call a successful route? public $success = false; # Variable: $controller # The Route's Controller. public $controller; /** * Function: __construct * Parse the URL and give the controller an opportunity to determine the action. * * Parameters: * $controller - The controller to use. */ private function __construct( $controller ) { if (!in_array("Controller", class_implements($controller))) trigger_error( __("Route was initiated with an invalid Controller."), E_USER_ERROR ); $config = Config::current(); fallback($controller->feed, isset($_GET['feed'])); # Set the contoller for this route. $this->controller = $controller; # Determining the action can be this simple if clean URLs are disabled. $this->action =& $_GET['action']; $base = ($controller->base == "") ? $config->url : $config->chyrp_url."/".$controller->base ; $regex = "~^".preg_quote( oneof(parse_url($base, PHP_URL_PATH), ""), "~" )."((/)index.php)?~"; # Extract the request. $this->request = preg_replace($regex, '$2', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); # Decompose clean URLs. $this->arg = array_map( "urldecode", explode("/", trim($this->request, "/")) ); # Give the controller an opportunity to parse this route # and determine the action. $controller->parse($this); Trigger::current()->call("parse_route", $this); # Support single parameter actions without custom routes # or parsing by the controller. if (empty($this->action)) { if ( !empty($this->arg[0]) and !preg_match("/[\W]/", $this->arg[0]) ) $this->try[] = $this->arg[0]; } } /** * Function: init * Attempt to call a responder until one of them doesn't return false. */ public function init( ): bool { $trigger = Trigger::current(); $visitor = Visitor::current(); $trigger->call("route_init", $this); if (isset($this->action)) array_unshift($this->try, $this->action); foreach ($this->try as $key => $val) { list($method, $args) = is_numeric($key) ? array($val, array()) : array($key, $val) ; $this->action = $method; # Don't try to call anything except a valid PHP function. if (preg_match("/[\W]/", $this->action)) error( __("Error"), __("Invalid action."), code:400 ); # Return 403 if the visitor cannot view the site # and this is not an exempt action. if ( !$visitor->group->can("view_site") and !$this->controller->exempt($this->action) ) { $trigger->call("can_not_view_site"); show_403( __("Access Denied"), __("You are not allowed to view this site.") ); } $name = strtolower( str_replace( "Controller", "", get_class($this->controller) ) ); # This discovers responders provided by extensions. if ( $trigger->exists($name."_".$method) or $trigger->exists("route_".$method) ) { $call = $trigger->call( array($name."_".$method, "route_".$method), $this->controller ); } else { $call = false; } if ($call !== false) { $this->success = true; break; } # This discovers responders native to the controller. if (method_exists($this->controller, $name."_".$method)) { $response = call_user_func_array( array($this->controller, $name."_".$method), $args ); } else { $response = false; } if ($response !== false) { $this->success = true; break; } } # Return 404 if routing failed and nothing was displayed. if (!$this->success and !$this->controller->displayed) show_404(); # Set redirect_to for actions that visitors # might want to return to after they log in. if ( $this->controller->displayed and !$this->controller->feed and !$this->controller->exempt($this->action) and empty($_POST) ) { $_SESSION['redirect_to'] = self_url(); } $trigger->call("route_done", $this); return $this->success; } /** * Function: url * Constructs an absolute URL from a relative one. Converts clean URLs to dirty. * * Parameters: * $url - The relative URL. Assumed to be dirty if it begins with "/". * $controller - The controller to use. Current controller used if omitted. * * Returns: * An absolute clean or dirty URL, depending on value of @Config->clean_urls@ * and @controller->clean_urls@. */ public static function url( $url, $controller = null ): string { $config = Config::current(); if (!isset($controller)) $controller = Route::current()->controller; if (is_string($controller)) $controller = $controller::current(); $base = ($controller->base == "") ? $config->url : $config->chyrp_url."/".$controller->base ; # Assume this is a dirty URL and return it without translation. if (str_starts_with($url, "/")) return fix($base.$url, true); # Assume this is a clean URL and ensure it ends with a slash. $url = rtrim($url, "/")."/"; # Translation is unnecessary if clean URLs are enabled # and the controller supports them. if ($config->clean_urls and $controller->clean_urls) return fix($base."/".$url, true); $urls = $controller->urls; Trigger::current()->filter($urls, "parse_urls"); # Generate a feed variant of all dirty translations # not native to the controller. foreach ( array_diff_assoc($urls, $controller->urls) as $key => $value ) { $delimiter = substr($key, 0, 1); $index = substr($key, 0, -1). preg_quote("feed/", $delimiter). $delimiter; $urls[$index] = $value."&feed"; } # Add a fallback for single parameter translations. $urls['|/([^/]+)/$|'] = '/?action=$1'; # Do the translation. $translation = preg_replace( array_keys($urls), array_values($urls), "/".$url, 1 ); return fix($base.$translation, true); } /** * Function: add * Adds a route to the blog. * * Parameters: * $path - The path to add. Wrap variables with () e.g. "tag/(name)/". * $action - The action. Add parameters with ; e.g "tag;foo=bar;baz=boo". * * Notes: * Required for actions that have more than one parameter. * For example, not needed for /tags/ but needed for /tag/(name)/. * * See Also: * */ public function add( $path, $action ): void { $config = Config::current(); $new_routes = $config->routes; $new_routes[$path] = $action; $config->set("routes", $new_routes); } /** * Function: remove * Removes a route added by . * * Parameters: * $path - The path to remove. * * See Also: * */ public function remove( $path ): void { $config = Config::current(); $new_routes = $config->routes; unset($new_routes[$path]); $config->set("routes", $new_routes); } /** * Function: custom * Parses custom routes stored in the configuration. * * Notes: * The / path strictly requires no request args. */ public function custom( ): void { if (!$this->controller instanceof MainController) return; $config = Config::current(); foreach ($config->routes as $path => $action) { preg_match_all("/\(([^\)]+)\)/", $path, $variables); $exp = ($path == "/") ? "\$" : preg_replace( "/\\\\\(([^\)]+)\\\\\)/", "([^\/]+)", preg_quote(oneof(trim($path, "/"), "/"), "/") ) ; # Expression matches? if (preg_match("/^\/{$exp}/", $this->request, $args)) { array_shift($args); # Populate $_GET variables discovered in the path. if (isset($variables[1])) { foreach ($variables[1] as $index => $variable) $_GET[$variable] = urldecode($args[$index]); } # Populate $_GET variables contained in the action. $params = explode(";", $action); $action = $params[0]; array_shift($params); foreach ($params as $param) { $split = explode("=", $param); fallback($split[1], ""); $_GET[$split[0]] = urldecode($split[1]); } # Set the action. $this->action = $action; } } } /** * Function: current * Returns a singleton reference to the current class. */ public static function & current( $controller = null ): ?self { static $instance = null; if (!isset($controller) and empty($instance)) return $instance; $instance = (empty($instance)) ? new self($controller) : $instance ; return $instance; } }