the route controller? if (!defined('MAIN')) define('MAIN', false); # Constant: ADMIN # Is the route controller? if (!defined('ADMIN')) define('ADMIN', false); # Constant: AJAX # Is the route controller? if (!defined('AJAX')) define('AJAX', false); # Constant: UPGRADING # Is the user running the upgrader? (false) define('UPGRADING', false); # Constant: INSTALLING # Is the user running the installer? (false) define('INSTALLING', false); # Constant: COOKIE_LIFETIME # The lifetime of session cookies in seconds. define('COOKIE_LIFETIME', 2592000); # Constant: PASSWORD_RESET_TOKEN_LIFETIME # The lifetime of password reset tokens in seconds. define('PASSWORD_RESET_TOKEN_LIFETIME', 3600); # Constant: MAX_TIME_LIMIT # The maximum allowed execution time in seconds. define('MAX_TIME_LIMIT', 600); # Constant: MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT # The maximum amount of memory that can be allocated. define('MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', "100M"); # Constant: SQL_DATETIME_ZERO # The preferred SQL datetime "zero" value. define('SQL_DATETIME_ZERO', "1000-01-01 00:00:00"); # Constant: SQL_DATETIME_ZERO_VARIANTS # An array of SQL datetime values corresponding to "zero". define('SQL_DATETIME_ZERO_VARIANTS', array( "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "0001-01-01 00:00:00", "1000-01-01 00:00:00" ) ); # Constant: BOT_UA # Are we being visited by a probable robot? define('BOT_UA', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and preg_match("/(bots?|crawler|slurp|spider)\b/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ); # Constant: DIR # Native directory separator. define('DIR', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); # Constant: MAIN_DIR # Absolute path to the Chyrp root. define('MAIN_DIR', dirname(__FILE__, 2)); # Constant: INCLUDES_DIR # Absolute path to /includes. define('INCLUDES_DIR', MAIN_DIR.DIR."includes"); # Constant: CACHES_DIR # Absolute path to /includes/caches. define('CACHES_DIR', INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."caches"); # Constant: MODULES_DIR # Absolute path to /modules. define('MODULES_DIR', MAIN_DIR.DIR."modules"); # Constant: FEATHERS_DIR # Absolute path to /feathers. define('FEATHERS_DIR', MAIN_DIR.DIR."feathers"); # Constant: THEMES_DIR # Absolute path to /themes. define('THEMES_DIR', MAIN_DIR.DIR."themes"); # Constant: UPDATE_XML # URL to the update feed. define('UPDATE_XML', ""); # Constant: UPDATE_INTERVAL # Interval in seconds between update checks. define('UPDATE_INTERVAL', 86400); # Constant: UPDATE_PAGE # URL to the latest release. define('UPDATE_PAGE', ""); # Constant: SESSION_DENY_BOT # Deny session storage to robots? define('SESSION_DENY_BOT', true); # Constant: SLUG_STRICT # Use strict sanitization for slugs? define('SLUG_STRICT', true); # Constant: GET_REMOTE_UNSAFE # Allow get_remote() to connect to private and reserved IP addresses? define('GET_REMOTE_UNSAFE', false); # Constant: USE_GETTEXT_SHIM # Use a shim for translation support? define('USE_GETTEXT_SHIM', stripos(PHP_OS, "Win") === 0); # Constant: USE_OB # Use output buffering? if (!defined('USE_OB')) define('USE_OB', true); # Constant: HTTP_ACCEPT_ZSTD # Does the user agent accept Zstandard encoding? define('HTTP_ACCEPT_ZSTD', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) and str_contains($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], "zstd") ); # Constant: HTTP_ACCEPT_DEFLATE # Does the user agent accept deflate encoding? define('HTTP_ACCEPT_DEFLATE', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) and str_contains($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], "deflate") ); # Constant: HTTP_ACCEPT_GZIP # Does the user agent accept gzip encoding? define('HTTP_ACCEPT_GZIP', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) and str_contains($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], "gzip") ); # Constant: CAN_USE_ZSTD # Can we use zstd to compress output? define('CAN_USE_ZSTD', HTTP_ACCEPT_ZSTD and extension_loaded("zstd") ); # Constant: CAN_USE_ZLIB # Can we use zlib to compress output? define('CAN_USE_ZLIB', (HTTP_ACCEPT_DEFLATE or HTTP_ACCEPT_GZIP) and extension_loaded("zlib") ); # Constant: USE_COMPRESSION # Use content compression for responses? if (!defined('USE_COMPRESSION')) define('USE_COMPRESSION', (CAN_USE_ZSTD or CAN_USE_ZLIB) and !ini_get("zlib.output_compression") ); # Start output buffering and set the header. if (USE_OB) { if (USE_COMPRESSION) { if (CAN_USE_ZSTD) { ob_start( function ($data) { return zstd_compress($data, ZSTD_COMPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT); } ); header("Content-Encoding: zstd"); } else { ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); header("Content-Encoding: ".(HTTP_ACCEPT_GZIP ? "gzip" : "deflate")); } } else { ob_start(); } } # Constant: OB_BASE_LEVEL # The base level of output buffering. define('OB_BASE_LEVEL', ob_get_level()); # File: error # Functions for handling and reporting errors. require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."error.php"; # File: helpers # Various functions used throughout the codebase. require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."helpers.php"; # File: Controller # Defines the Controller interface. require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."interface".DIR."Controller.php"; # File: Feather # Defines the Feather interface. require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."interface".DIR."Feather.php"; # File: CaptchaProvider # Defines the CaptchaProvider interface. require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."interface".DIR."CaptchaProvider.php"; # File: FeedGenerator # Defines the FeedGenerator interface. require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."interface".DIR."FeedGenerator.php"; # File: Config # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Config.php"; # File: SQL # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."SQL.php"; # File: Model # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Model.php"; # File: User # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."model".DIR."User.php"; # File: Visitor # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."model".DIR."Visitor.php"; # File: Post # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."model".DIR."Post.php"; # File: Page # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."model".DIR."Page.php"; # File: Group # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."model".DIR."Group.php"; # File: Session # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Session.php"; # File: Flash # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Flash.php"; # File: Theme # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Theme.php"; # File: Trigger # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Trigger.php"; # File: Controllers # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Controllers.php"; # File: Modules # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Modules.php"; # File: Feathers # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Feathers.php"; # File: Paginator # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Paginator.php"; # File: Route # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Route.php"; # File: Update # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Update.php"; # File: Translation # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."class".DIR."Translation.php"; # File: Main # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."controller".DIR."Main.php"; # File: Admin # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."controller".DIR."Admin.php"; # File: Ajax # See Also: # require_once INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."controller".DIR."Ajax.php"; # Exit if an upgrade is in progress. if (file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."upgrading.lock")) error( __("Service Unavailable"), __("This resource is temporarily unable to serve your request."), code:503 ); # Exit if the config file is missing. if (!file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."config.json.php")) error( __("Service Unavailable"), __("This resource cannot respond because it is not configured."), code:503 ); # Start the timer that keeps track of Chyrp's load time. timer_start(); # Load the config settings. $config = Config::current(); # Prepare the SQL interface. $sql = SQL::current(); # Register our autoloader. spl_autoload_register("autoload"); # Register our feed alias. class_alias($config->feed_format, "BlogFeed"); # Set the timezone for date(), etc. set_timezone($config->timezone); # Initialize connection to SQL server. $sql->connect(); # Begin the session. session(); # Set the locale. set_locale($config->locale); # Load the translation engine. load_translator("chyrp", INCLUDES_DIR.DIR."locale"); # Constant: PREVIEWING # Is the user previewing a theme? define('PREVIEWING', !ADMIN and !empty($_SESSION['theme'])); # Constant: THEME_DIR # Absolute path to the theme (current or previewed). define('THEME_DIR', MAIN_DIR.DIR."themes".DIR. (PREVIEWING ? $_SESSION['theme'] : $config->theme) ); # Constant: THEME_URL # Absolute URL to the theme (current or previewed). define('THEME_URL', $config->chyrp_url."/themes/". (PREVIEWING ? $_SESSION['theme'] : $config->theme) ); # Instantiate the theme. $theme = Theme::current(); # Instantiate notifications. $flash = Flash::current(); # Instantiate triggers. $trigger = Trigger::current(); # Initialize extensions. init_extensions(); # Instantiate the visitor. $visitor = Visitor::current(); # First general-purpose trigger. $trigger->call("runtime"); # Publish scheduled posts. if (MAIN or ADMIN) Post::publish_scheduled(true); # Set headers. header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); header("Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin"); header("Vary: Accept-Encoding, Cookie, Save-Data"); if ($config->send_pingbacks) header("Link: <".$config->url."/?action=webmention>; rel=\"webmention\"");