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2023 New Year Redesign of Leilukin's Hub | Blog | Leilukin's Hub
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return `
Today is <a href="https://www.believeoutloud.com/voices/article/agender-pride-day/" target="_blank">Agender Pride Day</a></span>
case "Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness & Visibility Day":
return `
Today is <a href="https://genderedintelligence.co.uk/panvisibilityday" target="_blank">Pansexual and Panromantic Visibility Day</a>
case "Pride Month":
return `
Happy <a href="https://www.loc.gov/lgbt-pride-month/about/" target="_blank">Pride Month</a>!
case "Non-Binary People's Day":
return `
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return `
Today is the anniversary of the launch of Leilukin's Hub
case "Bi Visibility Day":
return `
Today is <a href="https://bivisibilityday.com/about" target="_blank">Bi Visibility Day</a>
case "International Lesbian Day":
return `
Today is <a href="https://www.lgbtiqhealth.org.au/international_lesbian_day2" target="_blank">International Lesbian Day</a>
case "National Coming Out Day":
return `
Today is <a href="https://www.hrc.org/resources/national-coming-out-day" target="_blank">National Coming Out Day</a>
case "Intersex Awareness Day":
return `
Today is <a href="https://interactadvocates.org/intersex-awareness-day" target="_blank">Intersex Awareness Day</a>
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<h1>2023 New Year Redesign of Leilukin's Hub</h1>
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<p>Posted on 26 January 2023 by Leilukin
<a href="/categories/site-updates">site updates</a>
<p>🍿 2 min. read</p>
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<p><img src="/assets/layouts/Leilukins-Hub-layout-2023-01.png" alt="A screenshot of Leilukin's Hub home page, with its layout design released on January 26, 2023"></p>
<p>In light of a new year, the Leilukin's Hub website has received a new design on 26 January 2023!</p>
<p>I have wanted to rewrite and redesign this site after learning HTML and CSS more and getting better at writing those languages. With Visual Studio Code and the <a href="https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ritwickdey.LiveServer">Live Server</a> extension installed, I have also finally found a good workflow for me to write and test HTML and CSS.</p>
<p>Looking at other Neocities websites have also given me more ideas in enhancing my own website. Special thanks to <a href="https://sadgrl.online/">sadgrl.online</a>, whose various web building resources, including the Layout Builder, have helped tremendously in redesigning this site.</p>
<p>With this 2023 new year redesign of this website, the index page, which is for when you visit the link <a href="https://leilukin.neocities.org/">leilukin.neocities.org</a>, you will be presented with a very simple page, but when you click the "Enter" button to enter, you will be brought to my website's home page, and can start properly browsing my website, and enjoying the new design!</p>
<p>Highlights of the 2023 New Year redesign of Leilukin's Hub:</p>
<li>Uses purple colour schemes primarily, as purple is one of my favourite colours.</li>
<li>Each page category has their own CSS file, allowing me to give certain pages unique elements. However, the site still has a main CSS file to be imported into CSS files of other pages, saving me time to edit the CSS files one by one just to tweak a certain part of the main layout design.</li>
<li>Background image added.</li>
<li>Sidebars added, with the contents being sticky, so you can still see them while scrolling through.</li>
<li>The navigation links are now on the right sidebar. Previously, the navigation links of my website are in a row placed at the header section.</li>
<li>The table of contents of some of my pages is now placed on the left sidebar.</li>
<li>The <a href="/changelogs/">website changelog</a> page adds archives for the layout designs of this site and old changelog.</li>
<li>My <a href="/mymods">video game mod pages</a> have added a filter function, so you can use buttons to view a specific category of mods.</li>
<p>After spending many hours on this site redesign, I am very pleased with how it turns out. Hope you enjoy it!</p>
<ul class="blog__post--nextprev"><li>Next Post: <a href="/blog/posts/2023-01-28-leilukins-hub-now-has-a-blog/">Leilukin's Hub Now has a Blog!</a></li>
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