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2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
{% extends "layouts" ~ DIR ~ "default.twig" %}
{% block title %}{{ "Comment Settings" | translate("comments") }}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h2>{{ "Comment Settings" | translate("comments") }}</h2>
<form id="comment_settings" class="split" action="{{ url('comment_settings') }}" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<fieldset role="presentation">
<label for="notify_site_contact">{{ "Site Notifications" | translate("comments") }}</label>
{#- -#}
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="notify_site_contact" id="notify_site_contact"{{ site.module_comments.notify_site_contact | checked }}>
{{ "Notify the site contact by email when a comment is added." | translate("comments") }}
<label for="notify_post_author">{{ "Author Notifications" | translate("comments") }}</label>
{#- -#}
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="notify_post_author" id="notify_post_author"{{ site.module_comments.notify_post_author | checked }}>
<small>{{ "Notify the post author by email when a comment is added." | translate("comments") }}</small>
<label for="default_comment_status">{{ "Default Comment Status" | translate("comments") }}</label>
{#- -#}
<select name="default_comment_status" id="default_comment_status">
{% set default_comment_status = site.module_comments.default_comment_status %}
{% for key, val in comments_status %}
<option value="{{ key }}"{{ key | selected(default_comment_status) }}>
{{ val }}
{% endfor %}
<label for="allowed_comment_html">{{ "Allowed HTML Tags" | translate("comments") }}</label>
{#- -#}
<input class="text code" type="text" name="allowed_comment_html" value="{{ comments_html | fix(true, true) }}" id="allowed_comment_html">
{{ "Format: <code>strong, blockquote, em</code>" | translate("comments") }}
<label for="comments_per_page">{{ "Comments Per Page" | translate("comments") }}</label>
{#- -#}
<input class="text digits" type="number" min="1" name="comments_per_page" value="{{ site.module_comments.comments_per_page | fix(true) }}" id="comments_per_page">
{{ "Themes decide whether or not to paginate comments." | translate("comments") }}
<label for="enable_reload_comments">{{ "Reload Comments" | translate("comments") }}</label>
{#- -#}
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="enable_reload_comments" id="enable_reload_comments"{{ site.module_comments.enable_reload_comments | checked }}>
{{ "Show newly added comments (up to the maximum number per page)." | translate("comments") }}
<label for="auto_reload_comments">{{ "Reload Interval" | translate("comments") }}</label>
{#- -#}
<input class="text digits" type="number" min="10" max="3600" name="auto_reload_comments" value="{{ site.module_comments.auto_reload_comments | fix(true) }}" id="auto_reload_comments">
<span class="sub">{{ "(seconds)" | translate("comments") }}</span>
<p class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="yay">
{{ "Update" | translate }}
<input type="hidden" name="hash" value="{{ authenticate() }}" id="hash">
{% endblock %}