2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
< ? php
* This file is part of Twig .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Twig ;
use Twig\Error\RuntimeError ;
use Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface ;
use Twig\Extension\GlobalsInterface ;
use Twig\Extension\StagingExtension ;
use Twig\Node\Expression\Binary\AbstractBinary ;
use Twig\Node\Expression\Unary\AbstractUnary ;
use Twig\NodeVisitor\NodeVisitorInterface ;
use Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface ;
* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* @ internal
final class ExtensionSet
private $extensions ;
private $initialized = false ;
private $runtimeInitialized = false ;
private $staging ;
private $parsers ;
private $visitors ;
/** @var array<string, TwigFilter> */
private $filters ;
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/** @var array<string, TwigFilter> */
private $dynamicFilters ;
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/** @var array<string, TwigTest> */
private $tests ;
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/** @var array<string, TwigTest> */
private $dynamicTests ;
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/** @var array<string, TwigFunction> */
private $functions ;
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/** @var array<string, TwigFunction> */
private $dynamicFunctions ;
/** @var array<string, array{precedence: int, precedence_change?: OperatorPrecedenceChange, class: class-string<AbstractUnary>}> */
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private $unaryOperators ;
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/** @var array<string, array{precedence: int, precedence_change?: OperatorPrecedenceChange, class?: class-string<AbstractBinary>, associativity: ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_*}> */
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private $binaryOperators ;
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/** @var array<string, mixed>|null */
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private $globals ;
private $functionCallbacks = [];
private $filterCallbacks = [];
private $parserCallbacks = [];
private $lastModified = 0 ;
public function __construct ()
$this -> staging = new StagingExtension ();
public function initRuntime ()
$this -> runtimeInitialized = true ;
public function hasExtension ( string $class ) : bool
return isset ( $this -> extensions [ ltrim ( $class , '\\' )]);
public function getExtension ( string $class ) : ExtensionInterface
$class = ltrim ( $class , '\\' );
if ( ! isset ( $this -> extensions [ $class ])) {
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throw new RuntimeError ( \sprintf ( 'The "%s" extension is not enabled.' , $class ));
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return $this -> extensions [ $class ];
* @ param ExtensionInterface [] $extensions
public function setExtensions ( array $extensions ) : void
foreach ( $extensions as $extension ) {
$this -> addExtension ( $extension );
* @ return ExtensionInterface []
public function getExtensions () : array
return $this -> extensions ;
public function getSignature () : string
return json_encode ( array_keys ( $this -> extensions ));
public function isInitialized () : bool
return $this -> initialized || $this -> runtimeInitialized ;
public function getLastModified () : int
if ( 0 !== $this -> lastModified ) {
return $this -> lastModified ;
foreach ( $this -> extensions as $extension ) {
$r = new \ReflectionObject ( $extension );
if ( is_file ( $r -> getFileName ()) && ( $extensionTime = filemtime ( $r -> getFileName ())) > $this -> lastModified ) {
$this -> lastModified = $extensionTime ;
return $this -> lastModified ;
public function addExtension ( ExtensionInterface $extension ) : void
$class = \get_class ( $extension );
if ( $this -> initialized ) {
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throw new \LogicException ( \sprintf ( 'Unable to register extension "%s" as extensions have already been initialized.' , $class ));
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if ( isset ( $this -> extensions [ $class ])) {
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throw new \LogicException ( \sprintf ( 'Unable to register extension "%s" as it is already registered.' , $class ));
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$this -> extensions [ $class ] = $extension ;
public function addFunction ( TwigFunction $function ) : void
if ( $this -> initialized ) {
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throw new \LogicException ( \sprintf ( 'Unable to add function "%s" as extensions have already been initialized.' , $function -> getName ()));
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$this -> staging -> addFunction ( $function );
* @ return TwigFunction []
public function getFunctions () : array
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
return $this -> functions ;
public function getFunction ( string $name ) : ? TwigFunction
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
if ( isset ( $this -> functions [ $name ])) {
return $this -> functions [ $name ];
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foreach ( $this -> dynamicFunctions as $pattern => $function ) {
if ( preg_match ( $pattern , $name , $matches )) {
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array_shift ( $matches );
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return $function -> withDynamicArguments ( $name , $function -> getName (), $matches );
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foreach ( $this -> functionCallbacks as $callback ) {
if ( false !== $function = $callback ( $name )) {
return $function ;
return null ;
public function registerUndefinedFunctionCallback ( callable $callable ) : void
$this -> functionCallbacks [] = $callable ;
public function addFilter ( TwigFilter $filter ) : void
if ( $this -> initialized ) {
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throw new \LogicException ( \sprintf ( 'Unable to add filter "%s" as extensions have already been initialized.' , $filter -> getName ()));
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$this -> staging -> addFilter ( $filter );
* @ return TwigFilter []
public function getFilters () : array
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
return $this -> filters ;
public function getFilter ( string $name ) : ? TwigFilter
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
if ( isset ( $this -> filters [ $name ])) {
return $this -> filters [ $name ];
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foreach ( $this -> dynamicFilters as $pattern => $filter ) {
if ( preg_match ( $pattern , $name , $matches )) {
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array_shift ( $matches );
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return $filter -> withDynamicArguments ( $name , $filter -> getName (), $matches );
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foreach ( $this -> filterCallbacks as $callback ) {
if ( false !== $filter = $callback ( $name )) {
return $filter ;
return null ;
public function registerUndefinedFilterCallback ( callable $callable ) : void
$this -> filterCallbacks [] = $callable ;
public function addNodeVisitor ( NodeVisitorInterface $visitor ) : void
if ( $this -> initialized ) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'Unable to add a node visitor as extensions have already been initialized.' );
$this -> staging -> addNodeVisitor ( $visitor );
* @ return NodeVisitorInterface []
public function getNodeVisitors () : array
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
return $this -> visitors ;
public function addTokenParser ( TokenParserInterface $parser ) : void
if ( $this -> initialized ) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'Unable to add a token parser as extensions have already been initialized.' );
$this -> staging -> addTokenParser ( $parser );
* @ return TokenParserInterface []
public function getTokenParsers () : array
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
return $this -> parsers ;
public function getTokenParser ( string $name ) : ? TokenParserInterface
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
if ( isset ( $this -> parsers [ $name ])) {
return $this -> parsers [ $name ];
foreach ( $this -> parserCallbacks as $callback ) {
if ( false !== $parser = $callback ( $name )) {
return $parser ;
return null ;
public function registerUndefinedTokenParserCallback ( callable $callable ) : void
$this -> parserCallbacks [] = $callable ;
* @ return array < string , mixed >
public function getGlobals () : array
if ( null !== $this -> globals ) {
return $this -> globals ;
$globals = [];
foreach ( $this -> extensions as $extension ) {
if ( ! $extension instanceof GlobalsInterface ) {
continue ;
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$globals = array_merge ( $globals , $extension -> getGlobals ());
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if ( $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> globals = $globals ;
return $globals ;
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public function resetGlobals () : void
$this -> globals = null ;
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public function addTest ( TwigTest $test ) : void
if ( $this -> initialized ) {
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throw new \LogicException ( \sprintf ( 'Unable to add test "%s" as extensions have already been initialized.' , $test -> getName ()));
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$this -> staging -> addTest ( $test );
* @ return TwigTest []
public function getTests () : array
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
return $this -> tests ;
public function getTest ( string $name ) : ? TwigTest
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
if ( isset ( $this -> tests [ $name ])) {
return $this -> tests [ $name ];
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foreach ( $this -> dynamicTests as $pattern => $test ) {
if ( preg_match ( $pattern , $name , $matches )) {
array_shift ( $matches );
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return $test -> withDynamicArguments ( $name , $test -> getName (), $matches );
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return null ;
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* @ return array < string , array { precedence : int , precedence_change ? : OperatorPrecedenceChange , class : class - string < AbstractUnary > } >
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public function getUnaryOperators () : array
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
return $this -> unaryOperators ;
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* @ return array < string , array { precedence : int , precedence_change ? : OperatorPrecedenceChange , class ? : class - string < AbstractBinary > , associativity : ExpressionParser :: OPERATOR_ * } >
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public function getBinaryOperators () : array
if ( ! $this -> initialized ) {
$this -> initExtensions ();
return $this -> binaryOperators ;
private function initExtensions () : void
$this -> parsers = [];
$this -> filters = [];
$this -> functions = [];
$this -> tests = [];
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$this -> dynamicFilters = [];
$this -> dynamicFunctions = [];
$this -> dynamicTests = [];
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$this -> visitors = [];
$this -> unaryOperators = [];
$this -> binaryOperators = [];
foreach ( $this -> extensions as $extension ) {
$this -> initExtension ( $extension );
$this -> initExtension ( $this -> staging );
// Done at the end only, so that an exception during initialization does not mark the environment as initialized when catching the exception
$this -> initialized = true ;
private function initExtension ( ExtensionInterface $extension ) : void
// filters
foreach ( $extension -> getFilters () as $filter ) {
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$this -> filters [ $name = $filter -> getName ()] = $filter ;
if ( str_contains ( $name , '*' )) {
$this -> dynamicFilters [ '#^' . str_replace ( '\\*' , '(.*?)' , preg_quote ( $name , '#' )) . '$#' ] = $filter ;
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// functions
foreach ( $extension -> getFunctions () as $function ) {
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$this -> functions [ $name = $function -> getName ()] = $function ;
if ( str_contains ( $name , '*' )) {
$this -> dynamicFunctions [ '#^' . str_replace ( '\\*' , '(.*?)' , preg_quote ( $name , '#' )) . '$#' ] = $function ;
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// tests
foreach ( $extension -> getTests () as $test ) {
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$this -> tests [ $name = $test -> getName ()] = $test ;
if ( str_contains ( $name , '*' )) {
$this -> dynamicTests [ '#^' . str_replace ( '\\*' , '(.*?)' , preg_quote ( $name , '#' )) . '$#' ] = $test ;
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// token parsers
foreach ( $extension -> getTokenParsers () as $parser ) {
if ( ! $parser instanceof TokenParserInterface ) {
throw new \LogicException ( 'getTokenParsers() must return an array of \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface.' );
$this -> parsers [ $parser -> getTag ()] = $parser ;
// node visitors
foreach ( $extension -> getNodeVisitors () as $visitor ) {
$this -> visitors [] = $visitor ;
// operators
if ( $operators = $extension -> getOperators ()) {
if ( ! \is_array ( $operators )) {
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throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( \sprintf ( '"%s::getOperators()" must return an array with operators, got "%s".' , \get_class ( $extension ), get_debug_type ( $operators ) . ( \is_resource ( $operators ) ? '' : '#' . $operators )));
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if ( 2 !== \count ( $operators )) {
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throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( \sprintf ( '"%s::getOperators()" must return an array of 2 elements, got %d.' , \get_class ( $extension ), \count ( $operators )));
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$this -> unaryOperators = array_merge ( $this -> unaryOperators , $operators [ 0 ]);
$this -> binaryOperators = array_merge ( $this -> binaryOperators , $operators [ 1 ]);