*/ abstract class AbstractTwigCallable implements TwigCallableInterface { protected $options; private $name; private $dynamicName; private $callable; private $arguments; public function __construct(string $name, $callable = null, array $options = []) { $this->name = $this->dynamicName = $name; $this->callable = $callable; $this->arguments = []; $this->options = array_merge([ 'needs_environment' => false, 'needs_context' => false, 'needs_charset' => false, 'is_variadic' => false, 'deprecation_info' => null, 'deprecated' => false, 'deprecating_package' => '', 'alternative' => null, ], $options); if ($this->options['deprecation_info'] && !$this->options['deprecation_info'] instanceof DeprecatedCallableInfo) { throw new \LogicException(\sprintf('The "deprecation_info" option must be an instance of "%s".', DeprecatedCallableInfo::class)); } if ($this->options['deprecated']) { if ($this->options['deprecation_info']) { throw new \LogicException('When setting the "deprecation_info" option, you need to remove the obsolete deprecated options.'); } trigger_deprecation('twig/twig', '3.15', 'Using the "deprecated", "deprecating_package", and "alternative" options is deprecated, pass a "deprecation_info" one instead.'); $this->options['deprecation_info'] = new DeprecatedCallableInfo( $this->options['deprecating_package'], $this->options['deprecated'], null, $this->options['alternative'], ); } if ($this->options['deprecation_info']) { $this->options['deprecation_info']->setName($name); $this->options['deprecation_info']->setType($this->getType()); } } public function __toString(): string { return \sprintf('%s(%s)', static::class, $this->name); } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getDynamicName(): string { return $this->dynamicName; } public function getCallable() { return $this->callable; } public function getNodeClass(): string { return $this->options['node_class']; } public function needsCharset(): bool { return $this->options['needs_charset']; } public function needsEnvironment(): bool { return $this->options['needs_environment']; } public function needsContext(): bool { return $this->options['needs_context']; } /** * @return static */ public function withDynamicArguments(string $name, string $dynamicName, array $arguments): self { $new = clone $this; $new->name = $name; $new->dynamicName = $dynamicName; $new->arguments = $arguments; return $new; } /** * @deprecated since Twig 3.12, use withDynamicArguments() instead */ public function setArguments(array $arguments): void { trigger_deprecation('twig/twig', '3.12', 'The "%s::setArguments()" method is deprecated, use "%s::withDynamicArguments()" instead.', static::class, static::class); $this->arguments = $arguments; } public function getArguments(): array { return $this->arguments; } public function isVariadic(): bool { return $this->options['is_variadic']; } public function isDeprecated(): bool { return (bool) $this->options['deprecation_info']; } public function triggerDeprecation(?string $file = null, ?int $line = null): void { $this->options['deprecation_info']->triggerDeprecation($file, $line); } /** * @deprecated since Twig 3.15 */ public function getDeprecatingPackage(): string { trigger_deprecation('twig/twig', '3.15', 'The "%s" method is deprecated, use "%s::triggerDeprecation()" instead.', __METHOD__, static::class); return $this->options['deprecating_package']; } /** * @deprecated since Twig 3.15 */ public function getDeprecatedVersion(): string { trigger_deprecation('twig/twig', '3.15', 'The "%s" method is deprecated, use "%s::triggerDeprecation()" instead.', __METHOD__, static::class); return \is_bool($this->options['deprecated']) ? '' : $this->options['deprecated']; } /** * @deprecated since Twig 3.15 */ public function getAlternative(): ?string { trigger_deprecation('twig/twig', '3.15', 'The "%s" method is deprecated, use "%s::triggerDeprecation()" instead.', __METHOD__, static::class); return $this->options['alternative']; } public function getMinimalNumberOfRequiredArguments(): int { return ($this->options['needs_charset'] ? 1 : 0) + ($this->options['needs_environment'] ? 1 : 0) + ($this->options['needs_context'] ? 1 : 0) + \count($this->arguments); } }