2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
* Class: QueryBuilder
* A generic SQL query builder.
class QueryBuilder {
* Function: build_select
* Creates a full SELECT query.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $tables - Tables to select from.
* $fields - Columns to select.
* $order - What to order by.
* $limit - Limit of the result.
* $offset - Starting point for the result.
* $group - What to group by.
* $left_join - Any @LEFT JOIN@s to add.
* &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
* Returns:
* A @SELECT@ query string.
public static function build_select(
$order = null,
$limit = null,
$offset = null,
$group = null,
$left_join = array(),
&$params = array()
): string {
$query = "SELECT ".self::build_select_header($sql, $fields, $tables)."\n".
"FROM ".self::build_from($sql, $tables)."\n";
foreach ($left_join as $join)
$query.= "LEFT JOIN \"__".$join["table"].
"\" ON ".
self::build_where($sql, $join["where"], $join["table"], $params).
if ($conds)
$query.= "WHERE ".self::build_where($sql, $conds, $tables, $params)."\n";
if ($group)
$query.= "GROUP BY ".self::build_group($sql, $group, $tables)."\n";
if ($order)
$query.= "ORDER BY ".self::build_order($sql, $order, $tables)."\n";
if (empty($left_join))
$query.= self::build_limits($sql, $offset, $limit);
return $query;
* Function: build_insert
* Creates a full insert query.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $table - Table to insert into.
* $data - Data to insert.
* &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
* Returns:
* An @INSERT@ query string.
public static function build_insert(
&$params = array()
): string {
if (empty($params))
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
if (is_object($val) and !$val instanceof Stringable)
$val = null;
if (is_bool($val))
$val = (int) $val;
if (is_float($val))
$val = (string) $val;
if (
$key == "updated_at" and
$param = ":".str_replace(array("(", ")", "."), "_", $key);
$params[$param] = $val;
return "INSERT INTO \"__$table\"\n".
self::build_insert_header($sql, $data)."\n".
"(".implode(", ", array_keys($params)).")\n";
* Function: build_update
* Creates a full update query.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $table - Table to update.
* $conds - Conditions to update rows by.
* $data - Data to update.
* &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
* Returns:
* An @UPDATE@ query string.
public static function build_update(
&$params = array()
): string {
$query = "UPDATE \"__$table\"\n".
"SET ".self::build_update_values($sql, $data, $params)."\n";
if ($conds)
$query.= "WHERE ".self::build_where($sql, $conds, $table, $params);
return $query;
* Function: build_delete
* Creates a full delete query.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $table - Table to delete from.
* $conds - Conditions to delete by.
* &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
* Returns:
* A @DELETE@ query string.
public static function build_delete(
&$params = array()
): string {
$query = "DELETE FROM \"__$table\"\n";
if ($conds)
$query.= "WHERE ".self::build_where($sql, $conds, $table, $params);
return $query;
* Function: build_drop
* Creates a full drop table query.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $table - Table to drop.
* Returns:
* A @DROP TABLE@ query string.
public static function build_drop(
): string {
return "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"__$table\"";
* Function: build_create
* Creates a full create table query.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $table - Table to create.
* $cols - An array of column declarations.
* Returns:
* A @CREATE TABLE@ query string.
public static function build_create(
): string {
$query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"__$table\" (\n ".
implode(",\n ", $cols)."\n)";
switch ($sql->adapter) {
case "sqlite":
$query = str_ireplace(
case "mysql":
$query = str_ireplace(
$query.= " DEFAULT CHARSET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci";
case "pgsql":
$query = str_ireplace(
$query = preg_replace(
return $query;
* Function: build_update_values
* Creates an update data part.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $data - Data to update.
* &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
public static function build_update_values(
&$params = array()
): string {
$set = self::build_conditions($sql, $data, $params, null, true);
return implode(",\n ", $set);
* Function: build_insert_header
* Creates an insert header.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $data - Data to insert.
public static function build_insert_header(
): string {
$set = array();
foreach (array_keys($data) as $field)
array_push($set, self::safecol($sql, $field));
return "(".implode(", ", $set).")";
* Function: build_limits
* Creates the LIMIT part of a query.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $offset - Offset of the result.
* $limit - Limit of the result.
public static function build_limits(
): string {
if ($limit === null)
return "";
if ($offset !== null)
return "LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$limit;
return "LIMIT ".$limit;
* Function: build_from
* Creates a FROM header for select queries.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $tables - Tables to select from.
public static function build_from(
): string {
if (!is_array($tables))
$tables = array($tables);
foreach ($tables as &$table) {
if (substr($table, 0, 2) != "__")
$table = "__".$table;
$table = "\"".$table."\"";
return implode(",\n ", $tables);
* Function: build_count
* Creates a SELECT COUNT(1) query.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $tables - Tables to tablefy with.
* $conds - Conditions to select by.
* &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
public static function build_count(
&$params = array()
): string {
$query = "SELECT COUNT(1) AS count\n".
"FROM ".self::build_from($sql, $tables)."\n";
if ($conds)
$query.= "WHERE ".self::build_where($sql, $conds, $tables, $params);
return $query;
* Function: build_select_header
* Creates a SELECT fields header.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $fields - Columns to select.
* $tables - Tables to tablefy with.
public static function build_select_header(
$tables = null
): string {
if (!is_array($fields))
$fields = array($fields);
$tables = (array) $tables;
foreach ($fields as &$field) {
self::tablefy($sql, $field, $tables);
$field = self::safecol($sql, $field);
return implode(",\n ", $fields);
* Function: build_where
* Creates a WHERE query.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $conds - Conditions to select by.
* $tables - Tables to tablefy with.
* &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
public static function build_where(
$tables = null,
&$params = array()
): string {
$conds = (array) $conds;
$tables = (array) $tables;
$conditions = self::build_conditions($sql, $conds, $params, $tables);
return empty($conditions) ?
"" :
"(".implode(")\n AND (", array_filter($conditions)).")" ;
* Function: build_group
* Creates a GROUP BY argument.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $order - Columns to group by.
* $tables - Tables to tablefy with.
public static function build_group(
$tables = null
): string {
$by = (array) $by;
$tables = (array) $tables;
foreach ($by as &$column) {
self::tablefy($sql, $column, $tables);
$column = self::safecol($sql, $column);
return implode(
",\n ",
* Function: build_order
* Creates an ORDER BY argument.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $order - Columns to order by.
* $tables - Tables to tablefy with.
public static function build_order(
$tables = null
): string {
$tables = (array) $tables;
if (!is_array($order)) {
$parts = array_map("trim", explode(",", $order));
$order = array_diff(array_unique($parts), array(""));
foreach ($order as &$by) {
self::tablefy($sql, $by, $tables);
$by = self::safecol($sql, $by);
return implode(",\n ", $order);
* Function: build_list
* Creates a list of values.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $vals - An array of values.
* &$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
public static function build_list(
$params = array()
): string {
$return = array();
foreach ($vals as $val) {
if (is_object($val) and !$val instanceof Stringable)
$val = null;
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
switch (gettype($val)) {
case "NULL":
$return[] = "NULL";
case "boolean":
$return[] = (string) (int) $val;
case "double":
$return[] = $sql->escape($val);
case "integer":
$return[] = (string) $val;
case "object":
$return[] = $sql->escape($val);
case "string":
$return[] = isset($params[$val]) ?
$val :
$sql->escape($val) ;
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
return "(".implode(", ", $return).")";
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
* Function: safecol
* Encloses a column name in quotes if it is a subset of SQL keywords.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $name - Name of the column.
public static function safecol(
): string|array|null {
$keywords = array(
"between", "case", "check", "collate", "constraint", "create",
"default", "delete", "distinct", "drop", "except", "from",
"groups?", "having", "insert", "intersect", "into", "join",
"left", "like", "limit", "null", "offset", "order", "primary",
"references", "select", "set", "table", "transaction", "union",
"unique", "update", "using", "values", "when", "where", "with"
$pattern = implode("|", $keywords);
return preg_replace(
* Function: build_conditions
* Builds an associative array of SQL values into parameterized query strings.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* $conds - Conditions.
* &$params - Parameters array to fill.
* $tables - If specified, conditions will be tablefied with these tables.
* $insert - Is this an insert/update query?
public static function build_conditions(
$tables = null,
$insert = false
): array {
$conditions = array();
# PostgreSQL: cast to text to enable LIKE operator.
$text = ($sql->adapter == "pgsql") ? "::text" : "" ;
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
# ESCAPE clause for LIKE.
$escape = " ESCAPE '|'";
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
foreach ($conds as $key => $val) {
if (is_int($key)) {
# Full expression.
$cond = $val;
} else {
# Key => Val expression.
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
if (is_string($val) and str_starts_with($val, ":")) {
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$cond = self::safecol($sql, $key)." = ".$val;
} else {
if (is_object($val) and !$val instanceof Stringable)
$val = null;
if (is_bool($val))
$val = (int) $val;
if (is_float($val))
$val = (string) $val;
$uck = strtoupper($key);
if (substr($uck, -4) == " NOT") {
# Negation.
$key = self::safecol($sql, substr($key, 0, -4));
$param = str_replace(
array("(", ")", "."),
if (is_array($val)) {
$cond = $key." NOT IN ".
self::build_list($sql, $val, $params);
} elseif ($val === null) {
$cond = $key." IS NOT NULL";
} else {
$cond = $key." != :".$param;
$params[":".$param] = $val;
} elseif (substr($uck, -9) == " LIKE ALL" and is_array($val)) {
# multiple LIKE (AND).
$key = self::safecol($sql, substr($key, 0, -9));
$likes = array();
foreach ($val as $index => $match) {
$param = str_replace(
array("(", ")", "."),
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
$likes[] = $key.$text." LIKE :".$param.$escape;
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$params[":".$param] = $match;
$cond = "(".implode(" AND ", $likes).")";
} elseif (substr($uck, -9) == " NOT LIKE" and is_array($val)) {
# multiple NOT LIKE.
$key = self::safecol($sql, substr($key, 0, -9));
$likes = array();
foreach ($val as $index => $match) {
$param = str_replace(
array("(", ")", "."),
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
$likes[] = $key.$text." NOT LIKE :".$param.$escape;
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$params[":".$param] = $match;
$cond = "(".implode(" AND ", $likes).")";
} elseif (substr($uck, -5) == " LIKE" and is_array($val)) {
# multiple LIKE (OR).
$key = self::safecol($sql, substr($key, 0, -5));
$likes = array();
foreach ($val as $index => $match) {
$param = str_replace(
array("(", ")", "."),
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
$likes[] = $key.$text." LIKE :".$param.$escape;
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$params[":".$param] = $match;
$cond = "(".implode(" OR ", $likes).")";
} elseif (substr($uck, -9) == " NOT LIKE") {
$key = self::safecol($sql, substr($key, 0, -9));
$param = str_replace(
array("(", ")", "."),
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
$cond = $key.$text." NOT LIKE :".$param.$escape;
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$params[":".$param] = $val;
} elseif (substr($uck, -5) == " LIKE") {
$key = self::safecol($sql, substr($key, 0, -5));
$param = str_replace(
array("(", ")", "."),
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
$cond = $key.$text." LIKE :".$param.$escape;
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$params[":".$param] = $val;
} elseif (substr_count($key, " ")) {
# Custom operation, e.g. array("foo >" => $bar).
list($param,) = explode(" ", $key);
$param = str_replace(
array("(", ")", "."),
$cond = self::safecol($sql, $key)." :".$param;
$params[":".$param] = $val;
} else {
# Equation.
if (is_array($val)) {
$cond = self::safecol($sql, $key)." IN ".
self::build_list($sql, $val, $params);
} elseif ($val === null and $insert) {
$cond = self::safecol($sql, $key)." = ''";
} elseif ($val === null) {
$cond = self::safecol($sql, $key)." IS NULL";
} else {
$param = str_replace(
array("(", ")", "."),
$cond = self::safecol($sql, $key)." = :".$param;
if ($insert) {
if (
$key == "updated_at" and
$params[":".$param] = $val;
if ($tables)
self::tablefy($sql, $cond, $tables);
$conditions[] = $cond;
return $conditions;
* Function: tablefy
* Prepends table names and prefixes to a field if it doesn't already have them.
* Parameters:
* $sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
* &$field - The field to "tablefy".
* $tables - An array of tables. The first one will be used for prepending.
public static function tablefy(
): void {
if (
foreach ($matches[0] as $index => $full) {
$before = $matches[1][$index];
$name = $matches[2][$index];
$after = $matches[3][$index];
if (is_numeric($name))
# Does it not already have a table specified?
if (!substr_count($full, ".")) {
# Don't replace things that are already either prefixed or parameterized.
$field = preg_replace(
"/([^\.:'\"_]|^)".preg_quote($full, "/")."/",
} else {
$field = preg_replace(
"/([^\.:'\"_]|^)".preg_quote($full, "/")."/",
"\\1".$before."\"__".str_replace(".", "\".", $name).$after,
$field = preg_replace("/AS ([^ ]+)\./i", "AS ", $field);