* * @internal */ final class ExtensionSet { private $extensions; private $initialized = false; private $runtimeInitialized = false; private $staging; private $parsers; private $visitors; /** @var array */ private $filters; /** @var array */ private $dynamicFilters; /** @var array */ private $tests; /** @var array */ private $dynamicTests; /** @var array */ private $functions; /** @var array */ private $dynamicFunctions; /** @var array}> */ private $unaryOperators; /** @var array, associativity: ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_*}> */ private $binaryOperators; /** @var array|null */ private $globals; private $functionCallbacks = []; private $filterCallbacks = []; private $parserCallbacks = []; private $lastModified = 0; public function __construct() { $this->staging = new StagingExtension(); } public function initRuntime() { $this->runtimeInitialized = true; } public function hasExtension(string $class): bool { return isset($this->extensions[ltrim($class, '\\')]); } public function getExtension(string $class): ExtensionInterface { $class = ltrim($class, '\\'); if (!isset($this->extensions[$class])) { throw new RuntimeError(\sprintf('The "%s" extension is not enabled.', $class)); } return $this->extensions[$class]; } /** * @param ExtensionInterface[] $extensions */ public function setExtensions(array $extensions): void { foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $this->addExtension($extension); } } /** * @return ExtensionInterface[] */ public function getExtensions(): array { return $this->extensions; } public function getSignature(): string { return json_encode(array_keys($this->extensions)); } public function isInitialized(): bool { return $this->initialized || $this->runtimeInitialized; } public function getLastModified(): int { if (0 !== $this->lastModified) { return $this->lastModified; } foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) { $r = new \ReflectionObject($extension); if (is_file($r->getFileName()) && ($extensionTime = filemtime($r->getFileName())) > $this->lastModified) { $this->lastModified = $extensionTime; } } return $this->lastModified; } public function addExtension(ExtensionInterface $extension): void { $class = \get_class($extension); if ($this->initialized) { throw new \LogicException(\sprintf('Unable to register extension "%s" as extensions have already been initialized.', $class)); } if (isset($this->extensions[$class])) { throw new \LogicException(\sprintf('Unable to register extension "%s" as it is already registered.', $class)); } $this->extensions[$class] = $extension; } public function addFunction(TwigFunction $function): void { if ($this->initialized) { throw new \LogicException(\sprintf('Unable to add function "%s" as extensions have already been initialized.', $function->getName())); } $this->staging->addFunction($function); } /** * @return TwigFunction[] */ public function getFunctions(): array { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } return $this->functions; } public function getFunction(string $name): ?TwigFunction { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } if (isset($this->functions[$name])) { return $this->functions[$name]; } foreach ($this->dynamicFunctions as $pattern => $function) { if (preg_match($pattern, $name, $matches)) { array_shift($matches); return $function->withDynamicArguments($name, $function->getName(), $matches); } } foreach ($this->functionCallbacks as $callback) { if (false !== $function = $callback($name)) { return $function; } } return null; } public function registerUndefinedFunctionCallback(callable $callable): void { $this->functionCallbacks[] = $callable; } public function addFilter(TwigFilter $filter): void { if ($this->initialized) { throw new \LogicException(\sprintf('Unable to add filter "%s" as extensions have already been initialized.', $filter->getName())); } $this->staging->addFilter($filter); } /** * @return TwigFilter[] */ public function getFilters(): array { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } return $this->filters; } public function getFilter(string $name): ?TwigFilter { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } if (isset($this->filters[$name])) { return $this->filters[$name]; } foreach ($this->dynamicFilters as $pattern => $filter) { if (preg_match($pattern, $name, $matches)) { array_shift($matches); return $filter->withDynamicArguments($name, $filter->getName(), $matches); } } foreach ($this->filterCallbacks as $callback) { if (false !== $filter = $callback($name)) { return $filter; } } return null; } public function registerUndefinedFilterCallback(callable $callable): void { $this->filterCallbacks[] = $callable; } public function addNodeVisitor(NodeVisitorInterface $visitor): void { if ($this->initialized) { throw new \LogicException('Unable to add a node visitor as extensions have already been initialized.'); } $this->staging->addNodeVisitor($visitor); } /** * @return NodeVisitorInterface[] */ public function getNodeVisitors(): array { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } return $this->visitors; } public function addTokenParser(TokenParserInterface $parser): void { if ($this->initialized) { throw new \LogicException('Unable to add a token parser as extensions have already been initialized.'); } $this->staging->addTokenParser($parser); } /** * @return TokenParserInterface[] */ public function getTokenParsers(): array { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } return $this->parsers; } public function getTokenParser(string $name): ?TokenParserInterface { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } if (isset($this->parsers[$name])) { return $this->parsers[$name]; } foreach ($this->parserCallbacks as $callback) { if (false !== $parser = $callback($name)) { return $parser; } } return null; } public function registerUndefinedTokenParserCallback(callable $callable): void { $this->parserCallbacks[] = $callable; } /** * @return array */ public function getGlobals(): array { if (null !== $this->globals) { return $this->globals; } $globals = []; foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) { if (!$extension instanceof GlobalsInterface) { continue; } $globals = array_merge($globals, $extension->getGlobals()); } if ($this->initialized) { $this->globals = $globals; } return $globals; } public function resetGlobals(): void { $this->globals = null; } public function addTest(TwigTest $test): void { if ($this->initialized) { throw new \LogicException(\sprintf('Unable to add test "%s" as extensions have already been initialized.', $test->getName())); } $this->staging->addTest($test); } /** * @return TwigTest[] */ public function getTests(): array { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } return $this->tests; } public function getTest(string $name): ?TwigTest { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } if (isset($this->tests[$name])) { return $this->tests[$name]; } foreach ($this->dynamicTests as $pattern => $test) { if (preg_match($pattern, $name, $matches)) { array_shift($matches); return $test->withDynamicArguments($name, $test->getName(), $matches); } } return null; } /** * @return array}> */ public function getUnaryOperators(): array { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } return $this->unaryOperators; } /** * @return array, associativity: ExpressionParser::OPERATOR_*}> */ public function getBinaryOperators(): array { if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initExtensions(); } return $this->binaryOperators; } private function initExtensions(): void { $this->parsers = []; $this->filters = []; $this->functions = []; $this->tests = []; $this->dynamicFilters = []; $this->dynamicFunctions = []; $this->dynamicTests = []; $this->visitors = []; $this->unaryOperators = []; $this->binaryOperators = []; foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) { $this->initExtension($extension); } $this->initExtension($this->staging); // Done at the end only, so that an exception during initialization does not mark the environment as initialized when catching the exception $this->initialized = true; } private function initExtension(ExtensionInterface $extension): void { // filters foreach ($extension->getFilters() as $filter) { $this->filters[$name = $filter->getName()] = $filter; if (str_contains($name, '*')) { $this->dynamicFilters['#^'.str_replace('\\*', '(.*?)', preg_quote($name, '#')).'$#'] = $filter; } } // functions foreach ($extension->getFunctions() as $function) { $this->functions[$name = $function->getName()] = $function; if (str_contains($name, '*')) { $this->dynamicFunctions['#^'.str_replace('\\*', '(.*?)', preg_quote($name, '#')).'$#'] = $function; } } // tests foreach ($extension->getTests() as $test) { $this->tests[$name = $test->getName()] = $test; if (str_contains($name, '*')) { $this->dynamicTests['#^'.str_replace('\\*', '(.*?)', preg_quote($name, '#')).'$#'] = $test; } } // token parsers foreach ($extension->getTokenParsers() as $parser) { if (!$parser instanceof TokenParserInterface) { throw new \LogicException('getTokenParsers() must return an array of \Twig\TokenParser\TokenParserInterface.'); } $this->parsers[$parser->getTag()] = $parser; } // node visitors foreach ($extension->getNodeVisitors() as $visitor) { $this->visitors[] = $visitor; } // operators if ($operators = $extension->getOperators()) { if (!\is_array($operators)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('"%s::getOperators()" must return an array with operators, got "%s".', \get_class($extension), get_debug_type($operators).(\is_resource($operators) ? '' : '#'.$operators))); } if (2 !== \count($operators)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('"%s::getOperators()" must return an array of 2 elements, got %d.', \get_class($extension), \count($operators))); } $this->unaryOperators = array_merge($this->unaryOperators, $operators[0]); $this->binaryOperators = array_merge($this->binaryOperators, $operators[1]); } } }