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Class: Config
Holds all of the configuration settings for the entire site.
Function: __construct
Loads the configuration file from disk.
Function: __get
Handles access to the configuration data.
Function: __isset
Handles access to the configuration data.
Function: read
Reads the configuration file and decodes the settings.
Function: write
Encodes the settings and writes the configuration file.
Function: set
Adds or replaces a configuration setting with the given value.
$setting - The setting name.
$value - The value to set.
$fallback - Add the setting only if it doesn't exist.
Function: remove
Removes a configuration setting.
$setting - The setting name.
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current configuration.
Class: Controllers
Acts as the backbone for all controllers.
Class: Feathers
Contains various functions, acts as the backbone for all feathers.
Function: setFilter
Applies a filter to a specified field of the Feather.
$field - Attribute of the post to filter.
$name - Name of the filter to use.
See Also:
Function: customFilter
Allows a Feather to apply its own filter to a specified field.
$field - Attribute of the post to filter.
$name - Name of the class function to use as the filter.
See Also:
Function: respondTo
Allows a Feather to respond to a Trigger as a Module would.
$name - Name of the trigger to respond to.
$function - Name of the class function to respond with.
$priority - Priority of the response.
See Also:
Function: setField
Sets the feather's fields for creating/editing posts with that feather.
$options - An array of key => val options for the field.
attr - The technical name for the field. Think $post->attr.
type - The field type. (text, file, text_block, or select)
label - The label for the field.
optional - Is this field optional?
extra - Stuff to output after the input field. Can be anything.
note - A minor note to display next to the label text.
Class: Flash
Stores messages, notices, and warnings to display to the user after a redirect.
Function: __construct
Prepares the structure of session values.
Function: prepare
Prepare the structure of a session value.
Function: message
Create a message (neutral).
$message - Text of the message.
$redirect_to - URL to redirect to after the message is stored.
$code - Numeric HTTP status code to set.
Function: notice
Create a notice (positive).
$message - Text of the notice.
$redirect_to - URL to redirect to after the notice is stored.
$code - Numeric HTTP status code to set.
Function: warning
Create a warning (negative).
$message - Text of the warning.
$redirect_to - URL to redirect to after the warning is stored.
$code - Numeric HTTP status code to set.
Function: messages
Calls <Flash.serve> "messages".
Function: notices
Calls <Flash.serve> "notices".
Function: warnings
Calls <Flash.serve> "warnings".
Function: all
Serves an associative array of all flashes.
An array of every flash available,
in the form of [type => [flashes]].
Function: serve
Serves flashes and removes them from the session.
$type - Type of flashes to serve.
An array of flashes of the requested type.
Function: exists
Checks for the existence of stored flashes.
$type - Type to check for (optional).
Function: count
Counts the total number of stored flashes.
$type - Type to check for (optional).
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current class.
Class: Model
The basis for the Models system.
Function: __get
Handles model relationships, deferred and dynamic attributes.
Function __set
Handles dynamic attributes.
Function: __isset
Handles model relationships, deferred and dynamic attributes.
Function: grab
Grabs a single model from the database.
$model - The instantiated model class to pass the object to (e.g. Post).
$id - The ID of the model to grab. Can be null.
$options - An array of options, mostly SQL things.
select - What to grab from the table.
from - Which table(s) to grab from?
left_join - A @LEFT JOIN@ associative array.
where - A string or array of conditions.
params - An array of parameters to pass to the SQL driver.
group - A string or array of "GROUP BY" conditions.
order - What to order the SQL result by.
offset - Offset for SQL query.
read_from - An array to read from instead of performing another query.
ignore_dupes - An array of columns in which duplicate values will be retained.
Function: search
Returns an array of model objects that are found by the $options array.
$options - An array of options, mostly SQL things.
$options_for_object - An array of options for the instantiation of the model.
select - What to grab from the table.
from - Which table(s) to grab from?
left_join - A @LEFT JOIN@ associative array.
where - A string or array of conditions.
params - An array of parameters to pass to the SQL driver.
group - A string or array of "GROUP BY" conditions.
order - What to order the SQL result by.
offset - Offset for SQL query.
limit - Limit for SQL query.
placeholders - Return an array of arrays instead of an array of objects?
ignore_dupes - An array of columns in which duplicate values will be retained.
See Also:
Function: delete
Deletes a given object.
$model - The model name.
$id - The ID of the object to delete.
$options_for_object - An array of options for the instantiation of the model.
Function: deletable
Checks if the <User> can delete the object.
Function: editable
Checks if the <User> can edit the object.
Function: edit_link
Outputs an edit link for the model, if the visitor's <Group.can> edit_[model].
$text - The text to show for the link.
$before - If the link can be shown, show this before it.
$after - If the link can be shown, show this after it.
$classes - Extra CSS classes for the link, space-delimited.
Function: delete_link
Outputs a delete link for the post, if the <User.can> delete_[model].
$text - The text to show for the link.
$before - If the link can be shown, show this before it.
$after - If the link can be shown, show this after it.
$classes - Extra CSS classes for the link, space-delimited.
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Function: etag
Generates an Etag for the object.
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Class: Modules
Contains various functions, acts as the backbone for all modules.
Function: setPriority
Sets the priority of an action for the module this function is called from.
$name - Name of the trigger to respond to.
$priority - Priority of the response.
Function: addAlias
Allows a module to respond to a trigger with multiple functions and custom priorities.
$name - Name of the trigger to respond to.
$function - Name of the class function to respond with.
$priority - Priority of the response.
Class: Paginator
Paginates over an array.
Function: __construct
Prepares an array for pagination.
$array - The array to paginate.
$per_page - Number of items per page.
$name - The $_GET parameter name to determin the current page.
$model - Is it an array of model placeholders to be initialized?
$page - Page number to start at.
If $model is true, each $array item shown on the page will
be initialized as a model of the type specified in $array[1].
$array[0] is expected to be an array of model placeholders.
Function: reslice
Reslices pagination with a new number of items per page.
$per_page - Number of items per page.
Function: next
Returns the next pagination sequence.
Function: prev
Returns the previous pagination sequence.
Function: next_page
Checks whether or not it makes sense to show the Next Page link.
Function: prev_page
Checks whether or not it makes sense to show the Previous Page link.
Function: next_link
Outputs a link to the next page.
$text - The text for the link.
$class - The CSS class for the link.
$page - Page number to link to.
$anchor - An anchor target.
Function: prev_link
Outputs a link to the previous page.
$text - The text for the link.
$class - The CSS class for the link.
$page - Page number to link to.
$anchor - An anchor target.
Function: final_link
Outputs a link to the final page.
$text - The text for the link.
$class - The CSS class for the link.
$anchor - An anchor target.
Function: first_link
Outputs a link to the first page.
$text - The text for the link.
$class - The CSS class for the link.
$anchor - An anchor target.
Function: next_page_url
Returns the URL to the next page.
$page - Page number to link to.
Function: prev_page_url
Returns the URL to the previous page.
$page - Page number to link to.
Class: Query
Handles a SQL query.
Function: __construct
Creates a query based on the <SQL.interface>.
$sql - <SQL> instance.
$query - Query to execute.
$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
$throw_exceptions - Throw exceptions instead of calling error()?
Function: fetchColumn
Fetches a column of the current row.
$column - The offset of the column to grab. Default 0.
Function: fetch
Returns the current row as an array.
Function: fetchObject
Returns the current row as an object.
Function: fetchAll
Returns an array of every result.
Function: grab
Grabs all of the given column out of the full result of a query.
$column - Name of the column to grab.
An array of all of the values of that column in the result.
Function: exception_handler
Handles exceptions thrown by failed queries.
Class: QueryBuilder
A generic SQL query builder.
Function: build_select
Creates a full SELECT query.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$tables - Tables to select from.
$fields - Columns to select.
$order - What to order by.
$limit - Limit of the result.
$offset - Starting point for the result.
$group - What to group by.
$left_join - Any @LEFT JOIN@s to add.
&$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
A @SELECT@ query string.
Function: build_insert
Creates a full insert query.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$table - Table to insert into.
$data - Data to insert.
&$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
An @INSERT@ query string.
Function: build_update
Creates a full update query.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$table - Table to update.
$conds - Conditions to update rows by.
$data - Data to update.
&$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
An @UPDATE@ query string.
Function: build_delete
Creates a full delete query.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$table - Table to delete from.
$conds - Conditions to delete by.
&$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
A @DELETE@ query string.
Function: build_drop
Creates a full drop table query.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$table - Table to drop.
A @DROP TABLE@ query string.
Function: build_create
Creates a full create table query.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$table - Table to create.
$cols - An array of column declarations.
A @CREATE TABLE@ query string.
Function: build_update_values
Creates an update data part.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$data - Data to update.
&$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
Function: build_insert_header
Creates an insert header.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$data - Data to insert.
Function: build_limits
Creates the LIMIT part of a query.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$offset - Offset of the result.
$limit - Limit of the result.
Function: build_from
Creates a FROM header for select queries.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$tables - Tables to select from.
Function: build_count
Creates a SELECT COUNT(1) query.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$tables - Tables to tablefy with.
$conds - Conditions to select by.
&$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
Function: build_select_header
Creates a SELECT fields header.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$fields - Columns to select.
$tables - Tables to tablefy with.
Function: build_where
Creates a WHERE query.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$conds - Conditions to select by.
$tables - Tables to tablefy with.
&$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
Function: build_group
Creates a GROUP BY argument.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$order - Columns to group by.
$tables - Tables to tablefy with.
Function: build_order
Creates an ORDER BY argument.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$order - Columns to order by.
$tables - Tables to tablefy with.
Function: build_list
Creates a list of values.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$vals - An array of values.
&$params - An associative array of parameters used in the query.
Function: safecol
Encloses a column name in quotes if it is a subset of SQL keywords.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$name - Name of the column.
Function: build_conditions
Builds an associative array of SQL values into parameterized query strings.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
$conds - Conditions.
&$params - Parameters array to fill.
$tables - If specified, conditions will be tablefied with these tables.
$insert - Is this an insert/update query?
Function: tablefy
Prepends table names and prefixes to a field if it doesn't already have them.
$sql - The SQL instance calling this method.
&$field - The field to "tablefy".
$tables - An array of tables. The first one will be used for prepending.
Class: Route
Handles the routing process and other route-related tasks.
Function: __construct
Parse the URL and give the controller an opportunity to determine the action.
$controller - The controller to use.
Function: init
Attempt to call a responder until one of them doesn't return false.
Function: url
Constructs an absolute URL from a relative one. Converts clean URLs to dirty.
$url - The relative URL. Assumed to be dirty if it begins with "/".
$controller - The controller to use. Current controller used if omitted.
An absolute clean or dirty URL, depending on value of @Config->clean_urls@
and @controller->clean_urls@.
Function: add
Adds a route to the blog.
$path - The path to add. Wrap variables with () e.g. "tag/(name)/".
$action - The action. Add parameters with ; e.g "tag;foo=bar;baz=boo".
Required for actions that have more than one parameter.
For example, not needed for /tags/ but needed for /tag/(name)/.
See Also:
Function: remove
Removes a route added by <add>.
$path - The path to remove.
See Also:
Function: custom
Parses custom routes stored in the configuration.
The / path strictly requires no request args.
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current class.
Class: Session
Handles visitor sessions.
Function: open
Opens the session and decides if session storage will be denied.
$path - Filesystem path.
$name - The session name.
Function: close
Executed when the session is closed.
Function: read
Reads a session from the database.
$id - Session ID.
Function: write
Writes a session to the database.
$id - Session ID.
$data - Data to write.
Function: destroy
Deletes a session from the database.
$id - Session ID.
Function: gc
Deletes sessions not updated for 30+ days, or with no stored data.
$lifetime - The configured maximum session lifetime in seconds.
Function: hash_token
Generates an authentication token for this session.
Function: check_token
Validates an authentication token for this session.
$hash - The token to validate.
Class: SQL
Contains the database settings and functions for interacting with the SQL database.
Function: __construct
The class constructor is private so there is only one connection.
$settings - An array of settings (optional).
Function: connect
Connects to the SQL database.
$checking - Return a boolean for failure, instead of triggering an error?
Function: query
Executes a query and increases <SQL->$queries>.
$query - Query to execute.
$params - An associative array of query parameters.
$throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
Function: count
Performs a counting query and returns the number of matching rows.
$tables - An array (or string) of tables to count results on.
$conds - Rows to count. Supply @false@ to count all rows.
$params - An associative array of query parameters.
$throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
Function: select
Performs a SELECT with given criteria and returns the query result object.
$tables - An array (or string) of tables to grab results from.
$fields - Fields to select.
$conds - Rows to select. Supply @false@ to select all rows.
$order - ORDER BY statement. Can be an array.
$params - An associative array of query parameters.
$limit - Limit for results.
$offset - Offset for the select statement.
$group - GROUP BY statement. Can be an array.
$left_join - An array of additional LEFT JOINs.
$throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
Function: insert
Performs an INSERT with given data.
$table - Table to insert to.
$data - An associative array of data to insert.
$params - An associative array of query parameters.
$throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
Function: replace
Performs either an INSERT or an UPDATE depending
on whether a row exists with the specified keys.
$table - Table to update or insert into.
$keys - Columns to match on.
$data - Data for the insert and value matches for the keys.
$params - An associative array of query parameters.
$throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
Function: update
Performs an UDATE with given criteria and data.
$table - Table to update.
$conds - Rows to update. Supply @false@ to update all rows.
$data - An associative array of data to update.
$params - An associative array of query parameters.
$throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
Function: delete
Performs a DELETE with given criteria.
$table - Table to delete from.
$conds - Rows to delete. Supply @false@ to delete all rows.
$params - An associative array of query parameters.
$throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
Function: drop
Performs a DROP TABLE with given criteria.
$table - Table to drop.
$throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
Function: create
Performs a CREATE TABLE with given criteria.
$table - Table to create.
$cols - An array of column declarations.
$throw_exceptions - Should exceptions be thrown on error?
Function: latest
Returns the last inserted sequential value.
$table - Table to get the latest value from.
$seq - Name of the sequence.
Function: escape
Escapes a string for Query construction.
$string - String to escape.
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current connection.
Class: Theme
Various helper functions for blog themes.
Function: __construct
Populates useful attributes.
Function: pages_list
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Returns an array of pages with @depth@ and @children@ attributes.
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$page_id - Page ID to start from, or zero to return all pages.
$exclude - Page ID/s to exclude, integer or array of integers.
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Function: recurse_pages
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Populates the page cache and gives each page the attributes
of @depth@ (integer, 1 or greater) and @children@ (boolean).
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$page - Page to start recursion at.
Function: archive_list
Generates an array listing each month with entries in the archives.
$limit - Maximum number of months to list.
Function: recent_posts
Generates an array of recent posts.
$limit - Maximum number of recent posts to list.
Function: related_posts
Ask modules to contribute to a list of related posts.
$post - The post to use as the basis.
$limit - Maximum number of related posts to list.
Function: file_exists
Returns whether the specified Twig template file exists or not.
$name - The filename.
Function: stylesheets
Outputs the stylesheet tags.
Function: javascripts
Outputs the JavaScript tags.
Function: feeds
Outputs the feeds and other general purpose <link> tags.
Function: load_time
Returns the total elapsed time for this page load.
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current class.
Class: Translation
A shim for translation support in the absence of GNU gettext.
Function: __construct
Discovers the current locale.
Function: load
Loads translations from the .mo file into the supplied domain.
$domain - The name of this translation domain.
$path - The path to the locale directory.
$reload - Reload the translation if already loaded?
Function: text
Returns the singular or plural translation of a string.
$domain - The translation domain to search.
$single - Singular string.
$plural - Pluralized string (optional).
$number - The number to judge by (optional).
Function: find
Returns a translation array from the supplied domain.
Function: nplural
Support for for languages with n != 2 plural forms.
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current class.
Class: Trigger
Controls and keeps track of all of the Triggers and events.
Function: __construct
Add predefined filters to implement Unicode emoji and Markdown support.
Function: cmp
Sorts actions by priority when used with usort.
Function: decide
Decides what to do with a call return value.
Function: call
Calls a trigger action.
$name - The name of the trigger, or an array of triggers to call.
A concatenated string if all calls return a string, or;
@false@ if none of the triggers exist, or;
the most substantial returned value decided by oneof().
Any additional arguments are passed on to the trigger responders.
Function: filter
Modify a variable by filtering it through a stack of trigger actions.
&$target - The variable to filter.
$name - The name of the trigger.
$target, filtered through any/all actions for the trigger $name.
Any additional arguments are passed on to the trigger responders.
Function: exists
Checks if there are any actions for a given $trigger.
$trigger - The trigger name.
@true@ or @false@
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current class.
Class: Update
Informs the user if a newer version of Chyrp Lite is available.
Function: check
Checks the update channel.
Function: validate
Validates the XML dataset.
Function: message
Flash the user about the newer version.
Function: warning
Flash the user about the failed check.
File: common
Configures the Chyrp Lite environment.
Class: AdminController
The logic controlling the administration console.
Function: __construct
Loads the Twig parser and sets up the l10n domain.
Function: parse
Route constructor calls this to interpret clean URLs and determine the action.
Function: exempt
Route constructor calls this to determine "view_site" exemptions.
Function: admin_write_post
Post writing.
Function: admin_add_post
Adds a post when the form is submitted.
Function: admin_edit_post
Post editing.
Function: admin_update_post
Updates a post when the form is submitted.
Function: admin_delete_post
Post deletion (confirm page).
Function: admin_destroy_post
Destroys a post.
Function: admin_manage_posts
Post management.
Function: admin_write_page
Page creation.
Function: admin_add_page
Adds a page when the form is submitted.
Function: admin_edit_page
Page editing.
Function: admin_update_page
Updates a page when the form is submitted.
Function: admin_delete_page
Page deletion (confirm page).
Function: admin_destroy_page
Destroys a page.
Function: admin_manage_pages
Page management.
Function: admin_new_user
User creation.
Function: admin_add_user
Add a user when the form is submitted.
Function: admin_edit_user
User editing.
Function: admin_update_user
Updates a user when the form is submitted.
Function: admin_delete_user
User deletion (confirm page).
Function: admin_destroy_user
Destroys a user.
Function: admin_manage_users
User management.
Function: admin_new_group
Group creation.
Function: admin_add_group
Adds a group when the form is submitted.
Function: admin_edit_group
Group editing.
Function: admin_update_group
Updates a group when the form is submitted.
Function: admin_delete_group
Group deletion (confirm page).
Function: admin_destroy_group
Destroys a group.
Function: admin_manage_groups
Group management.
Function: admin_delete_upload
Upload deletion (confirm page).
Function: admin_destroy_upload
Destroys a post.
Function: admin_manage_uploads
Upload management.
Function: admin_export
Export content from this installation.
Function: admin_import
Import content to this installation.
Function: admin_modules
Module enabling/disabling.
Function: admin_feathers
Feather enabling/disabling.
Function: admin_themes
Theme switching/previewing.
Function: admin_enable
Enables a module or feather.
Function: admin_disable
Disables a module or feather.
Function: admin_change_theme
Changes the theme.
Function: admin_preview_theme
Previews the theme.
Function: admin_general_settings
General Settings page.
Function: admin_content_settings
Content Settings page.
Function: admin_user_settings
User Settings page.
Function: admin_route_settings
Route Settings page.
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Function: admin_download_rewrites
Downloads the files required for URL rewrite support.
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Function: admin_login
Mask for MainController->login().
Function: admin_logout
Mask for MainController->logout().
Function: admin_help
Serves help pages for core and extensions.
Function: navigation_context
Returns the navigation context for Twig.
Function: display
Displays the page.
$template - The template file to display.
$context - The context to be supplied to Twig.
$title - The title for the page (optional).
$pagination - <Paginator> instance (optional).
$template is supplied sans ".twig" and relative to /admin/
for core and extensions.
$title defaults to a camelization of the template filename,
e.g. foo_bar -> Foo Bar.
$pagination will be inferred from the context if not supplied.
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current class.
Class: AjaxController
The logic controlling AJAX requests.
Function: parse
Route constructor calls this to determine the action in the case of a POST request.
Function: exempt
Route constructor calls this to determine "view_site" exemptions.
Function: ajax_destroy_post
Destroys a post.
Function: ajax_destroy_page
Destroys a page.
Function: ajax_preview_post
Previews a post.
Function: ajax_preview_page
Previews a page.
Function: ajax_file_upload
Moves a file to the uploads directory.
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current class.
Class: MainController
The logic controlling the blog.
Function: __construct
Loads the Twig parser and sets up the l10n domain.
Function: parse
Route constructor calls this to interpret clean URLs and determine the action.
Function: exempt
Route constructor calls this to determine "view_site" exemptions.
Function: main_index
Grabs the posts for the main index.
Function: main_updated
Grabs the posts that have been updated.
Function: main_author
Grabs the posts created by a user.
Function: main_archive
Grabs the posts for the archive page.
Function: main_search
Grabs the posts and pages for a search query.
Function: main_drafts
Grabs the posts with draft status created by this user.
Function: main_view
Handles post viewing via dirty URL or clean URL.
E.g. /year/month/day/url/.
Function: main_page
Handles page viewing via dirty URL or clean URL.
E.g. /parent/child/child-of-child/.
Function: main_id
Views a post or page by its static ID.
Function: main_random
Grabs a random post and redirects to it.
Function: main_matter
Displays a standalone Twig template from the "pages" directory.
Function: main_register
Register a visitor as a new user.
Function: main_activate
Activates (approves) a given login.
Function: main_login
Logs in a user if they provide the username and password.
Function: main_logout
Logs out the current user.
Function: main_controls
Updates the current user when the form is submitted.
Function: main_lost_password
Emails a password reset link to the registered address of a user.
Function: main_reset_password
Resets the password for a given login.
Function: main_webmention
Webmention receiver endpoint.
Function: main_feed
Grabs posts and serves a feed.
Function: display
Displays the page, or serves a feed if requested.
$template - The template file to display.
$context - The context to be supplied to Twig.
$title - The title for the page (optional).
$pagination - <Paginator> instance (optional).
$template is supplied sans ".twig" and relative to THEME_DIR.
$template can be an array of fallback template filenames to try.
$pagination will be inferred from the context if not supplied.
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current class.
File: download
Serve an uploaded file to the visitor as a file attachment.
File: error
Functions for handling and reporting errors.
Function: error_composer
Composes a message for the error() function to display.
Function: exception_composer
Composes a message for the error() function to display.
Function: error
Displays an error message via direct call or handler.
$title - The title for the error dialog.
$body - The message for the error dialog.
$backtrace - The trace of the error.
$code - Numeric HTTP status code to set.
File: helpers
Various functions used throughout the codebase.
Function: session
Begins Chyrp's custom session storage whatnots.
$secure - Send the cookie only over HTTPS?
Function: logged_in
Mask for Visitor::logged_in().
Function: authenticate
Mask for Session::hash_token().
Function: redirect
Redirects to the supplied URL and exits immediately.
$url - The absolute or relative URL to redirect to.
$code - Numeric HTTP status code to set (optional).
Function: show_403
Shows an error message with a 403 HTTP header.
$title - The title for the error dialog (optional).
$body - The message for the error dialog (optional).
Function: show_404
Shows an error message with a 404 HTTP header.
$title - The title for the error dialog (optional).
$body - The message for the error dialog (optional).
Function: url
Mask for Route::url().
Function: self_url
Returns an absolute URL for the current request.
Function: htaccess_conf
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
Creates the Apache rewrites for Chyrp Lite.
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2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$url_path - The URL path to MAIN_DIR.
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2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
The rewrite rules, or false on failure.
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Function: caddyfile_conf
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
Creates the Caddy rewrites for Chyrp Lite.
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$url_path - The URL path to MAIN_DIR.
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2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
The rewrite rules, or false on failure.
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Function: nginx_conf
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
Creates the nginx rewrites for Chyrp Lite.
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2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$url_path - The URL path to MAIN_DIR.
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2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
The rewrite rules, or false on failure.
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Function: locales
Returns an array of locale choices for the "chyrp" domain.
Function: set_locale
Sets the locale with fallbacks for platform-specific quirks.
$locale - The locale name, e.g. @en_US@, @uk_UA@, @fr_FR@
Function: get_locale
Gets the current locale setting.
Does not use setlocale() because the return value is non-normative.
Function: load_translator
Sets the path for a gettext translation domain.
$domain - The name of this translation domain.
$locale - The path to the locale directory.
Function: lang_code
Converts a language code to a localised display name.
$code - The language code to convert.
A localised display name, e.g. "English (United States)".
Function: lang_base
Extracts the primary language subtag for the supplied code.
$code - The language code to extract from.
The primary subtag for this code, e.g. "en" from "en_US".
Function: text_direction
Returns the correct text direction for the supplied language code.
$code - The language code.
Either the string "ltr" or "rtl".
Function: __
Translates a string using gettext.
$text - The string to translate.
$domain - The translation domain to read from.
The translated string or the original.
Function: _p
Translates a plural (or not) form of a string.
$single - Singular string.
$plural - Pluralized string.
$number - The number to judge by.
$domain - The translation domain to read from.
The translated string or the original.
Function: _f
Translates a string with sprintf() formatting.
$string - String to translate and format.
$args - One arg or an array of arguments to format with.
$domain - The translation domain to read from.
The translated string or the original.
Function: _w
Formats and internationalizes a string that isn't a regular time() value.
$formatting - The date()-compatible formatting.
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
$when - A time() value or string to be strtotime() converted.
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
An internationalized time/date string with the supplied formatting.
Function: when
Formats a string that isn't a regular time() value.
$formatting - The formatting for date().
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
$when - A time() value or string to be strtotime() converted.
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
A time/date string with the supplied formatting.
Function: datetime
Formats datetime for SQL queries.
$when - A timestamp (optional).
A standard datetime string.
Function: now
Alias to strtotime, for prettiness like now("+1 day").
Function: convert_datetime
Converts datetime formatting from PHP to ICU format.
$formatting - The datetime formatting.
See Also:
Function: timezones
Returns an array of timezone identifiers.
Function: set_timezone
Sets the timezone for all date/time functions.
$timezone - The timezone to set.
Function: get_timezone
Gets the timezone for all date/time functions.
Function: fallback
Sets the supplied variable if it is not already set.
&$variable - The variable to set and return.
The value that was assigned to the variable.
Additional arguments supplied to this function will be considered as
candidate values. The variable will be set to the value of the first
non-empty argument, or the last, or null if no arguments are supplied.
Function: oneof
Inspects the supplied arguments and returns the first substantial value.
The first substantial value in the set, or the last, or null.
Some type combinations will halt inspection of the full set:
- All types are comparable with null.
- All scalar types are comparable.
- Arrays, objects, and resources are incomparable with other types.
Function: token
Salt and hash a unique token using the supplied data.
$items - An array of items to hash.
A unique token salted with the site's secure hashkey.
Function: crc24
Performs a 24-bit cyclic redundancy check.
$str - The data to check.
$polynomial - The polynomial to use.
$ini - The initial remainder value.
$xor - The value for the final XOR.
The integer value of the check result.
Function: slug
Generates a random slug value for posts and pages.
$length - The number of characters to generate.
A string of the requested length.
Function: random
Generates a string of alphanumeric random characters.
$length - The number of characters to generate.
A string of the requested length.
Uses a cryptographically secure pseudo-random method.
Function: shorthand_bytes
Decode shorthand bytes notation from php.ini.
$value - The value returned by ini_get().
A byte value or the input if decoding failed.
Function: set_max_time
Sets the PHP time limit to MAX_TIME_LIMIT.
Function: set_max_memory
Sets the PHP memory limit to MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT.
Function: timer_start
Starts the internal timer and returns the microtime.
Function: timer_stop
Returns the elapsed time since the timer started.
$precision - Round to n decimal places.
A formatted number with the requested $precision.
Function: match_any
Try to match a string against an array of regular expressions.
$try - An array of regular expressions, or a single regular expression.
$haystack - The string to test.
Whether or not the match succeeded.
Function: autoload
Autoload PSR-0 classes on demand by scanning lib directories.
$class - The name of the class to load.
Function: keywords
Parse keyword searches for values in specific database columns.
$query - The query to parse.
$plain - WHERE syntax to search for non-keyword queries.
$table - Check this table to ensure the keywords are valid.
An array containing an array of "WHERE" conditions, an array
of "WHERE" parameters, and "ORDER BY" clause for the results.
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Non-keyword text will be parameterized as array[1][":query"].
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
Function: pluralize
Pluralizes a word.
$string - The lowercase string to pluralize.
$number - A number to determine pluralization.
The supplied word with a trailing "s" added,
or the correct non-normative pluralization.
Function: depluralize
Singularizes a word.
$string - The lowercase string to depluralize.
$number - A number to determine depluralization.
The supplied word with trailing "s" removed,
or the correct non-normative singularization.
Function: normalize
Attempts to normalize newlines and whitespace into single spaces.
The normalized string.
Function: camelize
Converts a string to camel-case.
$string - The string to camelize.
$keep_spaces - Convert underscores to spaces?
A CamelCased string.
See Also:
Function: decamelize
Undoes camel-case conversion.
$string - The string to decamelize.
A de_camel_cased string.
See Also:
Function: truncate
Truncates a string to the requested number of characters or less.
$text - The string to be truncated.
$length - Truncate the string to this number of characters.
$ellipsis - A string to place at the truncation point.
$exact - Split words to return the exact length requested?
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
A truncated string, with ellipsis appended, of <length> or less.
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Function: markdown
Implements the Markdown content parsing filter.
$text - The body of the post/page to parse.
$context - Model instance for context (optional).
The text with Markdown formatting applied.
See Also:
Function: emote
Converts emoticons to Unicode emoji HTML entities.
$text - The body of the post/page to parse.
The text with emoticons replaced by emoji.
See Also:
Function: fix
Neutralizes HTML and quotes in strings for display.
$string - String to fix.
$quotes - Encode quotes?
$double - Encode encoded?
A sanitized version of the string.
Function: unfix
Undoes neutralization of HTML and quotes in strings.
$string - String to unfix.
$all - Decode all entities?
An unsanitary version of the string.
Function: sanitize
Sanitizes a string of troublesome characters, typically for use in URLs.
$string - The string to sanitize - must be ASCII or UTF-8!
$lowercase - Force the string to lowercase?
$strict - Remove all characters except "-" and alphanumerics?
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
$truncate - Number of bytes to truncate to (0 to disable).
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
A sanitized version of the string.
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Function: sanitize_db_string
Purifies and trims a string for a database column.
$string - The string.
$length - The length limit in bytes (optional).
A purified and trimmed version of the string.
See Also:
<Post::add> <Page::add> <Group::add> <User::add>
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
Function: sanitize_html
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Sanitizes HTML to disable styles, scripts, and most attributes.
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$string - String containing HTML to sanitize.
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A version of the string containing only valid HTML tags
and whitelisted attributes essential to tag functionality.
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Function: get_remote
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Retrieves the contents of a URL.
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$url - The URL of the resource to be retrieved.
$redirects - The maximum number of redirects to follow.
$timeout - The maximum number of seconds to wait.
$headers - Include response headers with the content?
$post - Set the request type to POST instead of GET?
$data - An array or urlencoded string of POST data.
The response content, or false on failure.
Function: webmention_send
Sends Webmentions to the URLs discovered in a string.
$string - The string to crawl for Webmention URLs.
$post - The post this string belongs to.
$limit - Execution time limit in seconds (optional).
Function: webmention_receive
Receives and validates Webmentions.
$source - The sender's URL.
$target - The URL of our post.
Function: webmention_discover
Determines if a URL is capable of receiving Webmentions.
$url - The URL to check.
$redirects - The maximum number of redirects to follow.
The Webmention endpoint URL, or false on failure.
Function: grab_urls
Crawls a string and grabs hyperlinks from it.
$string - The string to crawl.
An array of all URLs found in the string.
Function: merge_urls
Combines a base URL and relative path into a target URL.
$base - The base URL.
$rel - The relative path.
A merged target URL, or false on failure.
Does not attempt to resolve dot segments in the path.
Function: load_info
Loads an extension's info.php file and returns an array of attributes.
Function: init_extensions
Initialize all Modules and Feathers.
Function: module_enabled
Determines if a module is currently enabled and not cancelled.
$name - The non-camelized name of the module.
Whether or not the supplied module is enabled.
Function: feather_enabled
Determines if a feather is currently enabled and not cancelled.
$name - The non-camelized name of the feather.
Whether or not the supplied feather is enabled.
Function: cancel_module
Temporarily declares a module cancelled (disabled).
$target - The non-camelized name of the module.
$reason - Why was execution cancelled?
A module can cancel itself in its __init() method.
Function: cancel_feather
Temporarily declares a feather cancelled (disabled).
$target - The non-camelized name of the feather.
$reason - Why was execution cancelled?
A feather can cancel itself in its __init() method.
Function: upload
Validates and moves an uploaded file to the uploads directory.
$file - The POST method upload array, e.g. $_FILES['userfile'].
$filter - An array of valid extensions (case-insensitive).
The filename of the upload relative to the uploads directory.
Function: upload_from_url
Copies a file from a remote URL to the uploads directory.
$url - The URL of the resource to be copied.
$redirects - The maximum number of redirects to follow.
$timeout - The maximum number of seconds to wait.
The filename of the copied file, or false on failure.
Function: uploaded
Generates an absolute URL or filesystem path to an uploaded file.
$filename - Filename relative to the uploads directory.
$url - Whether to return a URL or a filesystem path.
The supplied filename prepended with URL or filesystem path.
Function: uploaded_search
Returns an array of files discovered in the uploads directory.
$search - A search term.
$filter - An array of valid extensions (case insensitive).
$sort - One of "name", "type", "size", or "modified".
Function: upload_tester
Tests uploaded file information to determine if the upload was successful.
$file - The POST method upload array, e.g. $_FILES['userfile'].
True for a successful upload or false if no file was uploaded.
$_POST and $_FILES are empty if post_max_size directive is exceeded.
Function: upload_filename
Generates a sanitized unique name for an uploaded file.
$filename - The filename to make unique.
$filter - An array of valid extensions (case insensitive).
A sanitized unique filename, or false on failure.
Function: upload_filter_whitelist
Returns an array containing a default list of allowed file extensions.
Function: delete_upload
Deletes an uploaded file.
$filename - Filename relative to the uploads directory.
Whether or not the file was deleted successfully.
Function: password_strength
Award a numeric score for the strength of a password.
$password - The password string to score.
A numeric score for the strength of the password.
Function: is_url
Does the string look like a web URL?
$string - The string to analyse.
Whether or not the string matches the criteria.
Recognises FQDN, IPv4 and IPv6.
See Also:
Function: add_scheme
Prefixes a URL with a scheme if none was detected.
$url - The URL to analyse.
$scheme - Force this scheme (optional).
URL prefixed with a default or supplied scheme.
See Also:
Function: is_email
Does the string look like an email address?
$string - The string to analyse.
Recognises FQDN, IPv4 and IPv6.
Whether or not the string matches the criteria.
Function: is_unsafe_ip
Is the string a private or reserved IP address?
$string - The string to analyse.
Whether or not the string matches the criteria.
Function: is_datetime_zero
Is the string a SQL datetime "zero" variant?
$string - The string to analyse.
Whether or not the string matches the criteria.
Function: generate_captcha
Generates a captcha form element.
A string containing HTML elements to add to a form.
Function: check_captcha
Checks the response to a captcha.
Whether or not the captcha was defeated.
Function: esce
Outputs an escaped echo for JavaScripts.
$variable - The variable to echo.
Strings are escaped with backslashes,
booleans expanded to "true" or "false".
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
Function: icon_img
Returns an img tag for the requested icon resource.
$filename - The icon filename.
$alt_text - The alternative text for the image.
$class - The CSS class for the image.
Function: icon_svg
Returns an SVG tag for the requested icon resource.
$filename - The icon filename.
$label - The ARIA label for the SVG.
$class - The CSS class for the SVG.
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
Function: json_set
JSON encodes a value and checks for errors.
$value - The value to be encoded.
$options - A bitmask of encoding options.
$depth - Recursion depth for encoding.
A JSON encoded string or false on failure.
Function: json_get
JSON decodes a value and checks for errors.
$value - The UTF-8 string to be decoded.
$assoc - Convert objects into associative arrays?
$depth - Recursion depth for decoding.
$options - A bitmask of decoding options.
A JSON decoded value of the appropriate PHP type.
Function: json_response
Send a structured JSON response.
$text - A string containing a response message.
$data - Arbitrary data to be sent with the response.
Function: file_attachment
Send a file attachment to the visitor.
$contents - The bitstream to be delivered to the visitor.
$filename - The name to be applied to the content upon download.
Function: zip_archive
Creates a basic flat Zip archive from an array of items.
$array - An associative array of names and contents.
A Zip archive.
See Also:
Function: email
Sends an email using PHP's mail() function or an alternative.
Function: email_activate_account
Sends an activation email to a newly registered user.
$user - The user to receive the email.
Function: email_reset_password
Sends a password reset email to a user.
$user - The user to receive the email.
Function: javascripts
Returns inline JavaScript for core functionality and extensions.
Interface: CaptchaProvider
Describes the functions required by CaptchaProvider implementations.
Function: generateCaptcha
Returns the HTML form elements for the captcha challenge.
Function: checkCaptcha
Checks the response and returns true (success) or false (failure).
Interface: Controller
Describes the functions required by Controller implementations.
Function: parse
Route constructor calls this to determine the action.
Function: exempt
Route constructor calls this to determine "view_site" exemptions.
Interface: Feather
Describes the functions required by Feather implementations.
Function: submit
Handles post submitting.
The <Post> object created.
Function: update
Handles updating a post.
Function: title
Returns the appropriate source to be treated as a "title" of a post.
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
If there is no immediate solution, you may use <Post::title_from_excerpt>.
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
Function: excerpt
Returns the appropriate source, unmodified, to be used as an excerpt of a post.
Function: feed_content
Returns the appropriate content for a feed.
Interface: FeedGenerator
Describes the functions required by FeedGenerator implementations.
Function: type
Returns the content type of the feed.
Function: open
Opens the feed.
Function: entry
Adds an individual entry to the feed.
Function: category
Adds a category to an entry or feed.
Function: rights
Adds human-readable licensing information to an entry or feed.
Function: enclosure
Adds a link for a resource that is potentially large in size.
Function: related
Adds a link for a resource related to an entry or feed.
Function: feed
Returns the generated feed.
Function: display
Displays the generated feed.
Class: AtomFeed
Generates an Atom feed piece by piece.
See Also:
Function: type
Returns the content type of the feed.
Function: open
Adds the opening feed element and top-level elements.
$title - Title for this feed.
$subtitle - Subtitle (optional).
$id - Feed ID (optional).
$updated - Time of update (optional).
Function: entry
Adds an individual feed entry.
$title - Title for this entry.
$id - The unique ID.
$content - Content for this entry.
$link - The URL to the resource.
$published - Time of creation.
$updated - Time of update (optional).
$name - Name of the author (optional).
$uri - URI of the author (optional).
$email - Email address of the author (optional).
The entry remains open to allow triggered insertions.
Function: category
Adds a category element for an entry or feed.
$term - String that identifies the category.
$scheme - URI for the categorization scheme (optional).
$label - Human-readable label for the category (optional).
Function: rights
Adds a rights element for an entry or feed.
$text - Human-readable licensing information.
Function: enclosure
Adds a link element for a resource that is potentially large in size.
$link - The URL to the resource.
$length - Size in bytes of the resource (optional).
$type - The media type of the resource (optional).
$title - Title for the resource (optional).
Function: related
Adds a link element for a resource related to an entry or feed.
$link - The URL to the resource.
Function: feed
Returns the generated feed.
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Function: display
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
Displays the generated feed.
Class: JSONFeed
Generates a JSON feed piece by piece.
See Also:
Function: type
Returns the content type of the feed.
Function: open
Adds the top-level feed objects.
$title - Title for this feed.
$subtitle - Subtitle (optional).
$id - Feed ID (optional).
$updated - Time of update (optional).
Function: entry
Adds an individual feed item.
$title - Title for this item.
$id - The unique ID.
$content - Content for this item.
$link - The URL to the resource.
$published - Time of creation.
$updated - Time of update (optional).
$name - Name of the author (optional).
$uri - URI of the author (optional).
$email - Email address of the author (optional).
Function: category
Adds a tag object for an item.
$term - String that identifies the category.
$scheme - URI for the categorization scheme (optional).
$label - Human-readable label for the category (optional).
Function: rights
Not implemented in JSON Feed version 1.
Function: enclosure
Adds an attachment object for an item.
$link - The URL to the resource.
$length - Size in bytes of the resource (optional).
$type - The media type of the resource (optional).
$title - Title for the resource (optional).
Function: related
Adds an external_url attribute for an item.
$link - The external URL.
Function: feed
Returns the generated feed.
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
Function: display
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
Displays the generated feed.
Class: Leaf
Extends the Twig template engine.
Function: getFunctions
Returns a list of operators to add to the existing list.
Function: getFilters
Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list.
Function: twig_callback_missing_function
Scans callable methods of enabled modules in search of a missing Twig function.
$name - The name of the missing Twig function.
Function: twig_callback_missing_filter
Scans callable methods of enabled modules in search of a missing Twig filter.
$name - The name of the missing Twig filter.
Function: twig_function_paginate
Paginates an array of items using the Paginator class.
$array - The array to paginate.
$per_page - The number of items per page.
$name - The $_GET value for the current page.
Function: twig_function_posted
Returns a $_POST value if set, otherwise returns the fallback value.
$key - The key to test in the $_POST array.
$fallback - The value to return if the $_POST value is not set.
Function: twig_function_mailto
Returns an obfuscated mailto: URL.
$email - The email address to obfuscate.
Function: twig_function_copyright_notice
Returns a copyright notice.
$holder - The copyright holder's name.
$date1 - A date to use for the year.
$date2 - End date (for a span of years).
Function: twig_function_uploaded_search
Returns an array of matches, if the visitor has the "export_content" privilege.
$search - A search term.
$filter - An array of valid extensions (case insensitive).
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
Function: twig_function_slug_pattern
2025-01-13 17:56:01 +08:00
Returns a HTML @pattern@ attribute according to SLUG_STRICT constant.
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2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
Function: twig_function_javascripts_nonce
Returns a nonce value to enable inline JavaScript with a Content Security Policy.
Function: twig_function_stylesheets_nonce
Returns a nonce value to enable inline stylesheets with a Content Security Policy.
Function: twig_filter_translate
Returns a translated string.
$text - The string to translate.
$domain - The translation domain to read from.
Function: twig_filter_translate_plural
Returns a plural (or not) form of a translated string.
$single - Singular string.
$plural - Pluralized string.
$number - The number to judge by.
$domain - The translation domain to read from.
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
Function: twig_filter_translate_time
Returns a formatted and internationalized time string.
$timestamp - A time() value or string to be strtotime() converted.
$format - The date()-compatible formatting.
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
Function: twig_filter_time
Returns a <time> HTML element containing an internationalized time representation.
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
$timestamp - A time() value or string to be strtotime() converted.
$format - The date()-compatible formatting for the <time> representation.
$convert - Perform a case conversion:
"fold", "lower", "title", "upper", or null to retain case as-is.
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
Function: twig_filter_date_format
Returns date formatting for a string that isn't a regular time() value.
2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
$timestamp - A time() value or string to be strtotime() converted.
$formatting - The date()-compatible formatting.
2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
Function: twig_filter_filesize_format
Returns a string containing a formatted filesize value.
$bytes - The filesize in bytes.
Function: twig_filter_preg_match
Try to match a string against an array of regular expressions.
$try - An array of regular expressions, or a single regular expression.
$haystack - The string to test.
Function: twig_filter_preg_replace
Performs a <preg_replace> on the supplied string or array.
$subject - The input string.
$pattern - The regular expression to match.
$replacement - The replacement string.
$limit - The maximum number of replacements.
Function: twig_filter_contains
Does the haystack variable contain the needle variable?
$haystack - The variable to search within.
$needle - The variable to search for.
Function: twig_filter_inspect
Exports a variable for inspection.
$variable - The variable to inspect.
Function: twig_filter_checked
Returns a HTML @checked@ attribute if the test evalutaes to true.
$test - The variable to test.
Function: twig_filter_selected
Returns a HTML @selected@ attribute if the
test matches any of the supplied arguments.
$test - The variable to test.
Function: twig_filter_disabled
Returns a HTML @disabled@ attribute if the
test matches any of the supplied arguments.
$test - The variable to test.
Function: twig_filter_download
Returns a download link for a file located in the uploads directory.
$filename - The uploaded filename.
Function: twig_filter_thumbnail
Returns a thumbnail <img> tag for an uploaded image file,
optionally with sizes/srcset attributes and enclosing <a> tag.
$filename - The uploaded filename.
$alt_text - The alternative text for the image.
$url - A URL, @true@ to link to the uploaded file, @false@ to disable.
$args - An array of additional arguments to be appended as GET parameters.
$sizes - A string, @true@ to use "100vw", @false@ to disable sizes/srcset.
$lazy - Specify lazy-loading for this image?
Class: RSSFeed
Generates an RSS feed piece by piece.
See Also:
Function: type
Returns the content type of the feed.
Function: open
Adds the opening channel element and top-level elements.
$title - Title for this channel.
$subtitle - Subtitle (optional).
$id - Feed ID (optional).
$updated - Time of update (optional).
Function: entry
Adds an individual feed item.
$title - Title for this item.
$id - The unique ID.
$content - Content for this item.
$link - The URL to the resource.
$published - Time of creation.
$updated - Time of update (optional).
$name - Name of the author (optional).
$uri - URI of the author (optional).
$email - Email address of the author (optional).
The item remains open to allow triggered insertions.
Function: category
Adds a category element for an item.
$term - String that identifies the category.
$scheme - URI for the categorization scheme (optional).
$label - Human-readable label for the category (optional).
Function: rights
Not implemented in RSS 2.0.11.
Function: enclosure
Adds an enclosure element for a resource that is potentially large in size.
$link - The URL to the resource.
$length - Size in bytes of the resource (optional).
$type - The media type of the resource (optional).
$title - Title for the resource (optional).
Function: related
Not implemented in RSS 2.0.11.
Function: feed
Returns the generated feed.
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Function: display
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Displays the generated feed.
Class: ThumbnailFile
Creates and serves compressed image thumbnails.
Function: __construct
Receives the source filename and requested thumbnail parameters.
$filename - Filename relative to the uploads directory.
$thumb_w - Requested thumbnail width (0 = auto).
$thumb_h - Requested thumbnail height (0 = auto).
$quality - Quality factor for the thumbnail file.
$square - Create a square crop of the original image?
Function: upscaling
Will the thumbnail be larger than the original?
Function: creatable
Can the thumbnail file be created?
Function: extension
Returns the correct extension for the image.
Function: mime_type
Returns the correct MIME type for the image.
Function: name
Generates and returns a unique name for the thumbnail file.
Function: create
Creates a thumbnail file using the supplied parameters.
$overwrite - Overwrite an existing thumbnail file?
Function: serve
Serves a thumbnail file with correct Content-Type header.
Function: resize
Computes the final dimensions based on supplied parameters.
File: main.js.php
JavaScript for core functionality and extensions.
Class: Group
The Group model.
See Also:
Function: __construct
See Also:
Function: find
See Also:
Function: can
Checks if the group can perform the specified actions.
$permissions - Permissions to check, as separate args.
@true@ or @false@
If the last arg is <true>, logic is "and", otherwise "or".
Function: add
Adds a group to the database.
$name - The group's name
$permissions - An array of the permissions (IDs).
The newly created <Group>.
See Also:
Function: update
Updates a group with the given name and permissions.
$name - The new Name to set.
$permissions - An array of the new permissions to set (IDs).
The updated <Group>.
Function: delete
Deletes a given group and its permissions.
See Also:
Function: add_permission
Adds a permission to the Groups table.
$id - The ID for the permission, e.g "can_do_something".
$name - The name for the permission, e.g. "Can Do Something".
Function: remove_permission
Removes a permission from the Groups table.
$id - The ID of the permission to remove.
Function: list_permissions
Returns an array of all permissions in the Groups table.
$group_id - List enabled permissions for this group ID.
Function: size
Returns the number of users in the group.
Class: Page
The Page model.
See Also:
Function: __construct
See Also:
Function: find
See Also:
Function: add
Adds a page to the database.
$title - The Title for the new page.
$body - The Body for the new page.
$user - The <User> or <User.id> of the page's author.
$parent_id - The ID of the new page's parent page (0 for none).
$public - Whether the page can be viewed without permission.
$show_in_list - Whether or not to show it in the pages list.
$list_order - The order of the page in the list.
$clean - The slug for this page.
$url - The unique URL (created from $clean by default).
$created_at - The new page's "created" timestamp.
$updated_at - The new page's "last updated" timestamp.
The newly created <Page>.
The caller is responsible for validating all supplied values.
See Also:
Function: update
Updates the page.
$title - The new Title.
$body - The new Body.
$user - The <User> or <User.id> of the page's author.
$parent_id - The new parent ID.
$public - Whether the page can be viewed without permission.
$show_in_list - Whether or not to show it in the pages list.
$clean - A new slug for the page.
$url - A new unique URL for the page (created from $clean by default).
$created_at - The page's "created" timestamp.
$updated_at - The page's "last updated" timestamp.
The updated <Page>.
The caller is responsible for validating all supplied values.
Function: delete
Deletes the given page.
$page_id - The ID of the page to delete.
$recursive - Should the page's children be deleted? (default: false)
See Also:
Function: exists
Checks if a page exists.
$page_id - The page ID to check
Function: check_url
Checks if a given URL value is already being used as another page's URL.
$url - The URL to check.
The unique version of $url.
If unused, it's the same as $url. If used, a number is appended to it.
Function: filter
Filters the page attributes through filter_page and markup filters.
Function: from_url
Attempts to grab a page from its clean or dirty URL.
$request - The request URI to parse.
$route - The route to respond to, or null to return a Page.
Function: url
Returns a page's URL.
Function: author
Returns a page's author. Example: $page->author->name
Class: Post
The Post model.
See Also:
Function: __construct
See Also:
Function: find
See Also:
Function: add
Adds a post to the database.
$values - The data to insert.
$clean - The slug for this post.
$url - The unique sanitised URL (created from $clean by default).
$feather - The feather to post as.
$user - <User> to set as the post's author.
$pinned - Pin the post?
$status - Post status
$created_at - New @created_at@ timestamp for the post.
$updated_at - New @updated_at@ timestamp for the post.
$pingbacks - Send pingbacks?
$options - Options for the post.
The newly created <Post>.
The caller is responsible for validating all supplied values.
See Also:
Function: update
Updates a post with the given attributes.
$values - An array of data to set for the post.
$user - <User> to set as the post's author.
$pinned - Pin the post?
$status - Post status
$clean - A new slug for the post.
$url - A new unique URL for the post.
$created_at - New @created_at@ timestamp for the post.
$updated_at - New @updated_at@ timestamp for the post.
$options - Options for the post.
$pingbacks - Send pingbacks?
The updated <Post>.
The caller is responsible for validating all supplied values.
See Also:
Function: delete
Deletes a post from the database.
See Also:
Function: deletable
Checks if the <User> can delete the post.
Function: editable
Checks if the <User> can edit the post.
Function: any_editable
Checks if the <Visitor> can edit any posts.
Function: any_deletable
Checks if the <Visitor> can delete any posts.
Function: exists
Checks if a post exists.
$post_id - The post ID to check
true - if a post with that ID is in the database.
Function: check_url
Checks if a given URL value is already being used as another post's URL.
$url - The URL to check.
The unique version of the URL value.
If unused, it's the same as $url. If used, a number is appended to it.
Function: url
Returns a post's URL.
Function: title_from_excerpt
Generates an acceptable title from the post's excerpt.
filtered -> first line -> ftags stripped ->
truncated to 75 characters -> normalized.
Function: title
Returns the given post's title, provided by its Feather.
Function: excerpt
Returns the given post's excerpt, provided by its Feather.
Function: feed_content
Returns the given post's feed content, provided by its Feather.
Function: next
The next post (the post made before this one).
Function: prev
The previous post (the post made after this one).
Function: theme_exists
Checks if the current post's feather theme file exists.
Function: filter
Filters the post attributes through filter_post and any Feather filters.
Function: from_url
Attempts to grab a post from its clean or dirty URL.
$request - The request URI to parse.
$route - The route to respond to, or null to return a Post.
$options - Additional options for the Post object (optional).
Function: statuses
Returns a SQL query "chunk" for the "status" column permissions of the current user.
$start - An array of additional statuses to allow;
"registered_only", "private" and "scheduled" are added deterministically.
Function: feathers
Returns a SQL query "chunk" for the "feather" column so that it matches enabled feathers.
Function: author
Returns a post's author. Example: $post->author->name
Function: groups
Returns the IDs of any groups given viewing permission in the post's status.
Function: publish_scheduled
Searches for and publishes scheduled posts.
Calls the @publish_post@ trigger with the updated <Post>.
Class: User
The User model.
See Also:
Function: __construct
See Also:
Function: find
See Also:
Function: authenticate
Checks to see if a given login and password match a user in the database.
$login - The Login to check.
$password - The matching Password to check.
@true@ or @false@
Function: add
Adds a user to the database.
$login - The Login for the new user.
$password - The hashed password for the new user.
$email - The email for the new user.
$full_name - The full name of the user (optional).
$website - The user's website (optional).
$group_id - The user's <Group> ID (defaults to the default group).
$joined_at - Join date (defaults to now).
The newly created <User>.
See Also:
Function: update
Updates a user with the given parameters.
$login - The new Login to set.
$password - The new hashed password to set.
$full_name - The new Full Name to set.
$email - The new email to set.
$website - The new Website to set.
$group_id - The new <Group> ID to set.
The updated <User>.
See Also:
Function: delete
Deletes a given user.
See Also:
Function: hash_password
Creates a hash of a user's password for the database.
$password - The unhashed password.
The password hashed using the SHA-512 algorithm.
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<random> uses a cryptographically secure function.
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Function: check_password
Checks a given password against the user's stored hash.
$password - The unhashed password given during a login attempt.
$stored - The the user's stored hash value from the database.
@true@ or @false@
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Uses <password_verify> to mitigate timing attacks.
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Class: Visitor
The model for the currently browsing <User>.
Group falls back to whatever group is set as the "Guest Group".
See Also:
Function: __construct
Checks if a valid user is logged in.
Function: __get
A detour around belongs_to "group" to account for the default Guest group.
Function: find
See Also:
Function: logged_in
Returns whether or not the visitor is logged in.
Function: log_in
Logs in a visitor as a registered user.
$user - The <User> to log in.
A redirect() is required after calling this method.
Function: log_out
Logs out a registered user.
A redirect() is required after calling this method.
Function: current
Returns a singleton reference to the current visitor.
File: thumbnail
Serves compressed image thumbnails for uploaded files.