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* @copyright Copyright 2014 Carsten Brandt, 2024 Daniel Pimley
* @license https://github.com/xenocrat/chyrp-markdown/blob/master/LICENSE
* @link https://github.com/xenocrat/chyrp-markdown#readme
namespace xenocrat\markdown\block;
* Adds list blocks.
trait ListTrait
* @var bool Enable support for a `start` attribute of ordered lists.
* This means that lists will start with the number defined in the markdown.
public $keepListStartNumber = true;
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* @var bool Enable support for a `reversed` attribute of ordered lists.
* This means that lists defined in the markdown with a start number
* greater than the end number will be rendered with descending numbers.
public $keepReversedList = false;
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* Identify a line as the beginning of an ordered list.
protected function identifyOl($line): bool
return preg_match('/^ {0,3}\d{1,9}[\.\)]([ \t]|$)/', $line);
* Identify a line as the beginning of an unordered list.
protected function identifyUl($line): bool
return preg_match('/^ {0,3}[\-\+\*]([ \t]|$)/', $line);
* Consume lines for an ordered list.
protected function consumeOl($lines, $current): array
$block = [
'list' => 'ol',
'attr' => [],
'items' => [],
'loose' => false,
return $this->consumeList($lines, $current, $block, 'ol');
* Consume lines for an unordered list.
protected function consumeUl($lines, $current): array
$block = [
'list' => 'ul',
'items' => [],
'loose' => false,
return $this->consumeList($lines, $current, $block, 'ul');
private function consumeList($lines, $current, $block, $type): array
$item = 0;
$marker = '';
$mw = 0;
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$nums = [];
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// Consume until end condition...
for ($i = $current, $count = count($lines); $i < $count; $i++) {
$line = $lines[$i];
$pattern = ($type === 'ol') ?
'/^( {0,3})(\d{1,9})([\.\)])([ \t]+|$)/' :
'/^( {0,3})([\-\+\*])([ \t]+|$)/' ;
// If not the first item, marker indentation must be less than
// width of preceeding marker - otherwise it is a continuation
// of the current item containing a marker for a sub-list item.
if (
preg_match($pattern, $line, $matches)
&& ($i === $current || strlen($matches[1]) < $mw)
) {
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// Capture the ol item number.
if ($type === 'ol') {
$nums[] = intval($matches[2]);
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if ($i === $current) {
// First item.
// Store the marker for comparison.
$marker = $type === 'ol' ?
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$matches[3] :
$matches[2] ;
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} else {
$newMarker = $type === 'ol' ?
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$matches[3] :
$matches[2] ;
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// Marker has changed: end of list.
if (strcmp($marker, $newMarker) !== 0) {
$mw = strlen($matches[0]);
$line = substr($line, $mw);
$block['items'][$item][] = $line;
} elseif ($line === '' || ltrim($line) === '') {
// No more lines: end of list.
if (!isset($lines[$i + 1])) {
$next = $lines[$i + 1];
$line = substr($line, $mw);
if ($next === '' || ltrim($next) === '') {
// Next line is also blank.
$block['items'][$item][] = $line;
} elseif (strspn($next, " \t") >= $mw) {
// Next line is indented enough to continue this item.
$block['items'][$item][] = $line;
} elseif (preg_match($pattern, $next)) {
// Next line is the next item in this list: loose list.
$block['items'][$item][] = $line;
$block['loose'] = true;
} else {
// next line is not list content.
} elseif (
strlen($line) > $mw
&& strspn($line, " \t") >= $mw
) {
// Line is indented enough to continue this item.
$line = substr($line, $mw);
$block['items'][$item][] = $line;
} else {
// Everything else ends the list.
// If next line is <hr>, end the list.
if (
!empty($lines[$i + 1])
&& method_exists($this, 'identifyHr')
&& $this->identifyHr($lines[$i + 1])
) {
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// Set the ol attributes.
if ($type === 'ol') {
$start = $nums[0];
$end = end($nums);
if ($start !== 1 && $this->keepListStartNumber) {
$block['attr']['start'] = $start;
if ($start > $end && $this->keepReversedList) {
$block['attr']['reversed'] = '';
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// Tight list? check it...
if (!$block['loose']) {
foreach ($block['items'] as $itemLines) {
// Empty list item.
if (ltrim($itemLines[0]) === '' && !isset($itemLines[1])) {
// Everything else.
for ($x = 0; $x < count($itemLines); $x++) {
if (
ltrim($itemLines[$x]) === ''
|| $this->detectLineType($itemLines, $x) !== 'paragraph'
) {
// Blank line or non-paragraph block marker detected:
// make the list loose because block parsing is required.
$block['loose'] = true;
break 2;
foreach ($block['items'] as $itemId => $itemLines) {
$block['items'][$itemId] = $block['loose'] ?
$this->parseBlocks($itemLines) :
$this->parseInline(implode("\n", $itemLines)) ;
return [$block, $i];
* Renders a list.
protected function renderList($block): string
$type = $block['list'];
$li = $block['loose'] ? "<li>\n" : '<li>';
if (!empty($block['attr'])) {
$output = "<$type "
. $this->generateHtmlAttributes($block['attr'])
. ">\n";
} else {
$output = "<$type>\n";
foreach ($block['items'] as $item => $itemLines) {
$output .= $li . $this->renderAbsy($itemLines). "</li>\n";
return $output . "</$type>\n";
* Return HTML attributes string from [attrName => attrValue] list.
* @param array $attributes - The attribute name-value pairs.
* @return string
private function generateHtmlAttributes($attributes): string
foreach ($attributes as $name => $value) {
$attributes[$name] = "$name=\"$value\"";
return implode(' ', $attributes);
abstract protected function parseBlocks($lines);
abstract protected function parseInline($text);
abstract protected function renderAbsy($absy);
abstract protected function detectLineType($lines, $current);