check_updates) return; if (!$visitor->group->can("change_settings")) return; # Return unless elapsed time is greater than the update interval. if (!((time() - $config->check_updates_last) > UPDATE_INTERVAL)) return; $config->set("check_updates_last", time()); $rss = get_remote(UPDATE_XML, 3); if ($rss === false) { self::warning(); return; } $xml = @simplexml_load_string($rss); if (!self::validate($xml)) { self::warning(); return; } foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) if (version_compare(CHYRP_VERSION, $item->guid, "<")) { self::message($item); return; } } /** * Function: validate * Validates the XML dataset. */ private static function validate( $xml ): bool { if (!$xml instanceof SimpleXMLElement) return false; if (!isset($xml->channel->item)) return false; foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) if ( !isset($item->guid) or !isset($item->title) or !isset($item->link) ) return false; if (!is_url($item->link)) return false; return true; } /** * Function: message * Flash the user about the newer version. */ private static function message( $item ): void { Flash::message( _f("Chyrp Lite “%s” is available.", fix($item->title)). ' '. __("Go to GitHub!").'' ); } /** * Function: warning * Flash the user about the failed check. */ private static function warning( ): void { Flash::warning( __("Unable to check for new Chyrp Lite versions."). ' '. __("Go to GitHub!").'' ); } }