*/ class Page extends Model { const STATUS_LISTED = "listed"; const STATUS_PUBLIC = "public"; const STATUS_TEASED = "teased"; const STATUS_PRIVATE = "private"; public $belongs_to = array( "user", "parent" => array("model" => "page") ); public $has_many = array( "children" => array("model" => "page", "by" => "parent") ); /** * Function: __construct * * See Also: * */ public function __construct( $page_id, $options = array() ) { if (!isset($page_id) and empty($options)) return; parent::grab($this, $page_id, $options); if ($this->no_results) return; $this->slug = $this->url; $this->filtered = (!isset($options["filter"]) or $options["filter"]); if ($this->public) { $this->status = ($this->show_in_list) ? self::STATUS_LISTED : self::STATUS_PUBLIC ; } else { $this->status = ($this->show_in_list) ? self::STATUS_TEASED : self::STATUS_PRIVATE ; } Trigger::current()->filter($this, "page"); if ($this->filtered) $this->filter(); } /** * Function: find * * See Also: * */ public static function find( $options = array(), $options_for_object = array() ): array { return parent::search( self::class, $options, $options_for_object ); } /** * Function: add * Adds a page to the database. * * Parameters: * $title - The Title for the new page. * $body - The Body for the new page. * $user - The or of the page's author. * $parent_id - The ID of the new page's parent page (0 for none). * $public - Whether the page can be viewed without permission. * $show_in_list - Whether or not to show it in the pages list. * $list_order - The order of the page in the list. * $clean - The slug for this page. * $url - The unique URL (created from $clean by default). * $created_at - The new page's "created" timestamp. * $updated_at - The new page's "last updated" timestamp. * * Returns: * The newly created . * * Notes: * The caller is responsible for validating all supplied values. * * See Also: * */ public static function add( $title, $body, $user = null, $parent_id = 0, $public = true, $show_in_list = true, $list_order = 0, $clean = "", $url = "", $created_at = null, $updated_at = null ): self { $user_id = ($user instanceof User) ? $user->id : $user ; fallback($user_id, Visitor::current()->id); fallback($parent_id, 0); fallback($public, true); fallback($show_in_list, true); fallback($list_order, 0); fallback($clean, slug(8)); fallback($url, self::check_url($clean)); fallback($created_at, datetime()); fallback($updated_at, SQL_DATETIME_ZERO); # Model->updated will check this. $sql = SQL::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $clean = sanitize_db_string($clean, 128); $url = sanitize_db_string($url, 128); $new_values = array( "title" => $title, "body" => $body, "user_id" => $user_id, "parent_id" => $parent_id, "public" => $public, "show_in_list" => $show_in_list, "list_order" => $list_order, "clean" => $clean, "url" => $url, "created_at" => $created_at, "updated_at" => $updated_at ); $trigger->filter($new_values, "before_add_page"); $sql->insert(table:"pages", data:$new_values); $page = new self($sql->latest("pages")); $trigger->call("add_page", $page); return $page; } /** * Function: update * Updates the page. * * Parameters: * $title - The new Title. * $body - The new Body. * $user - The or of the page's author. * $parent_id - The new parent ID. * $public - Whether the page can be viewed without permission. * $show_in_list - Whether or not to show it in the pages list. * $clean - A new slug for the page. * $url - A new unique URL for the page (created from $clean by default). * $created_at - The page's "created" timestamp. * $updated_at - The page's "last updated" timestamp. * * Returns: * The updated . * * Notes: * The caller is responsible for validating all supplied values. */ public function update( $title = null, $body = null, $user = null, $parent_id = null, $public = null, $show_in_list = null, $list_order = null, $clean = null, $url = null, $created_at = null, $updated_at = null ): self|false { if ($this->no_results) return false; $user_id = ($user instanceof User) ? $user->id : $user ; fallback( $title, ($this->filtered) ? $this->title_unfiltered : $this->title ); fallback( $body, ($this->filtered) ? $this->body_unfiltered : $this->body ); fallback($user_id, $this->user_id); fallback($parent_id, $this->parent_id); fallback($public, $this->public); fallback($show_in_list, $this->show_in_list); fallback($list_order, $this->list_order); fallback($clean, $this->clean); fallback( $url, ($clean != $this->clean) ? self::check_url($clean) : $this->url ); fallback($created_at, $this->created_at); fallback($updated_at, datetime()); $sql = SQL::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $clean = sanitize_db_string($clean, 128); $url = sanitize_db_string($url, 128); $new_values = array( "title" => $title, "body" => $body, "user_id" => $user_id, "parent_id" => $parent_id, "public" => $public, "show_in_list" => $show_in_list, "list_order" => $list_order, "clean" => $clean, "url" => $url, "created_at" => $created_at, "updated_at" => $updated_at ); $trigger->filter($new_values, "before_update_page"); $sql->update( table:"pages", conds:array("id" => $this->id), data:$new_values ); $page = new self( null, array( "read_from" => array_merge( $new_values, array("id" => $this->id) ) ) ); $trigger->call("update_page", $page, $this); return $page; } /** * Function: delete * Deletes the given page. * * Parameters: * $page_id - The ID of the page to delete. * $recursive - Should the page's children be deleted? (default: false) * * See Also: * */ public static function delete( $page_id, $recursive = false ): void { if ($recursive) { $page = new self($page_id); foreach ($page->children as $child) self::delete($child->id); } parent::destroy(self::class, $page_id); } /** * Function: exists * Checks if a page exists. * * Parameters: * $page_id - The page ID to check */ public static function exists( $page_id ): bool { return SQL::current()->count( tables:"pages", conds:array("id" => $page_id) ) == 1; } /** * Function: check_url * Checks if a given URL value is already being used as another page's URL. * * Parameters: * $url - The URL to check. * * Returns: * The unique version of $url. * If unused, it's the same as $url. If used, a number is appended to it. */ public static function check_url( $url ): string { if (empty($url)) return $url; $count = 1; $unique = substr($url, 0, 128); while ( SQL::current()->count( tables:"pages", conds:array("url" => $unique) ) ) { $count++; $unique = mb_strcut( $url, 0, (127 - strlen($count)), "UTF-8" ). "-". $count; } return $unique; } /** * Function: filter * Filters the page attributes through filter_page and markup filters. */ private function filter( ): void { $trigger = Trigger::current(); $trigger->filter($this, "filter_page"); $this->title_unfiltered = $this->title; $this->body_unfiltered = $this->body; $trigger->filter($this->title, array("markup_page_title", "markup_title"), $this); $trigger->filter($this->body, array("markup_page_text", "markup_text"), $this); } /** * Function: from_url * Attempts to grab a page from its clean or dirty URL. * * Parameters: * $request - The request URI to parse. * $route - The route to respond to, or null to return a Page. */ public static function from_url( $request, $route = null ): self|array|false { # Dirty URL? if (preg_match("/(\?|&)url=([^&#]+)/", $request, $slug)) { $page = new self(array("url" => $slug[2])); return isset($route) ? $route->try["page"] = array($page) : $page ; } $hierarchy = explode( "/", trim(str_replace(Config::current()->url, "/", $request), "/") ); $pages = self::find( array("where" => array("url" => $hierarchy)) ); # One of the URLs in the page hierarchy is invalid. if (!(count($pages) == count($hierarchy))) return false; # Loop over the pages until we find the one we want. foreach ($pages as $page) { if ($page->url == end($hierarchy)) return isset($route) ? $route->try["page"] = array($page) : $page ; } } /** * Function: url * Returns a page's URL. */ public function url( ): string|false { if ($this->no_results) return false; $config = Config::current(); if (!$config->clean_urls) return fix( $config->url."/?action=page&url=".urlencode($this->url), true ); $url = array("", urlencode($this->url)); $page = $this; while (isset($page->parent_id) and $page->parent_id > 0) { $url[] = urlencode($page->parent->url); $page = $page->parent; } return fix( $config->url."/".implode("/", array_reverse($url)), true ); } /** * Function: author * Returns a page's author. Example: $page->author->name */ public function author( ): object|false { if ($this->no_results) return false; $author = (!$this->user->no_results) ? array( "id" => $this->user->id, "name" => oneof( $this->user->full_name, $this->user->login ), "website" => $this->user->website, "email" => $this->user->email, "joined" => $this->user->joined_at ) : array( "id" => 0, "name" => __("[Guest]"), "website" => "", "email" => "", "joined" => $this->created_at ) ; return (object) $author; } }