2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
< ? php
* This file is part of Twig .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Twig\Test ;
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use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\BeforeClass ;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider ;
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use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase ;
use Twig\Compiler ;
use Twig\Environment ;
use Twig\Loader\ArrayLoader ;
use Twig\Node\Node ;
abstract class NodeTestCase extends TestCase
* @ var Environment
private $currentEnv ;
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public function getTests ()
return [];
* @ return iterable < array { 0 : Node , 1 : string , 2 ? : Environment | null , 3 ? : bool } >
public static function provideTests () : iterable
trigger_deprecation ( 'twig/twig' , '3.13' , 'Not implementing "%s()" in "%s" is deprecated. This method will be abstract in 4.0.' , __METHOD__ , static :: class );
return [];
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* @ dataProvider getTests
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* @ dataProvider provideTests
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#[DataProvider('getTests'), DataProvider('provideTests')]
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public function testCompile ( $node , $source , $environment = null , $isPattern = false )
$this -> assertNodeCompilation ( $source , $node , $environment , $isPattern );
public function assertNodeCompilation ( $source , Node $node , ? Environment $environment = null , $isPattern = false )
$compiler = $this -> getCompiler ( $environment );
$compiler -> compile ( $node );
if ( $isPattern ) {
$this -> assertStringMatchesFormat ( $source , trim ( $compiler -> getSource ()));
} else {
$this -> assertEquals ( $source , trim ( $compiler -> getSource ()));
protected function getCompiler ( ? Environment $environment = null )
return new Compiler ( $environment ? ? $this -> getEnvironment ());
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* @ final since Twig 3.13
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protected function getEnvironment ()
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return $this -> currentEnv ? ? = static :: createEnvironment ();
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protected static function createEnvironment () : Environment
return new Environment ( new ArrayLoader ());
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* @ deprecated since Twig 3.13 , use createVariableGetter () instead .
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protected function getVariableGetter ( $name , $line = false )
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trigger_deprecation ( 'twig/twig' , '3.13' , 'Method "%s()" is deprecated, use "createVariableGetter()" instead.' , __METHOD__ );
return self :: createVariableGetter ( $name , $line );
final protected static function createVariableGetter ( string $name , bool $line = false ) : string
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$line = $line > 0 ? " // line $line\n " : '' ;
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return \sprintf ( '%s($context["%s"] ?? null)' , $line , $name );
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2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
* @ deprecated since Twig 3.13 , use createAttributeGetter () instead .
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protected function getAttributeGetter ()
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trigger_deprecation ( 'twig/twig' , '3.13' , 'Method "%s()" is deprecated, use "createAttributeGetter()" instead.' , __METHOD__ );
return self :: createAttributeGetter ();
final protected static function createAttributeGetter () : string
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return 'CoreExtension::getAttribute($this->env, $this->source, ' ;
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/** @beforeClass */
final public static function checkDataProvider () : void
$r = new \ReflectionMethod ( static :: class , 'getTests' );
if ( self :: class !== $r -> getDeclaringClass () -> getName ()) {
trigger_deprecation ( 'twig/twig' , '3.13' , 'Implementing "%s::getTests()" in "%s" is deprecated, implement "provideTests()" instead.' , self :: class , static :: class );
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