*/ final class ChainCache implements CacheInterface, RemovableCacheInterface { /** * @param iterable $caches The ordered list of caches used to store and fetch cached items */ public function __construct( private iterable $caches, ) { } public function generateKey(string $name, string $className): string { return $className.'#'.$name; } public function write(string $key, string $content): void { $splitKey = $this->splitKey($key); foreach ($this->caches as $cache) { $cache->write($cache->generateKey(...$splitKey), $content); } } public function load(string $key): void { [$name, $className] = $this->splitKey($key); foreach ($this->caches as $cache) { $cache->load($cache->generateKey($name, $className)); if (class_exists($className, false)) { break; } } } public function getTimestamp(string $key): int { $splitKey = $this->splitKey($key); foreach ($this->caches as $cache) { if (0 < $timestamp = $cache->getTimestamp($cache->generateKey(...$splitKey))) { return $timestamp; } } return 0; } public function remove(string $name, string $cls): void { foreach ($this->caches as $cache) { if ($cache instanceof RemovableCacheInterface) { $cache->remove($name, $cls); } } } /** * @return string[] */ private function splitKey(string $key): array { return array_reverse(explode('#', $key, 2)); } }