav>
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<p class="center-text">[This guide is also available on <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cHed1SQZym-F3_4rynL0BbxfGjUNmIPWANWgL0L9SR8/edit">Google Docs</a>]</p>
<div class="heading-wrapper h2">
<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#introduction" aria-labelledby="introduction"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
<p>This guide is requested by Deadly Stream user Sith Holocron.</p>
<p>In <cite>Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic</cite>, there is a side quest on Dantooine named &quot;Sandral-Matale Feud&quot;, which you receive after you have dealt with Juhani at the grove and met the Jedi Council.</p>
<p>This quest line revolves around a family feud between the Sandrals and the Matales, mainly between their patriarchs, Nurik Sandral and Ahlan Matale. As you progress the quest line, you will discover that Nurik's daughter, Rahasia and Ahlan's son, Shen are romantically involved. The quest line will lead to a heated confrontation between Nurik and Ahlan, and there are multiple ways to resolve the quest line.</p>
<p>This guide will provide details on the different ways to resolve the Sandral-Matele feud, and how to achieve those endings.</p>
<div class="heading-wrapper h2">
<h2 id="sandral-matale-feud-resolution-walkthrough">Sandral-Matale Feud Resolution Walkthrough</h2>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#sandral-matale-feud-resolution-walkthrough" aria-labelledby="sandral-matale-feud-resolution-walkthrough"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
<p>After you rescue Shen and meet Rahasia outside the Sandral estate, you will be confronted by Ahlan Matale and Nurik Sandral, Shen and Rahasia's fathers respectively.</p>
<p>After Ahlan yells at Nurik, <em>&quot;I don't want to hear any of your excuses! Now I will get revenge for your transgressions!&quot;</em> Your following dialogue choices will determine the outcome of the &quot;Sandral-Matale Feud&quot; quest. I recommend <strong>saving the game before rescuing Shen and meeting Rahasia outside</strong> the Sandral estate, so you can reload the save if you do not get the ending you want.</p>
<p>The &quot;Sandral-Matale Feud&quot; quest could be resolved in four different ways:</p>
<div class="heading-wrapper h3">
<h3 id="1-convincing-ahlan-and-nurik-to-sort-out-their-differences-and-allow-their-children-to-stay-together-as-a-couple">1. Convincing Ahlan and Nurik to sort out their differences and allow their children to stay together as a couple.</h3>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#1-convincing-ahlan-and-nurik-to-sort-out-their-differences-and-allow-their-children-to-stay-together-as-a-couple" aria-labelledby="1-convincing-ahlan-and-nurik-to-sort-out-their-differences-and-allow-their-children-to-stay-together-as-a-couple"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
<p>If you want to do a Light Side playthrough, this would be the best outcome. However, you need to pass a Hard difficulty Persuasion check to get this ending. If you want to learn more about the Persuade mechanic in KotOR, you can check out <a href="https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic/Skills#Persuade">StretegyWiki's page about Skills in <cite>KotOR</cite></a>. Since you will likely be at level 10 when you do this quest, you need at least 10 points in your Persuade skill to have a decent chance to pass the check.</p>
<p>As for the dialogue choices, after Ahlan rants about him getting revenge, you need to choose <strong>&quot;You two just need to calm down.&quot;</strong></p>
<p>When Nurik calls Ahlan &quot;Matale dog&quot;;, choose either <strong>&quot;Both of you need to calm down.&quot;</strong> or <strong>&quot;You should try to sort this out together.&quot;</strong></p>
<p>Now you will be given [Persuade] options. When presented the option, choose <strong>&quot;[Persuade] Shen is capable of making decisions on his own.&quot;</strong> After you pass a Hard difficulty Persuasion check, choose another Persuade option <strong>&quot;[Persuade] Children grow up and leave eventually.&quot;</strong> when you are given the opportunity. If you have successfully passed the previous Persuade check, you should have no problem passing this check.</p>
<p>Once you have succeeded in these [Persuade] options, congratulations! You manage to set the feud between the Sandrals and the Matales peacefully. Your dialogue choices immediately following this do not matter. You will be rewarded with Light Side points.</p>
<div class="heading-wrapper h3">
<h3 id="2-shen-and-rahasia-run-off-together-while-the-feud-between-their-fathers-remains">2. Shen and Rahasia run off together, while the feud between their fathers remains.</h3>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#2-shen-and-rahasia-run-off-together-while-the-feud-between-their-fathers-remains" aria-labelledby="2-shen-and-rahasia-run-off-together-while-the-feud-between-their-fathers-remains"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
<p>To get this second Light Side ending, after Ahlan rants about him getting revenge:</p>
<li>Choose <strong>&quot;You two just need to calm down.&quot;</strong> When Nurik calls Ahlan &quot;Matale dog&quot;, choose <strong>&quot;Why don't you try listening to your children?&quot;</strong></li>
<li>Alternately, choose <strong>&quot;Don't make me intervene in this.&quot;</strong>. When Ahlan says, &quot;This will be resolved very shortly&quot;, your dialogue choice here does not matter. Later, when Rahasia tells her father she wants to with Shen forever, choose <strong>&quot;You two should stay together no matter what.&quot;</strong></li>
<p>Shen and Rahasia will run off together, and you will find them in the Jedi Enclave, while Ahlan and Nurik will remain angry at each other. You will be rewarded with Light Side points.</p>
<p>You would also get this outcome if you fail the Persuade check when you choose the [Persuade] option.</p>
<div class="heading-wrapper h3">
<h3 id="3-breaking-up-shen-and-rahasia">3. Breaking up Shen and Rahasia.</h3>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#3-breaking-up-shen-and-rahasia" aria-labelledby="3-breaking-up-shen-and-rahasia"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
<p>To get this ending, after Ahlan rants about him getting revenge:</p>
<li>Choose <strong>&quot;Don't make me intervene in this.&quot;</strong> When Ahlan says, &quot;This will be resolved very shortly.&quot; your dialogue choice here does not matter. Later, when Rahasia tells her father she wants to with Shen forever, choose either <strong>&quot;I don't know if you can trust Rahasia, Shen.&quot;</strong> or <strong>&quot;You may want to reconsider this.&quot;</strong> When Nurik yells &quot;Get away from my daughter Matale!&quot;, choose <strong>&quot;Turn away, Shen.&quot;</strong> Your dialogue choices following this do not matter.</li>
<li>Alternately, if you want to get Dark Side points from this outcome, choose <strong>&quot;Why don't you just shoot each other and get it over with.&quot;</strong> When Ahlan says he wants Nurik &quot;dead and rotting in the ground&quot;, choose <strong>&quot;If you fight, you'll all be killed.&quot;</strong> and then choose <strong>&quot;[Lie] Rahasia doesn't love you anyway.&quot;</strong> You need to pass a Medium difficulty Persuasion check for this [Lie] option to succeed.</li>
<p>Shen breaks up with Rahasia, and the two return to their own fathers.</p>
<div class="heading-wrapper h3">
<h3 id="4-making-the-sandrals-and-the-matales-kill-each-other-result-in-the-death-of-the-fathers-and-the-children">4. Making the Sandrals and the Matales kill each other, result in the death of the fathers and the children.</h3>
<a class="heading-anchor" href="#4-making-the-sandrals-and-the-matales-kill-each-other-result-in-the-death-of-the-fathers-and-the-children" aria-labelledby="4-making-the-sandrals-and-the-matales-kill-each-other-result-in-the-death-of-the-fathers-and-the-children"><span hidden="">#</span></a></div>
<p>To get this Dark Side ending, after Ahlan rants about him getting revenge, choose <strong>&quot;Why don't you just shoot each other and get it over with.&quot;</strong> When Ahlan says he wants Nurik &quot;dead and rotting in the ground&quot;, choose <strong>&quot;The only way either of you will end this is with blood.&quot;</strong> When Ahlan yells about how can Shen disrespects his (Ahlan's) wishes, choose <strong>&quot;[Lie] You know, Nurik, Ahlan actually did kill Casus.&quot;</strong> Interestingly, you do not need any Persuade skills to make this [Lie] option succeed.</p>
<p>After Nurik kills Shen, choose either <strong>&quot;Are you going to let that one pass?&quot;</strong> or <strong>&quot;Wipe them all out.&quot;</strong> for more Dark Side points. After the fathers and their children are dead, you will fight the fathers' droids.</p>
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<span class="p-name p-nickname">Leilukin</span>
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<img src="https://i.postimg.cc/RZJgS6tY/leilukin-bee.avif" alt="Leilukin" class="u-photo" loading="lazy">
<span class="p-country-name">Malaysia</span>
<span class="p-note">They/she. A proudly queer and autistic <span class="p-gender-identity">non-binary</span> lesbian from Malaysia.</span>
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