2024-06-20 22:10:42 +08:00
< ? php
* This file is part of Twig .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier
* ( c ) Armin Ronacher
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Twig ;
use Twig\Error\SyntaxError ;
use Twig\Node\BlockNode ;
use Twig\Node\BlockReferenceNode ;
use Twig\Node\BodyNode ;
use Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression ;
use Twig\Node\MacroNode ;
use Twig\Node\ModuleNode ;
use Twig\Node\Node ;
use Twig\Node\NodeCaptureInterface ;
use Twig\Node\NodeOutputInterface ;
use Twig\Node\PrintNode ;
use Twig\Node\TextNode ;
use Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface ;
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use Twig\Util\ReflectionCallable ;
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* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
class Parser
private $stack = [];
private $stream ;
private $parent ;
private $visitors ;
private $expressionParser ;
private $blocks ;
private $blockStack ;
private $macros ;
private $env ;
private $importedSymbols ;
private $traits ;
private $embeddedTemplates = [];
private $varNameSalt = 0 ;
public function __construct ( Environment $env )
$this -> env = $env ;
public function getVarName () : string
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return \sprintf ( '__internal_parse_%d' , $this -> varNameSalt ++ );
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public function parse ( TokenStream $stream , $test = null , bool $dropNeedle = false ) : ModuleNode
$vars = get_object_vars ( $this );
unset ( $vars [ 'stack' ], $vars [ 'env' ], $vars [ 'handlers' ], $vars [ 'visitors' ], $vars [ 'expressionParser' ], $vars [ 'reservedMacroNames' ], $vars [ 'varNameSalt' ]);
$this -> stack [] = $vars ;
// node visitors
if ( null === $this -> visitors ) {
$this -> visitors = $this -> env -> getNodeVisitors ();
if ( null === $this -> expressionParser ) {
$this -> expressionParser = new ExpressionParser ( $this , $this -> env );
$this -> stream = $stream ;
$this -> parent = null ;
$this -> blocks = [];
$this -> macros = [];
$this -> traits = [];
$this -> blockStack = [];
$this -> importedSymbols = [[]];
$this -> embeddedTemplates = [];
try {
$body = $this -> subparse ( $test , $dropNeedle );
if ( null !== $this -> parent && null === $body = $this -> filterBodyNodes ( $body )) {
$body = new Node ();
} catch ( SyntaxError $e ) {
if ( ! $e -> getSourceContext ()) {
$e -> setSourceContext ( $this -> stream -> getSourceContext ());
if ( ! $e -> getTemplateLine ()) {
$e -> setTemplateLine ( $this -> stream -> getCurrent () -> getLine ());
throw $e ;
$node = new ModuleNode ( new BodyNode ([ $body ]), $this -> parent , new Node ( $this -> blocks ), new Node ( $this -> macros ), new Node ( $this -> traits ), $this -> embeddedTemplates , $stream -> getSourceContext ());
$traverser = new NodeTraverser ( $this -> env , $this -> visitors );
* @ var ModuleNode $node
$node = $traverser -> traverse ( $node );
// restore previous stack so previous parse() call can resume working
foreach ( array_pop ( $this -> stack ) as $key => $val ) {
$this -> $key = $val ;
return $node ;
public function subparse ( $test , bool $dropNeedle = false ) : Node
$lineno = $this -> getCurrentToken () -> getLine ();
$rv = [];
while ( ! $this -> stream -> isEOF ()) {
switch ( $this -> getCurrentToken () -> getType ()) {
case /* Token::TEXT_TYPE */ 0 :
$token = $this -> stream -> next ();
$rv [] = new TextNode ( $token -> getValue (), $token -> getLine ());
break ;
case /* Token::VAR_START_TYPE */ 2 :
$token = $this -> stream -> next ();
$expr = $this -> expressionParser -> parseExpression ();
$this -> stream -> expect ( /* Token::VAR_END_TYPE */ 4 );
$rv [] = new PrintNode ( $expr , $token -> getLine ());
break ;
case /* Token::BLOCK_START_TYPE */ 1 :
$this -> stream -> next ();
$token = $this -> getCurrentToken ();
if ( /* Token::NAME_TYPE */ 5 !== $token -> getType ()) {
throw new SyntaxError ( 'A block must start with a tag name.' , $token -> getLine (), $this -> stream -> getSourceContext ());
if ( null !== $test && $test ( $token )) {
if ( $dropNeedle ) {
$this -> stream -> next ();
if ( 1 === \count ( $rv )) {
return $rv [ 0 ];
return new Node ( $rv , [], $lineno );
if ( ! $subparser = $this -> env -> getTokenParser ( $token -> getValue ())) {
if ( null !== $test ) {
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$e = new SyntaxError ( \sprintf ( 'Unexpected "%s" tag' , $token -> getValue ()), $token -> getLine (), $this -> stream -> getSourceContext ());
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2024-09-06 01:51:48 +08:00
$callable = ( new ReflectionCallable ( $test )) -> getCallable ();
if ( \is_array ( $callable ) && $callable [ 0 ] instanceof TokenParserInterface ) {
$e -> appendMessage ( \sprintf ( ' (expecting closing tag for the "%s" tag defined near line %s).' , $callable [ 0 ] -> getTag (), $lineno ));
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} else {
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$e = new SyntaxError ( \sprintf ( 'Unknown "%s" tag.' , $token -> getValue ()), $token -> getLine (), $this -> stream -> getSourceContext ());
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$e -> addSuggestions ( $token -> getValue (), array_keys ( $this -> env -> getTokenParsers ()));
throw $e ;
$this -> stream -> next ();
$subparser -> setParser ( $this );
$node = $subparser -> parse ( $token );
if ( null !== $node ) {
$rv [] = $node ;
break ;
default :
throw new SyntaxError ( 'Lexer or parser ended up in unsupported state.' , $this -> getCurrentToken () -> getLine (), $this -> stream -> getSourceContext ());
if ( 1 === \count ( $rv )) {
return $rv [ 0 ];
return new Node ( $rv , [], $lineno );
public function getBlockStack () : array
return $this -> blockStack ;
public function peekBlockStack ()
return $this -> blockStack [ \count ( $this -> blockStack ) - 1 ] ? ? null ;
public function popBlockStack () : void
array_pop ( $this -> blockStack );
public function pushBlockStack ( $name ) : void
$this -> blockStack [] = $name ;
public function hasBlock ( string $name ) : bool
return isset ( $this -> blocks [ $name ]);
public function getBlock ( string $name ) : Node
return $this -> blocks [ $name ];
public function setBlock ( string $name , BlockNode $value ) : void
$this -> blocks [ $name ] = new BodyNode ([ $value ], [], $value -> getTemplateLine ());
public function hasMacro ( string $name ) : bool
return isset ( $this -> macros [ $name ]);
public function setMacro ( string $name , MacroNode $node ) : void
$this -> macros [ $name ] = $node ;
public function addTrait ( $trait ) : void
$this -> traits [] = $trait ;
public function hasTraits () : bool
return \count ( $this -> traits ) > 0 ;
public function embedTemplate ( ModuleNode $template )
$template -> setIndex ( mt_rand ());
$this -> embeddedTemplates [] = $template ;
public function addImportedSymbol ( string $type , string $alias , ? string $name = null , ? AbstractExpression $node = null ) : void
$this -> importedSymbols [ 0 ][ $type ][ $alias ] = [ 'name' => $name , 'node' => $node ];
public function getImportedSymbol ( string $type , string $alias )
// if the symbol does not exist in the current scope (0), try in the main/global scope (last index)
return $this -> importedSymbols [ 0 ][ $type ][ $alias ] ? ? ( $this -> importedSymbols [ \count ( $this -> importedSymbols ) - 1 ][ $type ][ $alias ] ? ? null );
public function isMainScope () : bool
return 1 === \count ( $this -> importedSymbols );
public function pushLocalScope () : void
array_unshift ( $this -> importedSymbols , []);
public function popLocalScope () : void
array_shift ( $this -> importedSymbols );
public function getExpressionParser () : ExpressionParser
return $this -> expressionParser ;
public function getParent () : ? Node
return $this -> parent ;
public function setParent ( ? Node $parent ) : void
$this -> parent = $parent ;
public function getStream () : TokenStream
return $this -> stream ;
public function getCurrentToken () : Token
return $this -> stream -> getCurrent ();
private function filterBodyNodes ( Node $node , bool $nested = false ) : ? Node
// check that the body does not contain non-empty output nodes
if (
( $node instanceof TextNode && ! ctype_space ( $node -> getAttribute ( 'data' )))
|| ( ! $node instanceof TextNode && ! $node instanceof BlockReferenceNode && $node instanceof NodeOutputInterface )
) {
if ( str_contains (( string ) $node , \chr ( 0xEF ) . \chr ( 0xBB ) . \chr ( 0xBF ))) {
$t = substr ( $node -> getAttribute ( 'data' ), 3 );
if ( '' === $t || ctype_space ( $t )) {
// bypass empty nodes starting with a BOM
return null ;
throw new SyntaxError ( 'A template that extends another one cannot include content outside Twig blocks. Did you forget to put the content inside a {% block %} tag?' , $node -> getTemplateLine (), $this -> stream -> getSourceContext ());
// bypass nodes that "capture" the output
if ( $node instanceof NodeCaptureInterface ) {
// a "block" tag in such a node will serve as a block definition AND be displayed in place as well
return $node ;
// "block" tags that are not captured (see above) are only used for defining
// the content of the block. In such a case, nesting it does not work as
// expected as the definition is not part of the default template code flow.
if ( $nested && $node instanceof BlockReferenceNode ) {
throw new SyntaxError ( 'A block definition cannot be nested under non-capturing nodes.' , $node -> getTemplateLine (), $this -> stream -> getSourceContext ());
if ( $node instanceof NodeOutputInterface ) {
return null ;
// here, $nested means "being at the root level of a child template"
// we need to discard the wrapping "Node" for the "body" node
$nested = $nested || Node :: class !== \get_class ( $node );
foreach ( $node as $k => $n ) {
if ( null !== $n && null === $this -> filterBodyNodes ( $n , $nested )) {
$node -> removeNode ( $k );
return $node ;