* * @see https://twig.symfony.com/doc/templates.html#functions */ final class TwigFunction extends AbstractTwigCallable { /** * @param callable|array{class-string, string}|null $callable A callable implementing the function. If null, you need to overwrite the "node_class" option to customize compilation. */ public function __construct(string $name, $callable = null, array $options = []) { parent::__construct($name, $callable, $options); $this->options = array_merge([ 'is_safe' => null, 'is_safe_callback' => null, 'node_class' => FunctionExpression::class, 'parser_callable' => null, ], $this->options); } public function getType(): string { return 'function'; } public function getParserCallable(): ?callable { return $this->options['parser_callable']; } public function getSafe(Node $functionArgs): ?array { if (null !== $this->options['is_safe']) { return $this->options['is_safe']; } if (null !== $this->options['is_safe_callback']) { return $this->options['is_safe_callback']($functionArgs); } return []; } }