{% extends "layouts" ~ DIR ~ "default.twig" %} {% block title %}{{ "Comment Settings" | translate("comments") }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ "Comment Settings" | translate("comments") }}

{#- -#} {{ "Notify the site contact by email when a comment is added." | translate("comments") }}

{#- -#} {{ "Notify the post author by email when a comment is added." | translate("comments") }}

{#- -#}

{#- -#} {{ "Format: strong, blockquote, em" | translate("comments") }}

{#- -#} {{ "Themes decide whether or not to paginate comments." | translate("comments") }}

{#- -#} {{ "Show newly added comments (up to the maximum number per page)." | translate("comments") }}

{#- -#} {{ "(seconds)" | translate("comments") }}

{% endblock %}