thumb_w = (int) $thumb_w; $this->thumb_h = (int) $thumb_h; $this->quality = (int) $quality; $this->square = (bool) $square; $filepath = uploaded($filename, false); $image_info = @getimagesize($filepath); if ($image_info === false) return; $this->source = $filepath; $this->type = $image_info[2]; if ($image_info[0] != 0) $this->orig_w = $image_info[0]; if ($image_info[1] != 0) $this->orig_h = $image_info[1]; if ($this->thumb_w == 0 and $this->thumb_h == 0) { $this->thumb_w = 1; $this->thumb_h = 1; } if ($this->quality > 100 or $this->quality < 0) $this->quality = 80; if (function_exists("exif_read_data")) { $exif = @exif_read_data($filepath); if ($exif !== false) { if (isset($exif["Orientation"])) $this->orientation = (int) $exif["Orientation"]; if ($this->orientation >= 5) { $orig_w = $this->orig_w; $orig_h = $this->orig_h; $this->orig_w = $orig_h; $this->orig_h = $orig_w; } } } $this->resize(); $this->destination = CACHES_DIR.DIR."thumbs".DIR.$this->name(); } /** * Function: upscaling * Will the thumbnail be larger than the original? */ public function upscaling( ): bool { return ( ($this->thumb_w == 0 or $this->orig_w <= $this->thumb_w) and ($this->thumb_h == 0 or $this->orig_h <= $this->thumb_h) and (!$this->square or $this->orig_w == $this->orig_h) ); } /** * Function: creatable * Can the thumbnail file be created? */ public function creatable( ): bool { if (isset($this->creatable)) return $this->creatable; if (!isset($this->source)) return $this->creatable = false; if (!function_exists("gd_info")) return $this->creatable = false; $imagetypes = imagetypes(); if ($this->type == IMAGETYPE_GIF and ($imagetypes & IMG_GIF)) { # If a square crop is requested, animation is irrelevant. if ($this->square) return $this->creatable = true; # Probe the file and return false if GIF89a with animation # because GD will only operate on the first frame of the file. $data = @fopen(filename:$this->source, mode:"rb"); if ($data === false) return $this->creatable = false; $count = 0; $contents = ""; # Count the number of graphic control extension blocks # followed by an image descriptor or another extension: # > Graphic Control Extension # > Extension Introducer (0x21) # > Graphic Control Label (0xf9) # > Block Size (0x04) # > (1 byte) # > Delay Time (2 bytes) # > Transparent Color Index (1 byte) # > Block Terminator (0x00) # > Image Descriptor / Graphic Control Extension # > Extension Introducer (0x2c / 0x21) # # See also: # # while (!feof($data) and $count < 2) { $contents.= fread($data, 102400); $count = (int) preg_match_all( "/\\x21\\xf9\\x04.{4}\\x00(\\x2c|\\x21)/s", $contents ); } return $this->creatable = ($count < 2) ? true : false ; } if ($this->type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG and ($imagetypes & IMG_JPEG)) return $this->creatable = true; if ($this->type == IMAGETYPE_PNG and ($imagetypes & IMG_PNG)) return $this->creatable = true; if ($this->type == IMAGETYPE_WEBP and ($imagetypes & IMG_WEBP)) { # Probe the file and return false if WEBP VP8X with animation # because GD will throw a PHP Fatal error on imagecreatefromwebp(). $data = @file_get_contents(filename:$this->source, length:21); if ($data === false or strlen($data) < 21) return $this->creatable = false; # Unpack the following data from the first 21 bytes of the WEBP file: # > File header (12 bytes) # > First chunk: # > Chunk header (4 bytes) # > Chunk size (4 bytes) # > Chunk payload (1 byte only) # # See also: # # $header = unpack( "A4riff/Vfilesize/A4webp/A4header/Vsize/Cpayload", $data ); # Discover if VP8X header is present and animation bit is set. if ($header['header'] == "VP8X" and $header['payload'] & 0x02) return $this->creatable = false; return $this->creatable = true; } if (!defined('IMAGETYPE_AVIF')) return $this->creatable = false; if (!defined('IMG_AVIF')) return $this->creatable = false; if ($this->type == IMAGETYPE_AVIF and ($imagetypes & IMG_AVIF)) return $this->creatable = true; return $this->creatable = false; } /** * Function: extension * Returns the correct extension for the image. */ public function extension( ): string|false { return image_type_to_extension($this->type); } /** * Function: mime_type * Returns the correct MIME type for the image. */ public function mime_type( ): string|false { return image_type_to_mime_type($this->type); } /** * Function: name * Generates and returns a unique name for the thumbnail file. */ public function name( ): string|false { if (isset($this->name)) return $this->name; if (!isset($this->source)) return false; $hash = md5( basename($this->source). $this->thumb_w. $this->thumb_h. $this->quality ); return $this->name = $hash.$this->extension(); } /** * Function: create * Creates a thumbnail file using the supplied parameters. * * Parameters: * $overwrite - Overwrite an existing thumbnail file? */ public function create( $overwrite = false ): bool { if (!$this->creatable()) return false; # Check if a fresh image thumbnail already exists. if ( !$overwrite and file_exists($this->destination) and filemtime($this->destination) >= filemtime($this->source) ) { if (DEBUG) error_log("IMAGE fresh ".$this->destination); return true; } $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($this->thumb_w, $this->thumb_h); if ($thumb === false) error( __("Error"), __("Failed to create image thumbnail.") ); switch ($this->type) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $original = @imagecreatefromgif($this->source); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $original = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->source); imageinterlace($thumb, true); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $original = @imagecreatefrompng($this->source); imagealphablending($thumb, false); imagesavealpha($thumb, true); break; case IMAGETYPE_WEBP: $original = @imagecreatefromwebp($this->source); imagealphablending($thumb, false); imagesavealpha($thumb, true); break; case IMAGETYPE_AVIF: $original = @imagecreatefromavif($this->source); imagealphablending($thumb, false); imagesavealpha($thumb, true); break; } if ($original === false) error( __("Error"), __("Failed to create image thumbnail.") ); if ($this->orientation > 1) { # Transform the original image to correct orientation: ##################################################### # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # # # # # # # XXXXXXX # XXXXXXX # XX # XX # # XX # XX # XX # XX # # XXXXX # XXXXX # XXXXX # XXXXX # # XX # XX # XX # XX # # XX # XX # XXXXXXX # XXXXXXX # # # # # # ##################################################### # 5 # 6 # 7 # 8 # # # # # # # XXXXXXXXXX # # # XXXXXXXXXX # # XX XX # XX # XX # XX XX # # XX XX # XX XX # XX XX # XX XX # # XX # XX XX # XX XX # XX # # # XXXXXXXXXX # XXXXXXXXXX # # # # # # # ##################################################### switch ($this->orientation) { case 2: imageflip($original, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); break; case 3: $original = imagerotate($original, 180, 0); break; case 4: imageflip($original, IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL); break; case 5: imageflip($original, IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL); $original = imagerotate($original, 270, 0); break; case 6: $original = imagerotate($original, 270, 0); break; case 7: imageflip($original, IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL); $original = imagerotate($original, 90, 0); break; case 8: $original = imagerotate($original, 90, 0); break; } if ($original === false) error( __("Error"), __("Failed to create image thumbnail.") ); } # Do the crop and resize. imagecopyresampled( $thumb, $original, 0, 0, $this->crop_x, $this->crop_y, $this->thumb_w, $this->thumb_h, $this->orig_w, $this->orig_h ); # Create the thumbnail file. switch ($this->type) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $result = imagegif( $thumb, $this->destination ); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $result = imagejpeg( $thumb, $this->destination, $this->quality ); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $result = imagepng( $thumb, $this->destination ); break; case IMAGETYPE_WEBP: $result = imagewebp( $thumb, $this->destination, $this->quality ); break; case IMAGETYPE_AVIF: $result = imageavif( $thumb, $this->destination, $this->quality ); break; } imagedestroy($thumb); imagedestroy($original); if ($result === false) error( __("Error"), __("Failed to create image thumbnail.") ); if (DEBUG) error_log("IMAGE created ".$this->destination); return true; } /** * Function: serve * Serves a thumbnail file with correct Content-Type header. */ public function serve( ): bool { if (!file_exists($this->destination)) return false; header("Content-Type: ".$this->mime_type()); readfile($this->destination); if (DEBUG) error_log("IMAGE served ".$this->destination); return true; } /** * Function: resize * Computes the final dimensions based on supplied parameters. */ private function resize( ): void { $scale_x = ($this->thumb_w > 0) ? $this->thumb_w / $this->orig_w : 0 ; $scale_y = ($this->thumb_h > 0) ? $this->thumb_h / $this->orig_h : 0 ; if ($this->square) { if ($this->thumb_w > $this->thumb_h) $this->thumb_h = $this->thumb_w; if ($this->thumb_h > $this->thumb_w) $this->thumb_w = $this->thumb_h; # Portrait orientation. if ($this->orig_w > $this->orig_h) { $this->crop_x = round( ($this->orig_w - $this->orig_h) / 2 ); $this->orig_w = $this->orig_h; } # Landscape orientation. if ($this->orig_h > $this->orig_w) { $this->crop_y = round( ($this->orig_h - $this->orig_w) / 2 ); $this->orig_h = $this->orig_w; } return; } if ($this->thumb_h == 0) { $this->thumb_h = round( ($this->thumb_w / $this->orig_w) * $this->orig_h ); return; } if ($this->thumb_w == 0) { $this->thumb_w = round( ($this->thumb_h / $this->orig_h) * $this->orig_w ); return; } # Recompute to retain aspect ratio and stay within bounds. if ($scale_x != $scale_y) { if ($this->orig_w * $scale_y <= $this->thumb_w) { $this->thumb_w = round($this->orig_w * $scale_y); return; } if ($this->orig_h * $scale_x <= $this->thumb_h) { $this->thumb_h = round($this->orig_h * $scale_x); return; } } } }