2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
< ? php
* This file is part of Twig .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier
* ( c ) Armin Ronacher
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Twig ;
use Twig\Error\SyntaxError ;
* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
class Lexer
private $isInitialized = false ;
private $tokens ;
private $code ;
private $cursor ;
private $lineno ;
private $end ;
private $state ;
private $states ;
private $brackets ;
private $env ;
private $source ;
private $options ;
private $regexes ;
private $position ;
private $positions ;
private $currentVarBlockLine ;
public const STATE_DATA = 0 ;
public const STATE_BLOCK = 1 ;
public const STATE_VAR = 2 ;
public const STATE_STRING = 3 ;
public const STATE_INTERPOLATION = 4 ;
public const REGEX_NAME = '/[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*/A' ;
public const REGEX_STRING = '/"([^#"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^#"\\\\]*)*)"|\'([^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*)\'/As' ;
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
public const REGEX_NUMBER = ' / ( ? ( DEFINE )
( ? < LNUM > [ 0 - 9 ] + ( _ [ 0 - 9 ] + ) * ) # Integers (with underscores) 123_456
( ? < FRAC > \ . ( ? & LNUM )) # Fractional part .456
( ? < EXPONENT > [ eE ][ +- ] ? ( ? & LNUM )) # Exponent part E+10
( ? < DNUM > ( ? & LNUM )( ? : ( ? & FRAC )) ? ) # Decimal number 123_456.456
)( ? : ( ? & DNUM )( ? : ( ? & EXPONENT )) ? ) # 123_456.456E+10
/ Ax ' ;
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
public const REGEX_DQ_STRING_DELIM = '/"/A' ;
public const REGEX_DQ_STRING_PART = '/[^#"\\\\]*(?:(?:\\\\.|#(?!\{))[^#"\\\\]*)*/As' ;
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
public const REGEX_INLINE_COMMENT = '/#[^\n]*/A' ;
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
public const PUNCTUATION = '()[]{}?:.,|' ;
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
private const SPECIAL_CHARS = [
'f' => " \ f " ,
'n' => " \n " ,
'r' => " \r " ,
't' => " \t " ,
'v' => " \ v " ,
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
public function __construct ( Environment $env , array $options = [])
$this -> env = $env ;
$this -> options = array_merge ([
'tag_comment' => [ '{#' , '#}' ],
'tag_block' => [ '{%' , '%}' ],
'tag_variable' => [ '{{' , '}}' ],
'whitespace_trim' => '-' ,
'whitespace_line_trim' => '~' ,
'whitespace_line_chars' => ' \t\0\x0B' ,
'interpolation' => [ '#{' , '}' ],
], $options );
private function initialize ()
if ( $this -> isInitialized ) {
return ;
// when PHP 7.3 is the min version, we will be able to remove the '#' part in preg_quote as it's part of the default
$this -> regexes = [
// }}
'lex_var' => ' {
\s *
( ? : ' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_trim' ] . $this -> options [ 'tag_variable' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '\s*' . // -}}\s*
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_trim' ] . $this -> options [ 'tag_variable' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '[' . $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_chars' ] . ']*' . // ~}}[ \t\0\x0B]*
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'tag_variable' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . // }}
' )
} Ax ' ,
// %}
'lex_block' => ' {
\s *
( ? : ' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_trim' ] . $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '\s*\n?' . // -%}\s*\n?
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_trim' ] . $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '[' . $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_chars' ] . ']*' . // ~%}[ \t\0\x0B]*
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '\n?' . // %}\n?
' )
} Ax ' ,
// {% endverbatim %}
'lex_raw_data' => '{' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 0 ], '#' ) . // {%
'(' .
$this -> options [ 'whitespace_trim' ] . // -
'|' .
$this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_trim' ] . // ~
')?\s*endverbatim\s*' .
'(?:' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_trim' ] . $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '\s*' . // -%}
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_trim' ] . $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '[' . $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_chars' ] . ']*' . // ~%}[ \t\0\x0B]*
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . // %}
' )
} sx ' ,
'operator' => $this -> getOperatorRegex (),
// #}
'lex_comment' => ' {
( ? : ' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_trim' ] . $this -> options [ 'tag_comment' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '\s*\n?' . // -#}\s*\n?
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_trim' ] . $this -> options [ 'tag_comment' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '[' . $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_chars' ] . ']*' . // ~#}[ \t\0\x0B]*
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'tag_comment' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '\n?' . // #}\n?
' )
} sx ' ,
// verbatim %}
'lex_block_raw' => ' {
\s * verbatim\s *
( ? : ' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_trim' ] . $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '\s*' . // -%}\s*
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_trim' ] . $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '[' . $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_chars' ] . ']*' . // ~%}[ \t\0\x0B]*
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . // %}
' )
} Asx ' ,
'lex_block_line' => '{\s*line\s+(\d+)\s*' . preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '}As' ,
// {{ or {% or {#
'lex_tokens_start' => ' {
( ' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'tag_variable' ][ 0 ], '#' ) . // {{
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 0 ], '#' ) . // {%
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'tag_comment' ][ 0 ], '#' ) . // {#
')(' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_trim' ], '#' ) . // -
'|' .
preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_trim' ], '#' ) . // ~
' ) ?
} sx ' ,
'interpolation_start' => '{' . preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'interpolation' ][ 0 ], '#' ) . '\s*}A' ,
'interpolation_end' => '{\s*' . preg_quote ( $this -> options [ 'interpolation' ][ 1 ], '#' ) . '}A' ,
$this -> isInitialized = true ;
public function tokenize ( Source $source ) : TokenStream
$this -> initialize ();
$this -> source = $source ;
$this -> code = str_replace ([ " \r \n " , " \r " ], " \n " , $source -> getCode ());
$this -> cursor = 0 ;
$this -> lineno = 1 ;
$this -> end = \strlen ( $this -> code );
$this -> tokens = [];
$this -> state = self :: STATE_DATA ;
$this -> states = [];
$this -> brackets = [];
$this -> position = - 1 ;
// find all token starts in one go
preg_match_all ( $this -> regexes [ 'lex_tokens_start' ], $this -> code , $matches , \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE );
$this -> positions = $matches ;
while ( $this -> cursor < $this -> end ) {
// dispatch to the lexing functions depending
// on the current state
switch ( $this -> state ) {
case self :: STATE_DATA :
$this -> lexData ();
break ;
case self :: STATE_BLOCK :
$this -> lexBlock ();
break ;
case self :: STATE_VAR :
$this -> lexVar ();
break ;
case self :: STATE_STRING :
$this -> lexString ();
break ;
$this -> lexInterpolation ();
break ;
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: EOF_TYPE );
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2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
if ( $this -> brackets ) {
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
[ $expect , $lineno ] = array_pop ( $this -> brackets );
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
throw new SyntaxError ( \sprintf ( 'Unclosed "%s".' , $expect ), $lineno , $this -> source );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
return new TokenStream ( $this -> tokens , $this -> source );
private function lexData () : void
// if no matches are left we return the rest of the template as simple text token
if ( $this -> position == \count ( $this -> positions [ 0 ]) - 1 ) {
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: TEXT_TYPE , substr ( $this -> code , $this -> cursor ));
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> cursor = $this -> end ;
return ;
// Find the first token after the current cursor
$position = $this -> positions [ 0 ][ ++ $this -> position ];
while ( $position [ 1 ] < $this -> cursor ) {
if ( $this -> position == \count ( $this -> positions [ 0 ]) - 1 ) {
return ;
$position = $this -> positions [ 0 ][ ++ $this -> position ];
// push the template text first
$text = $textContent = substr ( $this -> code , $this -> cursor , $position [ 1 ] - $this -> cursor );
// trim?
if ( isset ( $this -> positions [ 2 ][ $this -> position ][ 0 ])) {
if ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_trim' ] === $this -> positions [ 2 ][ $this -> position ][ 0 ]) {
// whitespace_trim detected ({%-, {{- or {#-)
$text = rtrim ( $text );
} elseif ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_line_trim' ] === $this -> positions [ 2 ][ $this -> position ][ 0 ]) {
// whitespace_line_trim detected ({%~, {{~ or {#~)
// don't trim \r and \n
$text = rtrim ( $text , " \t \0 \x0B " );
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: TEXT_TYPE , $text );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> moveCursor ( $textContent . $position [ 0 ]);
switch ( $this -> positions [ 1 ][ $this -> position ][ 0 ]) {
case $this -> options [ 'tag_comment' ][ 0 ] :
$this -> lexComment ();
break ;
case $this -> options [ 'tag_block' ][ 0 ] :
// raw data?
if ( preg_match ( $this -> regexes [ 'lex_block_raw' ], $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
$this -> lexRawData ();
// {% line \d+ %}
} elseif ( preg_match ( $this -> regexes [ 'lex_block_line' ], $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
$this -> lineno = ( int ) $match [ 1 ];
} else {
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: BLOCK_START_TYPE );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> pushState ( self :: STATE_BLOCK );
$this -> currentVarBlockLine = $this -> lineno ;
break ;
case $this -> options [ 'tag_variable' ][ 0 ] :
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: VAR_START_TYPE );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> pushState ( self :: STATE_VAR );
$this -> currentVarBlockLine = $this -> lineno ;
break ;
private function lexBlock () : void
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
if ( ! $this -> brackets && preg_match ( $this -> regexes [ 'lex_block' ], $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: BLOCK_END_TYPE );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
$this -> popState ();
} else {
$this -> lexExpression ();
private function lexVar () : void
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
if ( ! $this -> brackets && preg_match ( $this -> regexes [ 'lex_var' ], $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: VAR_END_TYPE );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
$this -> popState ();
} else {
$this -> lexExpression ();
private function lexExpression () : void
// whitespace
if ( preg_match ( '/\s+/A' , $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
if ( $this -> cursor >= $this -> end ) {
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
throw new SyntaxError ( \sprintf ( 'Unclosed "%s".' , self :: STATE_BLOCK === $this -> state ? 'block' : 'variable' ), $this -> currentVarBlockLine , $this -> source );
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// spread operator
if ( '.' === $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ] && ( $this -> cursor + 2 < $this -> end ) && '.' === $this -> code [ $this -> cursor + 1 ] && '.' === $this -> code [ $this -> cursor + 2 ]) {
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: SPREAD_TYPE , '...' );
$this -> moveCursor ( '...' );
// arrow function
elseif ( '=' === $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ] && ( $this -> cursor + 1 < $this -> end ) && '>' === $this -> code [ $this -> cursor + 1 ]) {
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: ARROW_TYPE , '=>' );
$this -> moveCursor ( '=>' );
// operators
elseif ( preg_match ( $this -> regexes [ 'operator' ], $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: OPERATOR_TYPE , preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , ' ' , $match [ 0 ]));
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
// names
elseif ( preg_match ( self :: REGEX_NAME , $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: NAME_TYPE , $match [ 0 ]);
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
// numbers
elseif ( preg_match ( self :: REGEX_NUMBER , $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: NUMBER_TYPE , 0 + str_replace ( '_' , '' , $match [ 0 ]));
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
// punctuation
elseif ( str_contains ( self :: PUNCTUATION , $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ])) {
// opening bracket
if ( str_contains ( '([{' , $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ])) {
$this -> brackets [] = [ $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ], $this -> lineno ];
// closing bracket
elseif ( str_contains ( ')]}' , $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ])) {
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
if ( ! $this -> brackets ) {
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
throw new SyntaxError ( \sprintf ( 'Unexpected "%s".' , $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ]), $this -> lineno , $this -> source );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
[ $expect , $lineno ] = array_pop ( $this -> brackets );
if ( $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ] != strtr ( $expect , '([{' , ')]}' )) {
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
throw new SyntaxError ( \sprintf ( 'Unclosed "%s".' , $expect ), $lineno , $this -> source );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: PUNCTUATION_TYPE , $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ]);
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
++ $this -> cursor ;
// strings
elseif ( preg_match ( self :: REGEX_STRING , $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: STRING_TYPE , $this -> stripcslashes ( substr ( $match [ 0 ], 1 , - 1 ), substr ( $match [ 0 ], 0 , 1 )));
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
// opening double quoted string
elseif ( preg_match ( self :: REGEX_DQ_STRING_DELIM , $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
$this -> brackets [] = [ '"' , $this -> lineno ];
$this -> pushState ( self :: STATE_STRING );
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
// inline comment
elseif ( preg_match ( self :: REGEX_INLINE_COMMENT , $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
// unlexable
else {
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
throw new SyntaxError ( \sprintf ( 'Unexpected character "%s".' , $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ]), $this -> lineno , $this -> source );
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2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
private function stripcslashes ( string $str , string $quoteType ) : string
$result = '' ;
$length = \strlen ( $str );
$i = 0 ;
while ( $i < $length ) {
if ( false === $pos = strpos ( $str , '\\' , $i )) {
$result .= substr ( $str , $i );
break ;
$result .= substr ( $str , $i , $pos - $i );
$i = $pos + 1 ;
if ( $i >= $length ) {
$result .= '\\' ;
break ;
$nextChar = $str [ $i ];
if ( isset ( self :: SPECIAL_CHARS [ $nextChar ])) {
$result .= self :: SPECIAL_CHARS [ $nextChar ];
} elseif ( '\\' === $nextChar ) {
$result .= $nextChar ;
} elseif ( " ' " === $nextChar || '"' === $nextChar ) {
if ( $nextChar !== $quoteType ) {
trigger_deprecation ( 'twig/twig' , '3.12' , 'Character "%s" should not be escaped; the "\" character is ignored in Twig 3 but will not be in Twig 4. Please remove the extra "\" character at position %d in "%s" at line %d.' , $nextChar , $i + 1 , $this -> source -> getName (), $this -> lineno );
$result .= $nextChar ;
} elseif ( '#' === $nextChar && $i + 1 < $length && '{' === $str [ $i + 1 ]) {
$result .= '#{' ;
++ $i ;
} elseif ( 'x' === $nextChar && $i + 1 < $length && ctype_xdigit ( $str [ $i + 1 ])) {
$hex = $str [ ++ $i ];
if ( $i + 1 < $length && ctype_xdigit ( $str [ $i + 1 ])) {
$hex .= $str [ ++ $i ];
$result .= \chr ( hexdec ( $hex ));
} elseif ( ctype_digit ( $nextChar ) && $nextChar < '8' ) {
$octal = $nextChar ;
while ( $i + 1 < $length && ctype_digit ( $str [ $i + 1 ]) && $str [ $i + 1 ] < '8' && \strlen ( $octal ) < 3 ) {
$octal .= $str [ ++ $i ];
$result .= \chr ( octdec ( $octal ));
} else {
trigger_deprecation ( 'twig/twig' , '3.12' , 'Character "%s" should not be escaped; the "\" character is ignored in Twig 3 but will not be in Twig 4. Please remove the extra "\" character at position %d in "%s" at line %d.' , $nextChar , $i + 1 , $this -> source -> getName (), $this -> lineno );
$result .= $nextChar ;
++ $i ;
return $result ;
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
private function lexRawData () : void
if ( ! preg_match ( $this -> regexes [ 'lex_raw_data' ], $this -> code , $match , \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $this -> cursor )) {
throw new SyntaxError ( 'Unexpected end of file: Unclosed "verbatim" block.' , $this -> lineno , $this -> source );
$text = substr ( $this -> code , $this -> cursor , $match [ 0 ][ 1 ] - $this -> cursor );
$this -> moveCursor ( $text . $match [ 0 ][ 0 ]);
// trim?
if ( isset ( $match [ 1 ][ 0 ])) {
if ( $this -> options [ 'whitespace_trim' ] === $match [ 1 ][ 0 ]) {
// whitespace_trim detected ({%-, {{- or {#-)
$text = rtrim ( $text );
} else {
// whitespace_line_trim detected ({%~, {{~ or {#~)
// don't trim \r and \n
$text = rtrim ( $text , " \t \0 \x0B " );
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: TEXT_TYPE , $text );
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private function lexComment () : void
if ( ! preg_match ( $this -> regexes [ 'lex_comment' ], $this -> code , $match , \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $this -> cursor )) {
throw new SyntaxError ( 'Unclosed comment.' , $this -> lineno , $this -> source );
$this -> moveCursor ( substr ( $this -> code , $this -> cursor , $match [ 0 ][ 1 ] - $this -> cursor ) . $match [ 0 ][ 0 ]);
private function lexString () : void
if ( preg_match ( $this -> regexes [ 'interpolation_start' ], $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
$this -> brackets [] = [ $this -> options [ 'interpolation' ][ 0 ], $this -> lineno ];
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: INTERPOLATION_START_TYPE );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
$this -> pushState ( self :: STATE_INTERPOLATION );
} elseif ( preg_match ( self :: REGEX_DQ_STRING_PART , $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor ) && '' !== $match [ 0 ]) {
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: STRING_TYPE , $this -> stripcslashes ( $match [ 0 ], '"' ));
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
} elseif ( preg_match ( self :: REGEX_DQ_STRING_DELIM , $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
[ $expect , $lineno ] = array_pop ( $this -> brackets );
if ( '"' != $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ]) {
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
throw new SyntaxError ( \sprintf ( 'Unclosed "%s".' , $expect ), $lineno , $this -> source );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> popState ();
++ $this -> cursor ;
} else {
// unlexable
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
throw new SyntaxError ( \sprintf ( 'Unexpected character "%s".' , $this -> code [ $this -> cursor ]), $this -> lineno , $this -> source );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
private function lexInterpolation () : void
$bracket = end ( $this -> brackets );
if ( $this -> options [ 'interpolation' ][ 0 ] === $bracket [ 0 ] && preg_match ( $this -> regexes [ 'interpolation_end' ], $this -> code , $match , 0 , $this -> cursor )) {
array_pop ( $this -> brackets );
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$this -> pushToken ( Token :: INTERPOLATION_END_TYPE );
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
$this -> moveCursor ( $match [ 0 ]);
$this -> popState ();
} else {
$this -> lexExpression ();
private function pushToken ( $type , $value = '' ) : void
// do not push empty text tokens
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
if ( Token :: TEXT_TYPE === $type && '' === $value ) {
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
return ;
$this -> tokens [] = new Token ( $type , $value , $this -> lineno );
private function moveCursor ( $text ) : void
$this -> cursor += \strlen ( $text );
$this -> lineno += substr_count ( $text , " \n " );
private function getOperatorRegex () : string
$operators = array_merge (
[ '=' ],
array_keys ( $this -> env -> getUnaryOperators ()),
array_keys ( $this -> env -> getBinaryOperators ())
$operators = array_combine ( $operators , array_map ( 'strlen' , $operators ));
arsort ( $operators );
$regex = [];
foreach ( $operators as $operator => $length ) {
// an operator that ends with a character must be followed by
// a whitespace, a parenthesis, an opening map [ or sequence {
$r = preg_quote ( $operator , '/' );
if ( ctype_alpha ( $operator [ $length - 1 ])) {
$r .= '(?=[\s()\[{])' ;
// an operator that begins with a character must not have a dot or pipe before
if ( ctype_alpha ( $operator [ 0 ])) {
$r = '(?<![\.\|])' . $r ;
// an operator with a space can be any amount of whitespaces
$r = preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , '\s+' , $r );
$regex [] = $r ;
return '/' . implode ( '|' , $regex ) . '/A' ;
private function pushState ( $state ) : void
$this -> states [] = $this -> state ;
$this -> state = $state ;
private function popState () : void
if ( 0 === \count ( $this -> states )) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'Cannot pop state without a previous state.' );
$this -> state = array_pop ( $this -> states );