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<h1>Website Changelogs</h1>
<p>Changelogs of my website.</p>
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<p class="changelog__nav--title" id="changelog-nav-title">Changelog Archive:</p>
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>Website Layouts</a></li>
<p>To get notified of the updates on this website, you can subscribe to the <a href="/feed.xml">Leilukin's Hub RSS feed</a>, which contains new articles, blog posts and website changelogs.</p>
<h2>Latest Changelogs</h2>
<h3 class="date-style">11 August 2024</h3>
<li>Improve the site's <a href="/feed.xml">RSS feed</a>:
<li>Make RSS feeds <a href="https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2021/automatically-discoverable-rss-feeds/">automatically discoverable</a> by feed readers</li>
<li>Use time and time zone to make feed items' timestamps accurate</li>
<h3 class="date-style">6 August 2024</h3>
<li>New article: <a href="/articles/accessible-footnotes">"How I (Tried to) Implement Accessible Footnotes"</a>, which is also my entry for <a href="https://32bit.cafe/">32-Bit Cafe</a>'s <a href="https://32bit.cafe/~xandra/events/codejam5/">Community Code Jam #5: Back to School</a>.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">2 August 2024</h3>
<li>Added my first publicly released code snippet on this website: <a href="/projects/snippets/disability-pride-flag-background">Responsive Disability Pride Flag CSS Background</a>.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">26 July 2024</h3>
<li>Leilukin's Hub and all its subsites have been migrated to <a href="https://www.hostinger.my/">Hostinger</a></li>
<li>New blog post: <a href="/blog/posts/2024-07-27-hostinger-migration-leilukins-hub">Leilukin's Hub Has Migrated to Hostinger</a></li>
<li>Change the theme of <a href="https://tumbleblog.leilukin.com/">Leilukin's Hub Tumbleblog</a> to a custom theme based on the Umbra theme from Chyrp Lite</li>
<li>Add a link to contact me via email to the website's footer</li>
<h3 class="date-style">22 July 2024</h3>
<li>Add a <a href="https://zine.kalechips.net/index">Salad Magazine</a> section to my <a href="/adoptables">Adoptables pages</a>.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">21 July 2024</h3>
<li>Add a section for the <a href="https://divergentrays.com/kitty">Kitty Friends Pixel Club</a> to my <a href="/adoptables">Adoptables page</a>, including my kitty friends!</li>
<h3 class="date-style">20 July 2024</h3>
<li>Remake the mobile version of navigation menu by using the HTML <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/popover"><code>popover</code></a> attirbutes, allowing the navigation menu to be dismissed without JavaScript</li>
<h3 class="date-style">18 July 2024</h3>
<li>Add list of web cliques I joined to the home page</li>
<li>Add pixel cliques I joined to the <a href="/adoptables">Adoptables page</a></li>
<li>Add a <a href="/links/#joined">Joined</a> tab to the <a href="/links">Links page</a> to list the web cliques and widgets of web rings I joined, as well as linking to my fanlisting collective.</li>
<li>Upgrade Eleventy to version 3.0</li>
<li>Bundle page-specific CSS and JavaScript in the <code><head></code> element with Eleventy 3.0's <a href="https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-plugin-bundle">built-in bundle plugin</a></li>
<h3 class="date-style">13 July 2024</h3>
<li>Add an inline SVG icon to external links</li>
<li>Use inline SVG for Font Awesome icons to remove the need of hosting Font Awesome assets</li>
<li>Add dark mode support for <a href="/shrines/cassettebeasts"><cite>Cassette Beasts</cite> shrine</a> based on user preference in system setting</li>
<h3 class="date-style">6 July 2024</h3>
<li>Implement accessible tooltips that meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 success criterion for <a href="https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/content-on-hover-or-focus.html">1.4.13: Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA)</a>, by utilising <a href="https://github.com/scottaohara/a11y_tooltips">Scott O'Hara's ARIA Tooltips</a> script. (Thank you <a href="https://www.groundedwren.com/">Vera</a> for your feedback on my previous implementation of the tooltips)</li>
<h3 class="date-style">3 July 2024</h3>
<li>Add <a href="/links/#articles">Articles</a> and <a href="/links/#resources">Resources</a> tabs to the <a href="/links">links page</a>.</li>
<li>Show visible stylised tooltips for some website buttons on mouse hover or keyboard focus (thanks to <a href="https://solaria.neocities.org/accessibility">Solaria's web accessibility guide</a> for the inspiration).</li>
<li>Add a list of webrings my website is part of to the home page.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">2 July 2024</h3>
<li>The main site header now would display a Disability Pride Month blurb and the disability pride flag during July</li>
<li><a href="https://fan.leilukin.com">My fanlisting collective</a> and <a href="https://fan.leilukin.com/cassettebeasts"><cite>Cassette Beasts</cite> fanlisting</a> launched!</li>
<li><a href="/projects">Projects page</a>:
<li>Reorganised pages for my video game mods into their own directory</li>
<li>Add code projects, started with <a href="/projects/code/bellabuffs-phpmailer">BellaBuffs with PHPMailer Integration</a></li>
<li>New blog post: <a href="/blog/posts/2024-07-02-fanlisting-collective-launch">Cassette Beasts Fanlisting and My Fanlisting Collective Launched</a></li>
<li><a href="/links">Links page</a>:
<li>Add tabs to sort my link collection by category (thanks to <a href="https://kalechips.net/projects/snippets/tabs">Kalechips' JavaScript-free tabs code scnippet</a> for the inspiration)</li>
<li>Add <a href="/links/#webmastery">webmastery resources</a></li>
<h3 class="date-style">27 June 2024</h3>
<li>Added a <a href="/articles/palestine-masterlist/#spotlight-crowdfunding-campaigns">Spotlight Crowdfunding Campaigns</a> section to my <a href="/articles/palestine-masterlist">Palestine masterlist</a> to highlight fundraising campaigns that I have been asked to help and share by Palestinians on Tumblr, and that have been vetted by other Palestinians on Tumblr.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">26 June 2024</h3>
<li>Added my other websites to my <a href="/projects">Projects page</a>.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">24 June 2024</h3>
<li>New blog post: <a href="/blog/posts/2024-06-24-cassette-beasts-fanlisting-approved">My Cassette Beasts Fanlisting Application has been Approved</a></li>
<h3 class="date-style">23 June 2024</h3>
<li>Add <a href="/adoptables">Adoptables page</a>.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">20 June 2024</h3>
<li>Leilukin's Hub now has a tumbleblog at <a href="https://tumbleblog.leilukin.com/">tumbleblog.leilukin.com</a>! Read the latest blog post to learn more: <a href="/blog/posts/2024-06-21-leilukins-hub-tumbleblog-launched">Leilukin's Hub Tumbleblog Launched</a>.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">19 June 2024</h3>
<li>Add new article: <a href="/articles/palestine-masterlist">Palestine Masterlist</a>.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">12 June 2024</h3>
<li>Add a Virtual Pets section to the home page.</li>
<li>The <a href="https://status.cafe/">status.cafe</a> widget and the <a href="https://www.websitecarbon.com/badge/">Website Carbon badge</a> on the home page will display a note about JavaScript being required for these widgets if the visitor has disabled JavaScript.</li>
<li>Remove JavaScript from the "Back to top" button.</li>
<h3 class="date-style">11 June 2024</h3>
<li>Remake the navigation hamburger menu for mobile, so JavaScript is no longer needed to open and close the navigation menu, although JavaScript is still used to enable closing the menu with the Escape key. (Special thanks to Kale for the <a href="https://kalechips.net/projects/snippets/burger">accessible hamburger menu code snippet</a>).</li>
<li>New blog post: <a href="/blog/posts/2024-06-12-performance-improvement-leilukins-hub/">Improving Site Performance of Leilukin's Hub</a>.</li>
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<p>Made with ♥ by Leilukin since 11 September 2022</p>
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<span class="p-name p-nickname">Leilukin</span>
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<span class="p-country-name">Malaysia</span>
<span class="p-note">They/she. A proudly queer and autistic <span class="p-gender-identity">non-binary</span> lesbian from Malaysia.</span>
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